Anonymous ID: eecdb9 July 9, 2018, 7:13 a.m. No.2091646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

my take on "Alice & Wonderland"


Alice = Alice: Looking Glass Tech

Wonderland = S4 facility at Area-51


When referring to Alice /&/ Wonderland, this is a signal that info has been cross-referenced and gamed, and the resulting day's events have been accurately "predicted."



5 days of accurately forecasted events

: Present Day

5 days of future intel received and processed


Future Proves Past - literally going into the future timeline(s) collecting intel, bringing it back to this timeline, quantify and analyze, implement strategy to steer /current/ timeline towards most optimal for realizing "The Plan."


Wonderland might also have refer to Area-51, where the off-planet human trafficking network physically transports humans off-planet.


So by stating Alice, Q could be signalling Cabaltards that predictive-tech is in use, hopefully discouraging FFs. By stating Wonderland, Q could be signalling Cabaltards there "dock" for transporting human cargo is no longer working.


To have Alice /&/ Wonderland is a very clear signal to the Cabal their source of power and their location for exfiltration is comped.