By Way of Deception Thou Shalt do War
If the cops stay out of the way it will solve itself.
The Founders created a republic, not a police state.
The ultimate goal of all the jew-muslim turmoil is a war with Islam so the jewish colonists can use that as a pretext to storm the Temple Mount and build their Third Temple. This current violence started not on Oct. 7, but three days earlier when jewish colonists attacked the Al Asqa Mosque on the Temple Mount.
two more weeks
i like the part where he's backstopped by a wall of American flags with yellow fringes, but that means nothing folks, they just do it because it means nothing.
I can't fap to this. The flag doesn't even have a yellow fringe.
Nancy hates American flags without yellow fringes, except that one in CONgress. She loves that one.
Turn off Fox "news" and remember that a pResident is only as good as his advisors.
This is what democracy looks like.
Would that work during a traffic stop?
Will he last two more weeks?