Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 5:46 a.m. No.20799042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 Apr, 2024 11:38


Russia defends traditional values which West has abolished – Dugin to Carlson


The Western world has abandoned classical liberalism in favor of a new version defined by the rule of minorities and woke-ism, the Russian philosopher explained


The ever-growing anti-Russia sentiment in the West stems from the fact that Russia adheres to traditional values that Western “progressives” are trying to destroy, philosopher and political commentator Aleksandr Dugin said in an interview with journalist Tucker Carlson that was posted on the latter’s YouTube channel on Monday.


During the interview, Dugin laid out his view of the contemporary Western world and what he sees as the historical origins of its current ideology. He explained that the West has moved from “classical liberalism” – which professed individual freedom and democracy as understood as the rule of the majority – to a “new liberalism” defined by the rule of minorities and woke-ism. Rather than emphasizing freedom of the individual, the new incarnation of liberalism prescribes adherence tocertain progressive values that are completely at odds with traditional values and in fact seeks to abolish them.


Carlson asked Duginwhy many Westerners, even those who previously supported the Soviet Union,turned against Russia when President Vladimir Putin came to powerin the early 2000s and started professing Russophobic ideas. The philosopher said that “Putin is a traditional leader” who defends traditional values, which run counter to those currently in vogue in the West.


“When [Putin] came to power, from the very beginning,he started to extract Russia from global influence. He started to contradict the global progressive agenda… tried with success torestore traditional values – sovereignty of the state, Christianity, traditional family,” he said, explaining that Western progressives saw these developments as being in opposition to their values.


This hatred is not something casual… it’s metaphysical. If your main task and main goal is to destroy traditional values – traditional family, traditional state, traditional relations, traditional beliefs – and someone with a nuclear weapon… stands strong defending traditional values you are going to abolish –they have some basis for this Russophobia and hatred for Putin.


In 2022, Dugin’s daughter Darya was killed in a car bombing in Moscow, which the Russian authorities claim was orchestrated by Ukrainian agents, a version also expressed by the US government. Darya, a journalist and political activist in her own right, was a vocal supporter of Russia’s military operation against Kiev.


Russophobic sentiment has been growing exponentially in light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the outbreak of which in 2022 the West has blamed squarely on Russia. NATO has branded Russia the “most significant and direct threat” to its members’ peace and security, and many Western leaders have claimed that Moscow would attack Europe if it secures victory in Ukraine.


Russia has repeatedly said it has no such plans, with Putin last month dismissing such claims as “nonsense.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov last week called such ideas “horror stories” made up to divert attention from domestic problems in the West.


(In other words Evil took over the West. Since Trump believes in traditional values is that another reason why the West started Russiagate? The goal was to keep Trump and Putin for re-establishing a working relationship and plan? The US is bound by these same metaphysical evil designs.)

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 5:53 a.m. No.20799060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 Apr, 2024 10:34

British sanctions failing to harm Russia – UK MP

The Russian economy is growing faster than those of Western countries, the chair of the Treasury Select Committee has admitted


A senior British MP and chair of the Treasury Select Committee has admitted that sanctions on Russia are not working, as the country’s economy is growing faster than many of those in the West.


Harriet Baldwin told the Financial Times on Monday that sanctions had failed to weaken Russia as Moscow had found ways to work around them.


“There’s a general consensus that sanctions are not working in terms of their stated intent – causing real trouble for the Russian economy,”she said.


The MP referred to the latest forecast issued earlier this month by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It predicted that Russia’s economy would grow by 3.2% this year – more than the US, the UK, Germany and France.


Baldwin chairs the Treasury committee tasked with investigating whether the UK’s program of economic sanctions has succeeded in reducing Moscow’s export revenues. It launched an inquiry into the matter in February, and MPs are expected to hold oral evidence sessions on Tuesday.


The committee has already received written evidence which, according to the FT,=indicates that “a more robust approach” is needed towards sanctions evasion. The inquiry is due to report on its findings in July. (Doubling down on stupid.)


Britain, along with the US and the European Union, launched an unprecedented sanctions campaign against Russia in 2022 after the start of Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine. The Western nations targeted Russia’s financial and industrial sectors, banning or restricting trade in raw materials and energy resources that provide the bulk of Russia’s export revenues. Baldwin pointed out that some of the restrictions are more than two years old.


“The longer sanctions are in place, the more ways people find to get around them, and it’s pretty obvious that patterns of trade are changing to allow exactly that,” she said.


London banned imports of Russian oil products in December 2022. However, a loophole in the legislation has allowed the UK to continue buying Russian oil. The Guardian reported last week that Britain’s imports of refined oil from India, China and Turkey – which Moscow supplies with crude – have increased dramatically over the past two years. Russian oil refined in another country is no longer considered to have originated in Russia, allowing it to avoid the trade ban, the newspaper explained.


