Anonymous ID: 650043 July 8, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2081493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1859

This board and the Great Awakening in general, are teaching anons much more than Q's comms!


After scanning thousands of breads with intention to sift the shit stirrers from researchers, our marvelous, ever evolving nervous systems get trained to spot shills, trolls, hasbara, demoralizingfags, concernfags etc etc


Anyone else notice this new cognitive power spilling over into real life?

This new power goes deeper than word parsing; since words carry meaning on a carrier of consciousness, we can detect the intention or at least the polarity/color of the intention when we decode the words.


Scan and check your intuitive feeling:

does the post RAISE or LOWER your awareness?

does the post INCREASE or DECREASE your perception of the universe?

does the post EXPAND or CONTRACT your mind's boundaries?


How does what someone is saying irl affect you and your attitude in the checklist above?


What can be said to someone when their intention is a fail:


You are SO transparent!

Sad that you are unaware that your self-delusions are showing, your fiction is nothing new and your intention is far less than honorable!

Why does it seem that it is so much easier to believe in black magic and the power of the Earth’s temporary prison warden than in the universal power of love?

Scope? Pragmatic application? More (much more!) responsibility?


Example1 - The nihilist’s creed, brought to you by all the SnarkLord’s minions:

“It’s all meaningless anyway, so my bullshit is worth the same as whatever you are saying!”



Keep your pace

Keep your calm

Keep you based situational awareness.



Godspeed, anons