That date 11-11-2018 marks actually 100 years of independence of Poland...hmmm...
That date 11-11-2018 marks actually 100 years of independence of Poland...hmmm...
Nice one Anon <3
I'm a sister and because I can. And with all respect, I do not look like that asshole Leaf - I don't post shit
I have actually bumped into some lecture or interview with Milo Yannopoulus, and he did actually say (could be it was last year or before that), that after the gay got their rights and the the trans people got theirs, the next group which will be fighting to be recognized as normal are pedos. Seems they are starting to agitate for their sick cause :(
I totally agree with you on the subject. I have actually nothing to add. Haven't thought of this in therms of islam, but it definitely fits the "religion of peace" narrative. I seriously hope the leftards will actually wake up and finally use their protesting powers for a good cause.
About a week ago I was trying to find same info. No current hits, which is kinda weird for person that is going around the world giving speeches. Wanted to know is his appearance at Nordic Business Forum has been cancelled or not. Apparently it is still on, but I was unable to find anything between now and the NBF
I expect it to be very well documented. But here's what I just found on twatter
HRC gave brother(?) a million dollar deal in Haiti, after the earthquake. Apparently his company did nothing there.
That too