Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 10:44 a.m. No.20814646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4655 >>4667 >>4765 >>4875

Derek Harvey On Pro-Hamas Protests: “The Root Of The Blame On Campus Goes To The Administrations”Leftist marxists blending with Sharia Supremacists has been going in for a long time. It’s a compact of convenience. These didn’t just start, they started planning financing and organizing these protests last November. Just at the University of FL there are 16 different Palestinian groups being funded. This has been going on forever.

Must listen



Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.20814657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citizen Free Press





Hilarious chant from the University of Alabama.


They are speaking to the Hamas summer campers.



CJ Pearson

12:33 PM · May 3, 2024




Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20814812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pray for Judge Cannon, she’s releasing it all, and now demanding the DC Court turn over their records of Classified docs for Trump and Bidan.


What Julie insinuated is that the WH council of Bidan in 2021 found out about Joe’s classified documents problem before anything exploded on Trump. They were trying to hide Bidan had a big problem of his own so they set up Trump with classified docs, and then only released Bidas problem after the raid and prosecutions started on Trump

Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 11:30 a.m. No.20814818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5107 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Mike Davis On Week 4 Of Trump Trial: “The House Republican’s Weaponization Committee Must Step Up” and reveal everything they know and call every traitor in for interviews



Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20815067   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Macron, Bidan, the banks and other lesser EU countries are assholes, the Ukraine war was their baby to defeat Putin and Russia. They thought he could get away by stealing Russia’s territory, natural resources and wealth. Russia only got stronget, Macron is trying to trigger WWIII to cover up all they did. His French military said they cannot possobility fight against Russia, they’d lose in a heartbeat. Some countries in the EU have to shut him and warmongers like Poland down.


They lost so they want to kill more people to cover up for losing. France needs to cancel Macron snd get him out of power, before he enacts something they can’t control which is Russia.


No one in Europe or ally countries should forget what Russia sacrificed to win WWII against Germany.They sent 25 million Russia’s die to defeat them, there is no doubt they don’t have the same patriotism. That is why they call it the Patriotic War.


The West needs to get their heads out of their asses, they are sacrificing their own countries and economies, using a shithole country Ukraine as an excuse, that they don’t care about. If all Ukrainians die its ok to them.

Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 12:26 p.m. No.20815106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3 May, 2024 17:30


Kremlin accuses Macron and Cameron of ‘dangerous talk’


The French President hinted at sending Kiev NATO troops, while the UK Foreign Secretary said Ukraine may attack Russia with British weaponry


Recent statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron and British Foreign Secretary David Cameronare part of an ongoing “verbal escalation” by Western officials, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday.


In an interview with The Economist this week, Macron set out two key conditions for sending French troops to Ukraine: “If the Russians were to break through the front lines” and if there was a “Ukrainian request.” The French president also outlined his “strategic objective”of making sure Russia does not win in Ukraine, arguing that such a development would threaten European security.


Meanwhile, former UK Prime Minister and current Foreign Secretary David Cameron told Reuters on Thursday that London will continue to send Kiev some $3 billion annually “for as long as it takes” and suggested that Ukraine has every right to use British weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia.


Responding to these comments, Peskov said that the statements made by Macron and Cameronrepresent a “very dangerous trend”that could threaten security on the continent.


“France, represented by the head of state, continues to constantly talk about the possibility of its direct involvement on the ground in the conflict around Ukraine. This is a very dangerous trend, we are watching it closely,” the Kremlin spokesman stated.


As for Cameron’s assertion that Kiev can use British weapons to attack Russia, Peskov warned that such “verbal escalation” around the Ukrainian conflictcould “potentially pose a danger to European security and the entire European security architecture.”


Despite these “concerning” trends, theKremlin spokesman insisted that Moscow will continue to carry out its special military operation in Ukraine until all of its goals are achieved.


