"I told them they can go into your face and c@# whenever they want."
*F@#$ you, S&%#, you're supposed to take your rape and like it."
"C@# is your medicine."
"I had a dream, S@#$. I wanted to clean up and be a white hat."
"We're working both sides of the law." He says the regulator and he are friends.
I hear he's been trashing me in the media.
"R@#$ is beautiful, the most beautiful thing in the world."
"S@#$ was 'mens rea' good for C@#$%, and I r@#$d her away from him, and I'm sorry."
"He was not her r@&ist at the beginning, I was."
"I impersonated her to make him think she wanted to do that."
"I want S@#$ to be seen as a good person. I invented his bad character to the media."