Anonymous ID: 32dbd2 July 8, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2088212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8349

The Cheshire Cat grin always has bothered me, as if it was modeled after something far more sinister…


Something wicked this way comes?


You probably know about the "censored" portion on Google Sky, if not take a look at it here: (Turn on IR & Constellations, look at the feet of Virgo)


Now go to NA$A's (cough) SkyView Virtual Telescope and follow these instructions:


Coordinates = 13 50 44, -8 13 59.7

Select ALL in "IR: IRAS" (shift select or ctrl + a). Also choose the 0408MHz in "Radio: MHz"

Image Size: default is 300, adjust to 600 if you want higher res images


Scroll through these and you will notice various forms of poor censorship applied to them. Except for one in particular, the "IRAS 100 micron: IRAS Sky Survey Atlas: 100 micron" view.


Download the FITS data and you will find this was taken from the IRAS telescope in the early 80s.


Look familiar? Find images for "Cheshire Cat Smile"


Remember Reagan's "Star Wars" initiative in the 80s?


Know of the "LUCIFER" and vatican ties to the telescopes on Mt. Graham, AZ ?


Notice how many of the judgements from God in Revelation are CELESTIAL in nature?


Think it's just a coincidence?