Earlier this week, Peskov had also addressed the concerns being raised by a number of European leaders about a supposed attack from Russia once the Ukraine conflict is over. The spokesman reiterated thatMoscow has no plans or interest in targeting any European nationsand dismissed the accusations as “horror stories” made up to distract people from domestic problems in their own countries.


“European capitals are escalating tension in every possible way… trying to fool their population with these horror stories about terrible Russians who will never stop and continue moving forward. That’s absolutely groundless,” Peskov said, adding that the officials pushing such claims may be trying to “compensate for the loss of their image, their rating.”


Similar statements were also made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in March, when he dismissed talk of a potential Russian attack on Europe as an attempt to scare local citizens in order to “extract additional money from people.”


(Neither France nor UK have adequate military, they cut their number of soldiers, they have less arms, and their militaries have admitted this. They will starve their own people to continue this faux war)

Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.20815135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188

3 May, 2024 17:54

EU must act on sending military age Ukrainian men home – Zelensky’s top advisor

A uniform decision needs to be made on what to do about draft dodgers, Mikhail Podoliak has said


EU member states need to make a joint decision on repatriating Ukrainians who are dodging the country’s military draft, president Vladimir Zelensky’s most senior adviser, Mikhail Podoliak, has declared.


He made the remarks to local media on Thursday. Kiev has repeatedly raised the conscription-linked issue in recent weeks, as it struggles with manpower shortages on the battlefield.


“We definitely need a uniform European decision on this issue. It looks odd that [Ukraine] is bleeding, while young people have managed to leave and do not support their country,” Podoliak said.


His remarks echoed the stance earlier voiced by one of Kiev’s key backers, Poland. Earlier this week, Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz also said the 27-state bloc should produce a joint decision on the matter.


“It is very important, and we talked about it, that these are solutions at the European level, and I know that talks between Ukraine and Brussels, between Kiev and Brussels are ongoing on this topic,” the minister said during a press conference on Tuesday. Solutions at European level “will ensure full effectiveness of this action,” he added.


Kosiniak-Kamysz said Warsaw was ready to cooperate with Kiev should it formally ask for help with its efforts to conscript more service personnel.


However, there appears to be no uniform position on the matter within Poland itself, as Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said the idea ofsending draft-eligible refugees back to Ukraine was “ethically ambiguous.”


An estimated 4.3 million Ukrainians currently live in the EU, of whom at least 860,000 are draft-age men, according to the EU’s Eurostat agency. The refugees have seen mounting pressure from their home country as of late, with the foreign ministry in Kiev even suspending consular services amid radical reform of mobilization, expected to enter into force this month.


The country’s new and controversial mobilization bill lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25, greatly expands the powers of enlistment officers and introduces assorted restrictions for draft dodgers. It was signed by Zelensky in April after it was passed by the country’s parliament following months of deliberation.


(The West & EU are already responsible for the death of 500,000 Ukrainians by pushing this war. They will have more blood on their hands if they return young men to Ukraine. Many Ukraine troops are surrendering to Russia or retreating from the battle field, sending more young men will not solve the problem that Ukraine has already lost.)

Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.20815177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 May, 2024 17:22

Moscow warns West of ‘retaliatory blow’

Kiev is openly readying for a new attack on Russian territory, with the support of its Western backers, FM spokeswoman has said


Any Western-backed Ukrainian attack against Russia’s Crimean Bridge or Crimea itself will be met with a powerful revenge strike from Moscow[, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.


The warning follows a recent post by Ukraine’s envoy to the UN, Sergey Kislitsa, which had a threatening tone, implying that the bridge connecting the Russian peninsula to the Krasnodar Region will not be standing by the end of the year.


According to Zakharova, Kiev is openly preparing for a new attack on the Crimean Bridge, with the support of the West. She told a press briefing on Friday that, on the eve of May 9, Russia’s annual Great Victory Day commemorating the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, “the Kiev regime and its Western masters are hatching plans for new terrorist attacks on Russian territory.”


