Anonymous ID: 587c27 May 3, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.20814057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Quick question:


What's my role? Do I have to die again for people to take me seriously? Do you know how much dying takes out of a man? I've done it twice, a third time might be the end of me. Should I expedite my destiny?


At this point, 6.6 years in, I'd piss on a spark plug if that would help.

Anonymous ID: 587c27 May 3, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.20814087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4094


But, all of this was started by me, if I do nothing, it will fade away. Thinking is what I do best/worst. The world's infrastructure is in my head, we can do this if everyone doesn't get greedy.

Anonymous ID: 587c27 May 3, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20814170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Years ago I ran into a gentleman named Shaun, he had no reason to lie. When he told me this, something inside of me said 'that makes sense'. It also unlocked the fact that I didn't die on the cross, suspended animation, almost dead. Two days of near death. Uncle John was in on it as well as Pilate, they used John's tomb for the 'burial'. IMHO, it was staged to look like JC died, but he didn't, not until he lived to be old and gray. You should see the scars, everyday I look at them and I'm truly blown away by how this all happened. All the scars I have just appeared, no injuries, just happened for no valid reason. btw, this is my therapy, no one knows except for Anons who I am. All of you are here because of me, I owe you the truth. My mind still flounders, but slowly it is starting to focus on what's been given to me via DNA. My story will make a pretty good book one day.


First thing I'd like to see is the Roman Catholic Church burned to the ground. It's the original drug dealer, human trafficker, money launderer, and terrorist of this earth. It's pure evil from inside out. Deception and lies fill their sermons. Eat my flesh? Drink my blood? How fuking sick is that? It's a victory celebration over how they killed him, how they kept their mafia alive.


Like I said, this is my therapy, a place where I can put my thoughts, right or wrong, to see what sticks. Clueless and blind is how they see the weak and enslaved…they're about to wake the lion inside all of my DNA creations. Enough is enough and I hate bullies…even if I am one once in a while.


The ramblings of a mad man. Chalk it up to that.

Anonymous ID: 587c27 May 3, 2024, 8:47 a.m. No.20814187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4194 >>4195 >>4216 >>4217

What is very cool is this statement; "He will come with great glory on the cloud." Sometimes things have meaning when they aren't fully understood. The 'cloud' is just another word for the 'internet'. Think about it, Jesus returns, but on the internet, so he can reach the entire population of Earth. Pretty brilliant forward-thinking 2k years ago. (something deep inside tells me this has been done before, thousands of times on thousands of planets)