Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 7:11 a.m. No.20803913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923 >>3959

>>20803435 lb

>>20803883 lb

Q team pointed "Q research" to the study of symbols / symbolic representations.

~ 'It will be their downfall" or somesuch. to paraphrase.

~ 'they are so arrogant they openly display themselves via their symbols - right in the open'

to paraphrase.

Note the "Eye of Providence" in the Reddit logo

Also , Ghislaine worked as a mod there.

How much more obvious can you get.

They need to control the converstaion.

Reddit is a honey pot.

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.20803974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4120


Muh Jews claim Israel killed FJK



Allen Dulles worked for the SWISS aka NAZI

Allen Dulles double agent.

Secret Agents, Secret Armies: The Spy Who Captured an Army


"After graduating from Princeton, he joined the State Department’s Foreign Service in 1916 and was assigned to Bern, Switzerland. His acceptance to the Foreign Service was probably not harmed by family connections to the State Department. His maternal grandfather, John W. Foster, was Secretary of State under Benjamin Harrison, and his uncle by marriage, Robert Lansing, was Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson."

Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed to sign the legislation which gave the "FED" the private bank of the NWO folks, license to be the bank of USA and to print money and charge a vig to the publc.

"Dulles career was not without controversy. He had a fondness for an extravagant lifestyle, women other than his wife, and risky covert operations. During his tenure as Director, the CIA was involved in coups in Iraq (1953) and Guatemala (1954). A final attempted coup, the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April 1961, turned into a fiasco that ultimately led to President Kennedy dismissing Dulles on November 29, 1961, after the consolation prize of awarding him the National Security Medal the day before. Dulles was the longest serving CIA director so far.


Dulles had enormous influence on the post war US intelligence system. His personal negotiations for the surrender of the entire German army in Italy and southern Austria [].

What was his barter chip for the surrender of the Axis armies?

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.20804025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4035 >>4120


Question about who did 9/11 attack (which led to fake legislation which the congress people failed to ever read first before passing )

(i.e. un - Constitutional 'Law')


Rockefellers created "Port Authority"

Rockefellers built the Twin Towers.

Soros working with Rockefellers?


Rockefeller's corner on oil / energy.

Was David, the youngest and smallest really a full blood brother to the others (whom he fails to resemble?)

Why was he given the control of their businesses and foundations upon the death of their father.

People were only told after the fact of the death of John D. 2.

He, supposedly was unaware of what was coming.

Does a leader usually do that. Fail to announce the successor before he leaves the stage?

Does that leave things open to "manage" after he is gone?

The children Rockefellers are often trans-gender? And are told / taught the NWO is something great, their family is doing.

Yet those offspring know many in the public disagree with their plans and that there is a blot upon their family which must be defended against?

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 8:10 a.m. No.20804120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4173 >>4273


Muh Jews claim Israel killed JFK



>>20803883 pb



no Arab names on plane.

"Suicide bomber" fake.

convenient cause then no trials.

BTW, why are the trials of the alleged perpetrators (patsies) bogged down for twenty years in Gitmo?


factually inaccurate.

perps did TV fakerey to simulate "plane" (not planes" into South Tower, LIVE

the constant repititon of that alleged event (CGI) over and over for three days made people believe it was "many planes into many buildings.

I guess the poster here

>>20803845 lb

succumbed to the psy-op

Oh it sarcastic.


Bld 7 chanters fell the psy-op too.

(comped official 9/11 truth disinfo / focus)

Silversteins leased it from Port Authority

When the op was over it was transfered back to P.O.

Hellerstein the corrupt FEDERAL judge who ruled often on the case (also had been assigned to Agent Orange cases) just coincidentally best friends with Silverstein.

>>20803806 lb

soros and ilk hide behind "boo hoo I'm Jewish" doesn't mean they are.

Signs point to European nobility and occult operations.

>>20803779 lb

Top suspect for 9/11 attack.

royal House of Britain. British Zionists who created Israel with the Rothschild (with whom they inter-marry)

and SOROS , fake jew.

>>20803738 lb

>>20803779 lb

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 8:27 a.m. No.20804173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273


picrel related to Royal House of Britain involved with 9/11

Satanic Prince showed up with Wifey for memorial at the "Big Lie Hole" site in NYC.

