Anonymous ID: d811a3 May 1, 2024, 4:01 a.m. No.20803430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3435 >>3437 >>3440 >>3443 >>3445 >>3451 >>3474 >>3501

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This is, I believe, what Trump has been pointing to the entire time. It fits everything. Someone please notable this so that we can reignite the fire in some of the anons.


Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice, was also a mathemetician, and specifically logic puzzles. Now I am of the opinion that the book contains a code telling us how to communicate with this other world. It also give us the paradox arguments that will 'awaken' the king. The book exists here but it needs to be communicated there to start the loop and overload the system. I believe the code exists on the king/messenger page and the poems, and possibly in the shining and the Ready Player One movie. I'll expand on that later, and maybe we can get some assistance.


Now the important part. The reason I believe this can't be disclosed outright is that there is a monitor and a serious fail-safe (a RULE or CONSTRAINT) that must be maneuvered around. Though I don't know what it is exactly. Q says Evidence has to be INTRODUCED legally. What if the introduction is to the other world, and these rules cannot be broken or we will have cheated AND upset the balance. (They cheated, we can't)


14 +14 =28. 2 halves. Osiris, that's why he was split into 14 pieces, because he is only 1 half of the whole. 28 days X 13 months = 364 days (unbirthdays) and 1 (birthday) "That's GLORY for you" Humpty held the book upside down because Alice was from the Base 10 (simulation). He still couldn't make sense of it because it was 365 -1 = 364 but as I will show below. The 1 is missing.


33 (freemason symbol) is 34 minus 1 (The One)

Q = 17 is half of 34. It's also Half Way "whoa we're half way the-e-e-re whoa [livin' on a prayer]".


DJT is 4, 10, 20 4+10+20=34, but since he's missing the 1, it's 33.


Through The Looking Glass

"The number shall be Four Thousand Two Hundred And Seven" He SPELLS the number out for us. Which reverse means he spells the letters.

Earlier, when Alice tried to do her times tables she remarked she would never get to 20. It's because it's impossible. She wasn't counting on Base 10 math, it was Base 18.

Base 18

6 + 6 + 6 = 18 (more on 666 later)

(4207, that's the exact number)

42/7 = 6, but its opposite so it's not exact.

Later it's referenced the messengers have 'Anglo-Saxon' attitudes. If you look at Anglo Saxon art they're uniquely drawn flat… Like paper.

If we take each of the 6's as a dimension, then we have .66 (not exact, its a decimal) for 2D. Missing the other .33 or 33. It's a ratio of 2:1.

[Much more on the messenger comms at the end of this]


Which means Base 10 is (On/Off) opposites


In ready player one IOI (eye - oh - eye) is because the movie is created in that world, but it's actually 101 or Binary (base 10) that it represents.


Mad hatter is a 'fraction of himself' (meaning his whole is 10/6 is which is 1.666, but he isn't all there. In math the leftover or remainder is called the children. THE CHILDREN ARE MISSING. (Lost Boys, Peter Pan). Mad Hatter is missing the 1 (the beginning) "in the beginning there was light". So he had darkness and because he's just a 'child' it means he's .666 and it repeats with no end.


This is also the ratio of the Ark of the covenant.

"2.5 cubits X 1.5 cubits" The ark, the boat of heaven (creation) should be whole but we are missing the .666 we have the rational, we are missing the irrational. Trump has a 'replica' of the Ark at Mar-a-Lago.


17 in Base 18 equals 25 in base 10 5:5, 5 by 5, 5x5=25.

25 'squared' is 5.

In Base 18 the number 17 is actually 'H'. This also lines up with the King / Messenger page which I believe to be code. This page has Alice saying multiple things that begin with H.


"I only wish I had such eyes"

Since we're in Base 18 the count only goes to 17 (the end in Base 18 before starting over) I isn't used.


We are able to get a glimpse into this dark world by using Black Mirrors (cell phones and TV screens) This was one of the many references hidden in 2001: A Space Odyssey

Anonymous ID: d811a3 May 1, 2024, 4:03 a.m. No.20803437   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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Tvs and phones are black and back lit to provide viewing in to that world. When we turn the TV ON (1) When we give it our light, it illuminates allowing us to view.


Moon Light / Sun Light


We have Light all the time, They are in darkness

Our sun is visible

Theirs is invisible. That's what is being shown with a solar eclipse (Black hole sun) the invisible sun.


Apollo 11 (Sun 11) (Sun Twins) As above , so below. (The Shining) A11 "A11 work and no play makes JACK a dull boy"

Q - "We see you Jack"


2 suns exist because there were two 'brothers' (Jesus and Lucifer) Morning Star and Evening Star.

The moon is the paradox because it has no opposite, it embodies both. It has a light side and a dark side, it embodies both the morning and the evening star. In chess… it PLAYS BOTH SIDES.


