Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.20805803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810 >>5815 >>5827 >>5830 >>6047 >>6149 >>6150 >>6234 >>6307

Dengue Fever Outbreak in Brazil and Peru - Millions Sick, Thousands Dead


Brazil surpassed 4 million cases of Dengue Fever registered this year, according to an update from the Ministry of Health's Arbovirus Monitoring Panel this Monday. Argentina now has its own outbreak.


In total, 4,127,571 probable cases of the disease were reported across the country in the first four months of 2024.


As for dengue deaths, 1,937 have been confirmed and 2,345 are under investigation. The incidence rate of the disease in the country is 2,032.7 cases for each group of 100,000 population.


The most affected age group is 20 to 29 years old, which accounts for the majority of cases. The least affected age group is children under 1 year old, followed by people aged 80 or over and children aged 1 to 4 years old.


The units of the Federation with the highest incidence of the disease are the Federal District, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Espírito Santo, Goiás and Santa Catarina.


Projections released at the beginning of the year indicate that dengue cases in the country could reach 4,225,885. With the country already seeing over 4.1 Million cases, that estimate is way low.


It is noteworthy that about6 Weeks Ago Bill Gates & Oxitec released Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Brazil.



Peru's health ministry said that as of Thursday, there were 117 registered deaths from dengue so far this year compared with 33 in the same period of 2023. Suspected cases have also more than tripled to reach some 135,000.


So Bill Gates and his pals released mosquitos in South America, and now Brazil and Peru are suffering wild Dengue Fever Outbreaks.



Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 3:36 p.m. No.20805995   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Money Changers who have created $$$$Money out of thin air since 1913.

With unlimited money they and their relatives have the money to buy up everything of value.

and they have.

Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 3:55 p.m. No.20806095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6102


Yup. Even people who used to be pro-Israel have also been noticing are are now against the evil Zionist policies, and are noticing our ZOG Gov't.


[[[their]]] panic is delicious!

Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 4:09 p.m. No.20806172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Every Red Dot Is AnHIAS MIGRATION Center That Is Helping to Facilitate the Replacement Of Whites in America


HEBREW IMMIGRATION AID Society - Floods US with 3rd world Invaders & Terrorists.


* Homeland Security Director Alejandro MAYORKAS is on their Board!


HIAS Resettlement Partners


Here they are.They should know how we feel about them aiding the invasion of our nation.

Hebrew Immigration Aid Society US Centers Phone Numbers and Locations.


There are 29 HIAS Centers in the US. In addition to the Dozens of HIAS Migration Centers on the MAP of the Kalergi Trail going through all the Central American third world sh*tholes up through Panama, then Mexico, pushing Millions upon Millions of Brown and Black African Low IQ illiterate non-English-speaking military aged males on into America.

Including MS-13 gangs, drug cartels, convicted murderers and rapists released from prisons in Venezuala, child sex traffickers and other violent uncivilized groups.


Organized Jewish Cabal Organization directly pushing Illegal Aliens to bleed America dry and to destroy the culture and fabric of White Christian American society.  (US Census: 74% of Americans identified as Christian)


Every.Single.Day - this Organized Jewish Kabal HIAS is actively pushing tens of thousands of these Illegal third world males across our Border into mostly White America.


Same as what they had done to Europe. Some of the Whitest countries in the world, in Northern Europe have been destroyed by the forced migration of Millions of Black and Brown illiterate males : Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway.  

Malmo, Sweden had become the Rape Capitol of the EU due to the natural blond Swedish girls being raped by these black African and Middle Eastern thugs.  In Germany, teenage Christian girls were on social media saying how they're afraid to go outside for fear of getting raped by these "migrants" because it's a huge problem there.


See the Pattern yet?

When will the sheeple notice it's a bunch of Cabal Jews* behind the destruction of our country at every level?

*the Jewish CABAL, not the Normie low income Jews.

Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.20806242   🗄️.is 🔗kun



*Siddhārtha Gautama  is Buddha.  Not "a Hindu".


*Buddha was born (Shakya clan) into a time and place of Hinduism.

Buddhism did not yet exist at the time of Buddha's birth.As the ORIGIN Source of the Buddhist religion, he is the Buddha, not a Hindu.

*Jesus Christ is Judean.  not a Jew.

*Jesus was born via An Immaculate Conception to the Virgin MARY of Galilee. The Galileans were not Jews.

Under Judaic law, the mother must be Jewish in order for her baby to be Jewish. MARY was not Jewish, which means that her baby Jesus could not be considered a Jew by the Jews.*Note - no Jew has ever named their Jewish daughters "MARY".The Jewish name "Miriam" is named after the sister of Moses.


*Jesus was raised at a time and place of Judaism.

Christianity did not yet exist at the time of Christ's birth.


As the ORIGIN Source of Christianity, he is Christ. not a Jew.


*Buddhism and Christianity Did Not Exist Yet At The Time That Buddha and Christ Was Born.


*Watch the Jew shills ignore the birth of Christianity "as if" Jesus Christ is not Christ. but belongs to the Jews. "as if" Jews OWN Jesus by using their tired trope "he's a Jew".



No one calls the Buddha "a Hindu", yet the anti-Christian Jewshills call Jesus "a Jew" by pretending that Jesus Christ is not Christ, and ignoring the World Religion named after Jesus: Christianity. yet another Jewish Assault on Christianity.

Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.20806315   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I feel sorry for her because Jay Parker (ytube) said that by the time Miley was 10, she had been raped by at least a thousand men.

Jay was describing when he as a teen attended the high level Cabal sex shows and how the main attraction that night was Billy Ray Cyrus (Achy Breaky Heart hit song) on stage having sex with his young daughter Miley.


She was brought up in the System. Major demonic attachments…

Anonymous ID: 6414b2 May 1, 2024, 4:44 p.m. No.20806358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


…Uh, you couldn't be moar ignorant.

Try listening to Jesse Czebotar's 3 years of interviews on ytube about how the elite bloodline System that rules this planet use child rape and torture to summon Demons and get power and wealth feeding the Demons the soul energy of the suffering of the kids.


Btw - demons are in all the mythologies of the planet.

Demons are the disembodied Spirits of dead Nephilim.

See Gary Wayne.


You've got a LOT of catching up to do.