Moscow has repeatedly said that it has adapted to Western sanctions on its critical industries and has become more self-sufficient. High oil prices have allowed Russia to maintain robust oil export revenues.

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.20799501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange Case Moves Forward as CIA Covers Its Tracks

April 18, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone on moves by U.S. authorities to shield the system from political fallout over the Assange case.

So they’re really doing it. The Biden administration is really ignoring Australia’s request to end the case against Julian Assange, and they’re proceeding with their campaign to extradite a journalist for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes.


In order to move the extradition case forward, per a British High Court ruling, U.S. prosecutors needed to provide “assurances” that the U.S. would not seek the death penalty and would not deprive Assange of his human right to free speech because of his nationality.


The U.S. provided the assurance against the death penalty (which they’d previously opposed doing), and for the free speech assurance they said only that Assange will be able to “raise and seek to rely upon”U.S. First Amendment rights, adding, “A decision as to the applicability of the First Amendment is exclusively within the purview of the U.S. Courts.”


Which is basically just saying “I mean, you’re welcome to TRY to have free speech protections?”


At the same time, C.I.A. Director William Burns has filed a state secrets privilege demand to withhold information in a lawsuit against the agency by four American journalists and attorneys who were spied on during their visits to Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.


State secrets privilege is a U.S. evidentiary rule designed to prevent courts from revealing state secrets during civil litigation; the C.I.A. began invoking it with the Assange lawsuit earlier this year.


Burns argues:


“I am asserting the state secrets and statutory privileges in this case as I have determined that either admitting or denying that CIA has information implicated by the remaining allegations in the Amended Complaint reasonably could be expected to cause serious ? —? and in some cases, exceptionally grave ? —?damage to the national security of the United States. After deliberation and personal consideration, I have determined that the complete factual basis for my privilege assertions cannot be set forth on the public record without confirming or denying whether C.I.A. has information relating to this matter and therefore risking the very harm to U.S. national security that I seek to protect.”


Which is obviously a load of horse shit. As Assange himself tweeted in 2017, “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security.”


Burns isn’t worried about damaging “the national security of the United States,” he’s worried about the potential political fallout from information about the C.I.A. spying on American lawyers and journalists while visiting a journalist who was being actively targeted by the legal arm of the U.S. government.


Political security is also why the U.S. is working to punish Julian Assange for publishing inconvenient facts about U.S. war crimes. The Pentagon already acknowledged years ago that the Chelsea Manning leaks for which Assange is being prosecuted didn’t get anyone killed and had no strategic impact on U.S. war efforts, so plainly this isn’t about national security. It’s just politically damaging for the criminality of the U.S. government to be made public for all to see.


They’re just squeezing and squeezing this man as hard as they can for as long as they can get away with tokeep him silent and make an example of him to show what happens when journalists reveal unauthorized information about the empire.


Just like Gaza, the persecution of Julian Assange makes a lie of everything the U.S. and its Western allies claim to stand for, and reveals the cruel face of tyranny beneath the mask of liberal democracy.

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 7:52 a.m. No.20799535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9538 >>9540

Haven’t heard a peep for a month+ out of Fani Willis except her warning she’s still is going to prosecute Trump on RICO.


What is Fani Willis up to, its nefarious we can be sure of that?


Julie Kelly will you please check in on Fani for us and Pres. Trump?

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:02 a.m. No.20799578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9589 >>9592

BREAKING: Trump found in contempt of court for 9 gag order violations, threatened with incarceration by judge

The prosecution alleged that Trump was in violation of the imposed gag order after he made social media posts.

President Donald Trump was found in contempt of court on Tuesday morning after Judge Juan Merchan determined that he was in violation of the imposed gag order. Those alleged violations were in the form of social media posts.


Trump is prohibited, under Merchan's order, of "making or directing others to make public statements about known or reasonably foreseeable witnesses concerning their potential participation in the investigation or in this criminal proceeding," and from making "public statements about any prospective juror or any juror."


CNN's Kaitlan Collins reported that "The judge has found Donald Trump in contempt for nine violations of the gag order, fining him $1,000 each. There’s another hearing on four more allegations of violations this Thursday."


Trump was charged $9,000 for violations of that gag order. The order reads that the defendant, Trump, "is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarcertatory punishment, and is hereby ORDERED, that the Defendant pay $1,000 fine for each of the nine violations of this Court's lawful order by the close of business on Friday, May 3, 2024."


Trump has said that the gag order is "unconstitutional."