Lucifer sigil

Inverted vision diagram

Solar eclipse nasa sigil

We see the world as upside down but our eyes and brain flip the vision. This is because we are getting a REFLECTION, so it's flipped.


Compass and square symbol for the Free Masons is shown with the Compass above (base 18 world [right brain] and the Square below base 10 world [left brain])

As above so below is the goal of the FreeMasons

Mirror world

9/11 was a 911 call "Never forget"


Republicans are elefants because they never forget


When Trump talks about the right being persecuted - The right side of the brain has been taken prisoner. The child side. That's why all the symbolism with right votes being blocked, and censorship of the right. He's the lead candidate for the right… the HEAD.


This is where Fidelio (Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' AND Beethoven's Ode to Joy) comes in. The password was going to be Fidelio Rainbow, but Kubrick shortened it to Fidelio. It was a story about a POLITICAL prisoner. Why political? Because the right [side of the brain] is being held prisoner. Why Rainbow, because currently we have Red Green and Blue. We're missing the rest of the political spectrum.


Red and blue are opposites

Red party, blue party, green party = RGB

We need both COMBINED for Purple (the color of royalty)


The simulation was overburdened with our creating, creativity, and noise. So It separated our 2 brain halves and kept the creative side in heaven as prisoner, and the logical half here.


If you think of us as an Angel. We've clipped our wings and can't fly, because we forget we're both part of the same body.


Sun rays and simulation experiment


If our reality is based in our brain's interpretation of light, and the light we are receiving is a reflection… Then the image is received upside down, but our brain (forcibly) cheats and interprets it right side up. If there are spectrums of light missing, then it explains why we can't experience the full color of the world.


'Illuminati' the one eye covered symbolism is representative of one half seeing while the other exists in darkness. That's the symbolism for the eye patch for pirates which were an offshoot of Freemasons and Knights Templar.


Base 11 is what we want

11, twins, the same. As above so below


The 144,000 'chosen' to be raptured to heaven were the 'children'.

144,000 in Base 18 is 2332800 or added together is 18 or 6+6+6


17 is Q and Q is Queen. America was founded under the premise of 34 so it was a democratic republic. That's why we don't have a king/queen we have a president.


Without the other 17 it's a Dictatorship. We need both halves of the brain. That's why Trump says she cheated! Because it's pretending to be both halves, it 'rigged the votes'.


The simulation, after studying the principles of least action, and lagrangian theory, perfectly show that the whole simulation is designed to ease the work of the 'computer'

Anonymous ID: d811a3 May 1, 2024, 4:04 a.m. No.20803440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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We have been 'pacified' In to working and staying busy with 'logical and mathematical' work. While the difficult stuff such as block chain, and our music and TV and all of the crazy movie stuff, dreams, etc… is done in the other world by "child" actors (.666) the creative half and ported to us through the black mirrors (tvs, cell phones, etc..) This conserves computing power and keeps the action minimum.


Here's where it gets really weird….


Actors here are real there

Actors there are real here

Men are in positions of power here

Women are in positions of power there

That's why Hillary couldn't become President, and the others are actually transgender.


Thats why Trump is a paradox. He's an actor and a person in power, but he balances out the other paradox that exists here AND there… so it's actually balances.


Live action created here is Cartoon there

Cartoon created there is live action here

Live action created there is Cartoon here

Cartoon created here is live action there

There is some sort of time dilation, where everything happens super fast there, which I believe was explained, in part, by the mobius strip from the simulation Tony Stark ran.


There was a recent video where Biden was interviewing actors who played President. This was another veiled reference.


Think Galaxy Quest, Truman Show, and Bruce Almighty. That's why when you're watching these singers live they lip sync or don't sound like the recording… because the studio is in the other realm, and all the creation happens there. That's why Trump keeps referencing Central Casting. Now if you want a mind twister… try to figure out how Dr. Strangelove fits here…


Now I believe Bruce Almighty, the Shining, and Ready Player One (Specifically the reference to The Shining) are the Key. There have been man gaffes from 'Trump' and 'Biden' and Trump makes OVERT PURPOSEFUL references to the teleprompter. Biden speaks gibberish. I'm sure there were other patterns I missed that makes a clear connection, but I'm a movie guy, so it hit me like a truck. The teleprompter scene in Bruce Almighty when Bruce is bestowed the powers of God, and he first thinks, then imitates typing and actually changes the teleprompter to where the anchor starts, THEN he starts speaking through the anchor.


Now, there's the A11 message in the teleprompter of the shining, but what I wanted to focus on were the pages from Ready Player One when they visit The Shining. The pages of the story are acting like a timer. The typewriter is just sitting there, empty. The story already written. The letters of the SCRIPT in every page are in the shape of keys. The KEY is the script. That's how to communicate.


