Anonymous ID: fed875 May 2, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.20810662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>1148 >>1238 >>1250 >>1261

North Carolina Shooting: Democrats Blame Guns While Letting Repeat Offenders Run Free


Whatever happened to the media coverage of the mass shooting of police officers in Charlotte, NC this week? Only moments after the attack which took the lives of four law enforcement officers and injured four others, mainstream news feeds and social media sites were flooded with calls from journalists as well as Democrat politicians demanding that "something be done" about assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Joe Biden quickly issued a White House statement calling for swift gun control measures and (ironically) more funding for police.


Then, suddenly, everything went quiet. Why?


We all know why; because this has happened so many times in the past and the outcome is now laughably predictable. The eventual reveal of the alleged assailant's identity derailed progressive gun control efforts. His race and background did not fit the narrative mold that Democrats are looking for (the unhinged white male gun nut, preferably conservative).

Anonymous ID: fed875 May 2, 2024, 3:56 p.m. No.20810675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148 >>1238 >>1250 >>1261

Israel strikes target outside Damascus – media


Eight Syrian soldiers were reportedly killed in the attack on Thursday


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck a building used by Syrian security forces outside Damascus, Reuters reported on Thursday evening, citing a security source aligned with the Syrian government.


The Syrian state-run SANA news agency cited its own security source as saying that eight soldiers have been killed. It reported “material damage” on the ground, without specifying the target. According to SANA, the missiles were launched from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.


The Israeli authorities have not yet commented on the matter. West Jerusalem rarely acknowledged strikes outside of its territory.


The reported attack took place amid the continuing tensions between Israel and Iran, as well as Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, which is on track to enter its seventh month next week. Israel has accused Iran of arming and guiding Hamas and pro-Palestinian militias based in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Tehran, however, claims that Hamas and aligned groups act independently.


On April 1, Israel bombed an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus, killing several military officers, including two generals with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.


A little over a week later, Iran responded with a barrage of drones and missiles launched at Israel. According to the IDF, the majority of the projectiles were intercepted, and that the attack caused no fatalities.

Anonymous ID: fed875 May 2, 2024, 4:01 p.m. No.20810708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO state rejects €100-billion Ukraine war chest ‘madness’


Hungary has vowed to oppose a five-year funding strategy for Ukraine just floated by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg


Budapest is opposing a potential €100-billion ($107 billion), five-year NATO plan to fund Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said. The draft plan on the military aid fund was presented to member states of the US-led bloc by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg earlier this week, Szijjarto revealed.


The minister made the remarks on Thursday to Hungarian broadcaster M1 before heading for a ministerial meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in Paris.


“On Tuesday, the NATO member states received the secretary-general’s proposal to raise 100 billion that NATO plans to spend on the war,” the diplomat said, adding that since the money is to be collected over five years, this means NATO “expects the hostilities to continue for this period.”


Budapest will oppose the initiative and is not planning to participate in arming Kiev or training its soldiers, Szijjarto stressed. The draft plan was presented to the bloc’s member states in its “first reading” and is still a subject to negotiations, the senior diplomat noted.


In the coming weeks during negotiations we will fight for Hungary’s right to stay away from this madness, from collecting these 100 billion and siphoning them out of Europe.


Budapest prioritizes the security of its own people before anything else and will do its best to “stay out of war,” Szijjarto explained, adding Hungary’s opinion remains that the conflict can only be resolved through negotiations. Nonetheless, Budapest acknowledges mounting global security issues and wants to be ready to face them, he said.


“We cannot ignore the threat of a new world war and the preparations for a nuclear war. This madness here in Europe must be stopped,” Szijjarto urged.


Hungary has consistently expressed its opposition to the ever-growing involvement of the US-led NATO bloc – and of the EU – in the Ukrainian conflict, refusing to send arms to prop up Kiev or to train its troops, and forbidding use of its territory to funnel such shipments from third countries.


Budapest has also publicly spoken out against the potential accession of Ukraine into NATO, which has long been one of the key goals of Ukrainian leadership.

Anonymous ID: fed875 May 2, 2024, 4:07 p.m. No.20810740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>1148 >>1238 >>1250 >>1261

COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGO’s Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations


By now, all attentive observers can detect when Globalist powers that be set up ‘spontaneous demonstrations’ to destabilize local governments that go against their interests.


Right now, in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, powerful NGO’s are mobilizing thousands of protestors against the ‘Foreign Agent Bill’, that they already have tainted by calling it ‘the Russia law’.


The kicker is that you can’t know who is really funding these NGO’s and these protests – because that’s what the law that they are trying to prevent the approval wants to clarify.


Georgia’s Parliament approved in a second vote the ‘Foreign Agent Bill’, a law that Globalist critics fear ‘will stifle media freedom’ and ‘endanger the country’s European Union membership bid’.


Police used water cannons, tear gas and pepper spray against the tens of thousands of protesters who thronged surrounding streets and threatened to invade the Parliament building.


Watch: A crowd protests in front of Parliament in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Anonymous ID: fed875 May 2, 2024, 4:09 p.m. No.20810760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whistleblower Reveals How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation In American Election


Some of the shine on the disinformation industry has gone dull in recent years, as many misinformation experts having been caught trafficking in misinformation themselves, or exposed for their ties to intelligence agencies. This should not come as a shock.


It’s a basic tenet of “mirror politics” and practitioners of propaganda to accuse others of the very same actions they plan to commit.


In late 2018, the New York Times and Washington Post reported on a leaked document discussing a secret project by Democratic Party operatives that falsely accused Republican candidate Roy Moore of support by Russians, while he was running in a tight race for the Senate in Alabama. The scheme linked the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts on Twitter and drew national media attention.


“We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the New York Times reported that the leaked documents stated.


The documents linked a relatively unknown company called New Knowledge to the Alabama disinformation campaign, although New Knowledge’s chief executive Jonathon Morgan said the company was not involved, and he worked on “Project Birmingham” in his personal capacity. Morgan also reached out at the time to Renee DiResta, a self-styled expert on disinformation, who told the New York Times she disagreed with such tactics, and later joined New Knowledge sometime, but only after Project Birmingham ended.


New Knowledge later changed names to Yonder, while DiResta joined Stanford University as an expert in disinformation. However, New Knowledge could not stop landing in the media spotlight.


In early 2023, journalist Matt Taibbi released a “Twitter Files” drop about “Hamilton 68,” a public dashboard created by New Knowledge. Hamiton 68 tracked hundreds of Twitter accounts to monitor the spread of purported pro-Russian propaganda online, but screenshots of emails sent by former Twitter executive, Yoel Roth, voiced alarm that the dashboard was creating, not tracking disinformation.