Posts that the prosecution wants removed include reposts of articles and a comment by Trump denying that he ever had a relationship with Stormy Daniels, who is at the center of this case. Daniels has also denied involvement with Trump.


Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg alleged that in 2016, Trump's then-attorney Michael Cohen paid Daniels to not speak about allegations that she and Trump had an affair years prior. These payments, Bragg said, constituted election interference. Some of the posts prosecutors asked to be removed, for which Trump was fined, were duplicates, reposts of posts he'd already made.


The case against Trump has entered its second week in New York. The first week saw witness testimony from former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, along with associates of Trump who worked with him at the Trump organization. Trump was alsofined for alleged gag order violations in a civil trial brought against him by New York AG Letitia James.

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20799624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9627 >>9647 >>9662 >>9672 >>9741


Bukele gathers entire executive branch for a big announcement: Surprise! You’re all being investigated for bribery…

April 30, 2024 (11 hours ago)


El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele is really stirring the pot by initiating a bribery investigation into his entire executive cabinet. He dropped this bombshell during a meeting with all executive branch officials, and the moment was even filmed for posterity. This audacious step is a continuation of his campaign to eradicate corruption and “Make El Salvador Great Again.” Fresh off a landslide reelection victory in February, Bukele is riding high with an approval rating north of 80%, largely due to his success in tackling the country’s gang violence.

Bukele earns hefty praise for his unwavering commitment to transparency, declaring that he’s setting an example other leaders should emulate. Someone might want to pass this article along to Joe Biden.

However, there’s always a chorus of critics, primarily from the left, who love to stir up trouble. They claim Bukele’s move isn’t a genuine effort to clean house but rather a PR stunt designed for the cameras.

Well, liberals, judging by the expressions on these elites’ faces, this seems to be more than just a “stunt.” It looks like the beginning of something quite substantial. Time will tell.

Citizen Free Press


Remarkable video from El Salvador.

Nayib Bukele gathers every single official in the executive branch of his government and then announces a surprise

He asks the Attorney General to investigate all of them for bribery.


This move by Bukele shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, he’s been vocal about tackling “white collar” crime for about a year now.

Yahoo News:

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele on Thursday pledged to build a prison to hold white-collar criminals as part of a crackdown on corruptionthat he likened to his fight against criminal gangs.

“Just as we fought the gangs head on with the full force of the state, we will launch a full-on war against corruption,” he said during a national address to mark his fifth year of being in office. “Just as we built a prison for the terrorists, we will build one for the corrupt.”

Bukele launched a brutal campaign on the country’s violent gangs over a year ago, suspending constitutional rights in a so-called state of exception. The policy has won broad popular support but human rights groups say innocent people have been caught up in the crackdown.

The government in February moved thousands of suspected gang members to a newly opened “mega prison”.

“We will fight white-collar criminals wherever they come from,” Bukele added, “but we will only use legal means.”

Bukele also used his speech to announce bills to slim down the country’s political system by cutting the number of deputies in the country’s unicameral Congress to 60 from 84, and turn the small Central American country’s 262 municipalities into 44 districts.

These bills will need to be voted through Congress, he said.

Later in the speech, Bukele said former President Alfredo Cristiani’s property was being raided.

A court ordered Cristiani’s provisional arrest over a year ago for alleged involvement in covering up the murder of six Jesuit priests and two of their staff during the country’s civil war in the 1980s.

The address ended to shouts of “re-election” from the gathering in the Congress.

Meanwhile, our officials, like Bill Barr, glance at something for five minutes and then declare, “Everything’s fine; nothing to see here.” It’s absurd. Just imagine if we adopted Bukele’s approach in the United States—98 percent of the people might end up behind bars, and frankly, that’s a good thing. We wish Bukele much luck and success in rooting out these corrupt elites. After all, this is where the real corruption starts and spreads out.

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.20799647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OMG you’ve got to watch this, the best video I’ve seenthat a leader telling all of them I cannot be surrounded by corruption or stealing, so the Attorney General is going to investigate the past and future of the Executive branch, they don’t get at first and then they do

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:29 a.m. No.20799680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So are they both working together or is milei working with NWO. He certainly was jubilant and excited to meet Trump. He was like a little kid.


Regardless both of them are trying to make their countries Great Again.


What was that flight for?

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.20799701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah the really didn’t like it when they finally understand. That old lady hanging over the desk trying to understand was funny.


When he I don’t want to die, and you don’t want to die.


It’s packed full of threats

Anonymous ID: 179a06 April 30, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20799741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The funny thing he talks in such a happy and joyful tone, putting them all on notice. Most were listening intently and only one or two looked pretty pissed off. The Generals looked happy until he said the punchline!


I’m sure he has a lot of protection around him, after all it’s a SA country.


Has he ever met Trump?