Why are mentally ill people allowed to be soldiers?
Or are we talking about surgeries for their dependents?
Why are mentally ill people allowed to be soldiers?
Or are we talking about surgeries for their dependents?
They should talk to the BLMers and find out how to sue the city for millions of dollars.
Those people who "confessed" to Nazi war crimes at the Nuremberg trials were also tortured into confessions. Or so I have heard.
Isn't war really just self-defense on a larger scale though?
That is meant for Jews who acknowledge Jesus as the Promised Messiah. Not for Jews who deny Jesus as the Promised Messiah.
He is wrong. Angels & demons are not people and people are not angels & demons. They are separate from each other.
The Bible tells us that people who are saved will judge the angels.
People in human form are lower than the angels but when we die and are in the Spirit World, those who are saved will be higher than the angels.
Just goes to prove that Congress is owned.
There is only one God and there is only one Religion. All other "religions" are cults.
Use logic.
So they didn't kill him, they had him killed.
They made someone else do their dirty work for them.
If Jesus was just a man, then he was just a man. Why worship him? Do people worship other people? That makes no sense. Go eat some bagels.
Some people are inclined to want to share knowledge with others.
Some people are inclined to hoard knowledge for their own selfish gains.
If someone want to share with you what they believe, consider it a gift. But no one should try to force you to believe something, then it is no longer a gift.
Serve and Protect?
What does that even mean anymoar?
Hope the guy on the ATV sues for millions.
and get PTSD disability like the asinine cop who shot and murdered Daniel Shaver.
It just looked like a road to me that had people riding bikes and walking down it.
Where I live, people are always riding their bikes and walking in the road when they shouldn't be. Roads are supposed to be for motorized vehicles, not baby buggies. But Libtards want to walk their kids down busy streets and then wonder why they get hit.
Sorry, I didn't see the news segment, only saw the vid.
Could the cop have done something different to avoid getting his windshield smashed by someone's head?
Well, when the department gets sued, which means that the taxpayers will end up footing the bill, they might have to come up with an alternate way of stopping dirtbikes and ATVs.