Anonymous ID: d6cfbe July 8, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.2087486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wow great find OP! I always wondered why Q said the book would be important later or something like that. This further explains the countless "you are watching a movie", "enjoy the show", and " good movies have good actors" lines


At first I thought it was cool they modeled the storm off of Alice in Wonderland, but I just realized why. All compelling stories, be they movies/plays/books/myths, follow the same formula for the most part. They all chronicle a hero's journey through a series of archetypal events first characterized by Joseph Cambell. Almost all successful movies follow this formula, and very few scripts are accepted if they don't. Some even expect script writers to limit each archetypal event to a certain page range. They modeled the storm off a movie that follows this format well, because it is tried and true at eliciting a reaction from the audience, and because it is well known along with phrases like "down the rabbit hole" that transfer well.


I'm about to watch the 2010 version of Alice and Wonderland, might not line up exactly but I've never read or seen it so I have to now.

Anonymous ID: d6cfbe July 9, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.2092124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5546


I think we are only looking at half the picture. I think we need to be looking at "Through the Looking Glass" as well, the sequel to "Alice in Wonderland". Q only mentioned "Through the Looking Glass" once, on 10/29/17, but the whole book is an analogy to chess. Q has made many references to chess and some of his posts have even been in the shape of chess pieces.