Carried borrowed umbrella (rilly fails to have his own?) with the logo of CARLYLE.

It was a com. They are proud.

Carlyle group involved with planning of 9/11.

Bushes connect. Same players connect.


Remember Britain created the Saudi royalty in order to control the oil there.

Zionism created Israel there (proximate to important waterway Suez Canel) to plant the seeds for their planned 3rd world war.

picrel, 16 year plan

Barry connects with Brit Royals.

And HRC connects with the Rockefellers.

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 8:47 a.m. No.20804273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>20804120 (

"And HRC connects with the Rockefellers."

picrel in above post is HRC with Rothschild.

meant to write "Rothschild" who are of course very close with the Brit Royals, and apparently intermarry.

Picrel here is HRC with Rockefeller.

Rockefeller implicated in 9/11 attack

Both because of ownership of the buildings themselves and for creation of the Port Authority.

It's recorded that friends of the Rockies from the Radio Age, knew about the attack coming. Said the Rocky bros. named the Towers as teir own penises. (joking) Man was excited for what was coming next.. interview very close to the time of the event.

Interviewee, ex-radio star. kept a camera under his bed (his place overlooked the site) since he knew an attack was coming and was looking forward to it. ("can't wait to see what comes next" to paraphrase)

sauce, Book is called "Libery St."


"Israel" "Zion" was long-term plan of Brit. Royals. Queen Vicky sent her son to Palistine in the late 19th c. to scope out potential site.

He made a photographic record.

Nothing resembling "Holy Land" of the Good Book was there at the time.

this is gonna be biblical

picrel of "Bethlehem"

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 9:17 a.m. No.20804422   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Jews" Nope.

that's the inverted lie of the perps.

They did a triple switch -back

extra cover.

Words have two or more meanings.

"Jew" refers to very disparate individuals.

It's less than a unity.

that's why the necessity of the plotters to create "Zionism" movement.

from ; "Zionism and Jewish Survival in America"

pg 31

Herzel Institute 1958 Abraham G. Duker

"They needed Israel to sustain Aerican Jews; so is the claim.

Being American wasn't good enough


"It is inconceivable to me that American Jewry will continue to maintain itself without the concept of peoplehood, or with a concept of Jewish peoplehood so limited as to preclude direct individual and communal relations with Israel Jewry.. []"

They wanted to survive as a distinct people without the religion to bind them; so Zionism was the answer.

according to this Herzel pamphlet

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.20804556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4573 >>4575 >>4583 >>4603 >>4624 >>4688


right and mom and her boyfriend were involved with bloody coup in Indonesia, one of the really cool /s/ ops of the C1A fascists

"Transition to New Order" according to English Wiki


C1a fascists have been doing this crap all over the world in the "name" of the American people. "Under Color of Law"

Barry is obviously a C1a operative.

they've covered for me, Propagandized for him.

C1a formed by "defeated" NAZI German intel agents.

They never truly lost the war.

And yes, Putin agrees.

Doesnt' that scare you Barry?

Is tht why you hate Putin so?

He's got your number ?

Never worked for the American people, did you Barry?

Thought you could scam us.


that's a mock-up to muddy the waters.

Anonymous ID: 0e3f1e May 1, 2024, 10:10 a.m. No.20804624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4688


c1a Nazi have

covered for Barry, Propagandized for him, this whole time,



I agree with Miles Mathis on this:

"Stanley" just isn't her real name

"Ann Stanley" is much more likely

or. a royal last name? If they even have them? They have titles, right?

"Obama’s grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham"

^ per official story; close to 100% likelyhood of being false.

C1A created cut-outs.

"Ann, Barry's alleged mother (does he resemble her? - is she foster?) is likely a product of a breeding program, as the German Nazi-s had for decades, and which never ended.

When and where did the Eugenics movement start?

Who is behind the clot-shot eugenics program of the NWO?

Can we assume since this group has killed (conservatively) 17 million with the world-wide bio-engineered, bio-weapon clot shot (so far - still some ways to go) that the forces who were interested in perusing Eugenics in the past are still with us ?

Did they go underground?

Is it a secret society as both Eisenhower and JFK related to the public, ~ approx 60 years ago?