Dame’s rocket, one of the tastiest, little known secrets even amongst foragers. It’s cruciferous. It’s in the mustard family. Their flowers have 4 petals like a cross and why called cruciferous. Tastes like a sweet, nutty spinach without that waxy tooth spinach thing. Kinda fuzzy tho but too tasty to really matter. They’re an invasive species so can harvest a bunch and keeps well in freezer. One of the earliest plants to come out in the spring, sometimes even before the nettles. (Not here tho. Gonna go get some nettles later bc never tried em before and seen’t some cleavers too that anon going to go get to make a tincture with for stimulating lymphatic system 4 detox. Seen’t some wild violets too. Will wait a lil longer for them til they’re in bloom bc toxic similar ones and don’t want to fafo.)
Best part of Dame’s rocket are the flower shoots. Harvest right before the blooms open. Cut 4 or 5 inch stem with the flower clusters n cook. Leaves best when young but still very tender plant.
God’s groceries