directed beams and directional antennae are the norm.
the 'bipolar' theory you express is not how wave guides or phase array antennae work.
you shouldn't act like an expert when you are actually ignorant of the technology.
directed beams and directional antennae are the norm.
the 'bipolar' theory you express is not how wave guides or phase array antennae work.
you shouldn't act like an expert when you are actually ignorant of the technology.
the blind leading no one
they send these blind guides to tell everyone else here to STFU.
and all they got is nonsense and bluster.
how much do the shills get paid to run the operational conditioning that they post here in waves?
thousands per post?
and a confirmation shill pushing the bogus religion of hateful discrimination and constant gas-lighting known as 'free masonry'
only a fool would allow some psychology student working for an agency to play 'inquisitor' in their head by submitting to the badgering of shills in these cess-pool breads.
this one parrots out the same fragments of scripture every evening.
it has nothing to say other than do what it's told to parrot.
by it's badgering you know it's not a real faithful person, just someone trying to cause fights and play a tribal game.
those who pretend to be inquisitors always project their 'you are not OK' on to anyone who dares to point out the hypocrisy of they do.
supposed person who pretends to be OK while everyone else is not OK.
it doesn't matter how anyone responds to you all you do is tell them they don't know truth and are not OK.
you don't care what they believe or what they think, you just want to make them fell badly about themselves.
I don't take spiritual advice from badgers in a cesspool.
the same theme night after night after night.
can't talk about anything else.
doesn't discuss nay other scripture, doesn't care about the message of Jesus Christ, just it's directed talking point trying to deflect blame from it's own tribe, when that just shows it doesn't understand the story and the profound thing that Jesus did.
on and on with the same discussion night after night.
watch it say 'you don't know Truth'
the constant badger misses the message of the story, sticking to it's agency talking points.
you deal with things your way, I deal with things my way.
you tell people that they 'deny Him'
what right do you have to say that to anyone?
you're pathetic.
if you took His message to heart you wouldn't do the 'I'm OK, you are not OK' bit.
but you do
so you aren't
you are obvious and a hateful troll.
all you do is try to make other people feel badly about themselves.
you have no shame and feel no sense of your own fowl way.
that's why I know you're a fraud.
you don't even believe in Him as far as I can tell.
you just want to pretend that there was no sin put upon your tribe for the murderous intent of the leaders of it.
you pretend to know what Jesus speaks to people too,
which further proves you to be a fraud.
you come here every night for the past month and a half with the same message.
over and over and over.
you ignore everything else Jesus taught.
by your fruits, anon, we see right through you.
you don't speak for Jesus
you don't even seem to know him
you do the I'm OK, you are not OK bit
you're a fraud.
listen to you.
a one pony show.
all you have is fragments of scripture.
you tell others that they project.
you pretend to be the only one who knows Jesus.
you give no respect to anyone else here.
you're a fraud.
there is no love in you
you are not a legitimate source of information about the topic of Jesus.
you are only here to make people feel badly about themselves.
you never cease with your "I'm OK, you are not OK, only I am saved" bit.
there is no sense of your own sinful nature.
there is no 'peace be with you'
there is no 'love your neighbor as yourself'
there is only "I'm OK you are not OK" and other fragments of scripture which you try to use as a knife to make people feel badly about themselves.
now the script has run to it's end.
all it can do now is say that the person who demands it explain itself for being such a troll without love, that the person is 'projecting'
but let's review what it does.
all it does is say over and over and over that 'he didn't get killed by anyone' becuase it thinks that deflects blame from some group or people.
it ignores that ALL of humanity is sinful.
it pretends it has none and that it knows Jesus.
and yet it has no love for anyone real who is here who dares to engage it.
it just badgers with the message 'You don't know Him' over and over and over
or 'you don't know truth'
but it produces nothing fruitful, and has no forgiving or loving spirit.
OK demonstration complete, you can shut your godless script off now.
and now it switches personas and does a terse inquistor accusation bit.
but it's just a fake persona, a script, a badger bot.
now it's doing the 'only I have the Truth, you are not OK, but I am holy' bit.
you only have this one trick.
please stop, for your own good.
here we have further proof of the fraudulent nature of this bot-cluster of 'only we know the truth, you deny Him'.
NO ONE has any knowledge of who and who is not 'going to hell'. It is not our call.
and thus we can see clearly these people or bots have no knowledge of scripture or the ideas of Jesus Christ.
goodnight badger bot.
you don't share the truth. you share psychological badger games and intimidation.
anyone seeing this interaction knows who it is that is 'projecting'. They see me deflecting you from badgering anyone else and I'm doing a fairly good job of that.
good night badger
if or if not isn't the point.
the point is that these badger bots attack anyone here who dares to speak of scripture with the same fragments every night.
they tell people that they 'deny Him'
they tell people that they are going to hell
they do not have anything even resembling a forgiving or caring point of view.
and they never concede or show that they feel any shame for their behavior.
they present a false piety and try to harm other people psychologically.
you baking their one and only talking point tells me something about you, ignoring what they do and only addressing me, a real person.
I'm just demonstrating their fraudulence, anon.
They seem to be an advance script.
THere is no real person there.
I show that.