“I would like to again warn Washington, London, Brussels, that any aggressive actions against Crimea are not only doomed to failure, but will also be met with a retaliatory blow,” the diplomat said.


Moscow had earlier condemned British Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s remarks, which he delivered while visiting Kiev, that Ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by London to strike targets on Russian territory.


According to Zakharova, Kiev is now expecting the arrival of US-made F-16 fighter jets, which could be used to destroy the 11-mile (18-km) road and rail bridge.


Senior Ukrainian officials have declared the destruction of the Crimean Bridge, also known as Kerch Bridge, as a priority throughout their country’s conflict with Moscow, claiming it is a legitimate military target.


On Wednesday, Kislitsa issued a post on X (formerly Twitter), sharing a picture of a “2024 list of six Main Types of Bridges.” The example labeled “Kerch” showed an empty space.


Last week, Lithuania’s ambassador to Sweden, Linas Linkevicius, suggested on social media that the US supply of ATACMS missiles would result in the destruction of the Crimean Bridge. The senior diplomat urged people to take selfies with the structure while they still can.


Moscow completed the structure spanning the Kerch Strait in 2020. Crimea voted to break away from Ukraine and to rejoin Russia in 2014, following the US-backed coup in Kiev earlier that year.


Since 2022, when long-simmering tensions between the neighboring states turned to open fighting, Kiev’s forces have repeatedly targeted the Crimean Bridge. In October of that year, the structure suffered a major bombing attack that killed five civilians. In another strike last July, one of the bridge’s sections was blown up, killing two people and wounding a child.


Moscow considers Ukrainian threats and tactics as confirmation that using military force against its neighbor was the correct decision. Russian officials have also suggested thatKiev has escalated its sabotage and bombing campaigns because of its battlefield failures.


(Do these countries realize Russia have more nuclear bombs than the US, with only a few of US arsenals in the UK? This constant threat to Russia doesn’t solve any problems, and only makes Ukraine a more likely target for destruction)

Anonymous ID: 68736c May 3, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20815199   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 May, 2024 14:40


Ukrainians with HIV to serve in army


The Defense Ministry in Kiev has explained how medical exemptions will work under new mobilization rules


People with HIV, tuberculosis and cancer, as well as some with substance addictions will be forced to serve in the Ukrainian armed forces, according to new draft rules published by the Defense Ministry on Friday.


The new rules eliminate the status of ‘partial eligibility’, forcing those previously qualified as such to attend a military medical commission for reevaluation, the ministry explained. Military officials will decide on whether the health of draftees allows them to serve on the frontline or perform less demanding jobs in the rear.


For example, tuberculosis sufferers will only be rejected if they have serious lung damage and pose an active infection threat. People with less serious active illness will be ordered to show up for a new examination within six months. Those deemed “clinically treated” are to be given less demanding roles, while patients with “residue changes after a treated tuberculosis” can be sent to the frontline.


Cancer patients and HIV-positive people who are in remission are likewise considered suitablefor some or all military positions under the new rules, depending on how functional they are.


The ministry is taking the same approach towards mental illnesses. It considers people suffering from “rare” episodes of schizophrenia or a “mild” substance addiction fit to perform non-combat duties. PTSD patients will be fully rejected only if they suffer from “expressed serious” problems, and will be temporarily barred from duty after suffering a recent episode.


Earlier this year, Zelensky claimed that Ukraine had suffered just 31,000 troops fatalities in the conflict with Russia, a figure that even Western media supportive of Kiev have called an understatement.


The Ukrainian military intends to enrol hundreds of thousands of additional troops, explaining that exhausted soldiers on the frontline need to rotate and get some rest. When drafting the reforms, lawmakers considered the right to resign from the military after a certain time in the service. The government has said there will be no demobilization at all as long as the conflict with Russia lasts.


Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimated on Friday that Ukrainian military casualties this year alone have surpassed 111,000.