I think… I am starting to get a idea of how Q sold his idea to his superiors..
Q - Sir..the chans played a big role in the election.
T - Really?
Q - Yes sir. An they are among your most patriotic supporters.
T - How?
Q - They seem to be able to create narratives that have a great effect on culture, through memes. Could be a great weapon against the MSM if used properly.
T - Yea Barron is always laughing at those.
Q - I think they could be useful in a year from now nod, nod
T - Okay, well.. since its a unsecured board, everything you drop cannot be done in a official capacity and you have to sign off with your team on the timing of what is dropped and how it is presented.
Q - Don't worry sir… it will look just like a larp. No way to actually officially confirm anything, except through "coincidences."
T - And flush some rabbits out of some holes, if it takes off and operators start looking in, trying to figure out what we are up to.
Q - Yes sir.
T - Make it so.
Sorry for the fan fic. Just working out how this crazy idea got formed in my head. After doing this for several months you start to forget how OUT OF THE BOX this whole cockamamie plan really is! And whats even more crazy is…