I dunno. I spent a couple hours the other night trying to find a missing/404'd EO. Went back as far as whitehouse.gov would let me. Found nuttin.
>Does look identical.
Sure does. Only thing I can think of is PNG allows for configurable compression levels. Or they're just trying to see how autistic we really are.
That program calculates the average LSB (Least Significant Bit) of each block in an image. It's a method of detecting changes to images imperceptible to the human eye. The slightest changes to the visual image result in noticeable shifts in the graph. Top is the analysis of the original flag Q posted 2017 11 12, bottom is today. Showing that while the file sizes are different, the image itself is identical.
Quite relaxed, thanks. Just quashing the debate I know shills will try to spam for days.
Filenames are irrelevant and both files have no EXIF data.