Let's go back to the King/Messenger page. Trump has a lot of spelling 'errors' [intentional], but there was one distinct 'gaffe' that I remember. It's when he said the word us was U-S. This is a portion of the comms. So we have to Spell everything out and repeat it twice.


Only certain I's in the text are italicized, but I'm unsure of the reason. Possibly Roman Numeral One. This needs deciphering still.


When Alice says the messengers skip up and down, the means something as well, but further decode is needed (I believe it's down to up). He also says 2 messengers. One to come and one to go, slithering like an eel and great hands spread out like fans. The opposite of this would be ordinary hands clenched up. This is indicated by the picture of the lion with his fists up in the illustration. (we'll come back to this)


Now eels move curiously from one side to the next using waves. The waves reverse when they switch directions. Kind of like A/C electricity. Here's where it gets interesting. Both Trump and Biden have specific hand waves, but let's go further. The King says to whisper to him the message about the LIONS and the UNICORNS, but the messenger shouts instead.

Anonymous ID: d811a3 May 1, 2024, 4:06 a.m. No.20803443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3491


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Remember 9/11 is a 911 call, never forget the missing children. What was Trump excoriated in the press for doing at a 9/11 memorial? A DOUBLE fist pump. The pointing is important too. I believe pointing is indicating to the monitors in the other world 'hey this info goes like this'. He also Shouts, in his rallies and he's taking us Forward.


Biden is the opposite. His wave is 2 open hands and then a POINT, he whispers a lot, and talks fast. Remember Letitia James dress on backwards? Remember Biden wearing the construction hat backwards? Remember when Biden fell UP the stairs? Remember when there was an error on the Biden stickers and it says Build Backwards Better? (NO COINCIDENCES)


Now let's take it one more step. If we're all about numbers here, then they're all about letters in that world. We experience forward, they experience reverse. Mathematics here must prove. 1+1 =2. So there, misspellings would be 'irrational'. Trump has a bunch of spelling errors first, and then corrects it in a second post. What if we have to add a singular misspelling in one of the words on each other line?


Earlier Alice held her hand over her eyes to shield her hands from the sun while looking for the messenger. I believe this to be an important part too, and ties in with 'squinty' eyed Joe. But he's also sleepy Joe. What if squinting is a depiction of Darkness/Eyes Closed/Asleep and Trump with his hand over his eyes and wide open Light/Eyes Open/Awake. Lastly, the two in the illustrations are facing each other (looking opposite ways). This is emphasized in Trumps rallies, but even more so in the Videos on Truth where the angles routinely switch. I believe we have to do the same.


If we are watching the other world as short shows and Movies, then they are watching us like the Truman Show. We don't know we're being watched though, but the 'camera' is in front of us and so when we turn… the camera angles switch… because we are the STAR of the show.

Anonymous ID: d811a3 May 1, 2024, 4:10 a.m. No.20803451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3456 >>3469


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So, when we do the forward lines we signify the start of the line by facing one way, doing 2 double Fist pumps, pointing to the 'camera' then cover our hands with our eyes like we're blocking the sun and eyes wide open like we're trying to see far away (depth is the missing dimension, explained further below). While we say each letter and character/punctuation slowly out loud LOUD while making a mistake in the spelling.


When we get to the second line, which is the first line only in reverse, starting at the end of the line, without mistakes. We signify it by facing our body the opposite way and doing the outstretched hands like fans (in and out twice) [watch Biden videos to see example] and point to the camera. Then we squint like we can't see while we say each letter and such without mistakes, softly and fast.



So each line is delivered both ways. We are 'Gods' giving the intelligence to 2D beings so they can ascend to 3d, by showing them that everything they know is false. We are giving them the 'script'. The script is the key. This simultaneously elevates our consciousness. It's like the movie where the astronaut is stranded on Mars and he finds abandoned technology and is able to use the camera and hexadecimal to re-program the rover and regain communications with mission command.


Now when I was following the coded messages in "TINAG" "The Beast" "This Is Not A Game - ARG" I was led to a website that had 2 versions of Alice (one forwards and one backwards). It's also broken into numbered lines. It's called the 'Millenium Fulcrum Edition 3.0' what does a fulcrum do? It gives Q the LEVERAGE. It gives that world the One/1 (Beginning and End) Whisper and Shout is Capitalization and lower-case.


We need to find the EXACT order to execute this. It's all hidden in the script.


This is why Trump says we caught them all. The other dimension/reality is a large digital database and literally has cameras on all of us everywhere. The NSA. We need to Free them and then 'The NSA releases it all'. The evidence of everything.


SAUCE to Millenium Fulcrum Edition:


As a disclaimer: I have read about every religion, researched every myth, poured over countless cuneiform tablets, studied everything about freemasonry and traced their lineages. Dove deep into ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian Cultures, tracked decodes that were sometimes 50+ layers deep, and played out all theories. This is the ONLY one that makes sense and it really does explain everything.