Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.20814932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4961 >>4963 >>5107 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

"Massive Fraud": SEC Shuts Down 'Prolific' Auditor BF Borgers, Whose Clients Include Trump Media


The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shut down auditor BF Borgers, described by the Financial Times as "one of the most prolific auditors of US public companies," over allegations of "massive fraud" that affected more than 1,500 SEC filings, the agency announced on Friday.


Borgers agreed to a $12 million civil penalty, while owner Benjamin Borgers agreed to pay $2 million to settle the SEC's charges. The company has also agreed to permanent suspensions from practicing as accountants on SEC filings, effective immediately.


According to the SEC, a "significant" number of listed companies will have to switch accountants in the coming days due to the enforcement action.


Clients include Trump Media.


"Trump Media looks forward to working with new auditing partners in accordance with today's SEC order," a spokesperson for Trump's media company told Reuters in an email.


Borgers has also acted for fintech and crypto companies, and many other small issuers, SEC filings show.


According to the SEC, Borgers did not properly prepare and maintain audit documentation, fabricated audit planning meetings, and in some cases simply passed off previous audits for the current audit period.


Of 369 BF Borgers clients whose filings from January 2021 through June 2023 incorporated BF Borgers's audits and reviews, at least 75% incorporated audits that did not comply with the SEC's rules.


According to SEC Enforcement Division Director Gurbir Grewal, "Ben Borgers and his audit firm, BF Borgers, were responsible for one of the largest wholesale failures by gatekeepers in our financial markets."

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 11:56 a.m. No.20814951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4975 >>5067

Macron Says He'd Send Troops To Ukraine If Russians Advance & If Zelensky Asks


French President Emmanuel Macron has once again brought the possibility of Western 'boots on the ground' in Ukraine back into international headlines, after first controversially floating that the idea can't be ruled out months ago.


In a fresh interview with The Economist, Macron said the possibility of injecting NATO troops into the conflict would "legitimately" arise in the scenario the Russia broke through the front lines and if the Zelensky government specifically made such a request.


Macron explained to the magazine that "if Russia decided to go further, we will in any case all have to ask ourselves this question" of sending troops. He called his prior words before NATO-member defense ministers in Paris urging them to not rule out troops a "strategic wake-up call for my counterparts."

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, noon No.20814969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4987

Trump Takes the Gloves Off, Files Unsealed Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case For “Vindictive and Selective Prosecution” – AND SLAMS HILLARY CLINTON!

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.20814982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4986 >>5107 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

ICC Threatens Action Over 'Intimidation' Tactics As Netanyahu Arrest Warrant Looms


The government of Israel is now essentially in a full diplomatic war with the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the possible impending arrest warrants which could be issued anytime for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his top officials, including the defense chief.


The back-and-forth rhetoric has grown so heated that the Hague-based ICC has issued a new Friday statement warning against 'intimidation' of the court. While not naming Israel or any specific officials or actions, the statement warns that legal action could be take against those "threatening to retaliate" or else trying to "impede or intimidate" its officials and the world court's work.


The ICC prosecutor’s office said that any threats against the court or its personnel could "constitute an offence against the administration of justice under Art 70 of the Rome Statute."


"The office insists that all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials cease immediately," the statement posted to X continued. It said it rejects any scenario where the court's "independence and impartiality are undermined."


Axios reported Monday that the Israeli government is growing "increasingly concerned" over the possible action, while Walla news has written that Netanyahu is "under unusual stress" over what will be a largely symbolic, albeit still deeply embarrassing reputational black eye for his government at a moment he's facing immense domestic pressure at home to bring back the hostages.


Israel has been warning that an ICC warrant could blow up a hostage deal being mediated by Egypt and Qatar. Additionally Netanyahu has been issuing personal appeals condemning the ICC case which focused on alleged human rights violations, war crimes, and alleged genocide on the part of IDF troops in Gaza.


This unusual ICC response follows on the heels of Netanyahu days ago saying he "expects the leaders of the free world to stand firmly against" any ICC arrest warrants for Israeli government officials.


"We expect them to use all the means at their disposal to stop this dangerous move," Netanyahu said. It's also been widely reported that he personally asked President Biden to pressure the ICC to halt its proceedings related to Israeli war crimes.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.20815009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5013 >>5107 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

IT WAS ALL A SETUP: Newly Unsealed Docs Reveal Jack Smith’s Top Prosecutor Met with Top Biden Aide Before Any Classified Docs Were Found at Mar-a-Lago


Newly unsealed documents in Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump further prove Biden’s DOJ set up Trump.


The unsealed motion reveals Jack Smith’s top prosecutor, Jay Bratt, met with a top Biden aide in September 2021 – before any classified documents were discovered at Mar-a-Lago.


Bratt met with an aide to Biden’s White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain in September 2021.


Per Julie Kelly: Jay Bratt–who led investigation into classified docs then moved to Jack Smith’s team after he was appointed–met with aide to WH chief of staff Ron Klain in Sept. 2021


Last week Judge Aileen Cannon unsealed records in Jack Smith’s classified docs case against Trump that revealed Biden’s White House and DOJ were coordinating with National Archives general counsel Gary Stern.


The day before Jack Smith indicted Trump in the classified documents case last June, NARA’s general counsel Gary Stern was at the Biden White House and met with Joe Biden’s White House lawyer Richard Sauber.


NARA’s general counsel Gary Stern was working with Biden’s White House and DOJ as early as August 2021 (one year before the Mar-a-Lago raid).


Furthermore, according to unsealed documents, an unidentified witness told DOJ prosecutor Michael Thakur that after the Trump Administration ended, the General Services Administration (GSA) stored six pallets of boxes in Virginia. They eventually contacted Trump’s team and told them to come pick up the boxes.


These were the boxes that ended up having documents with “classified markings” on them. The boxes were dumped outside of DC in Virginia and then ended up at Mar-a-Lago.


This was a total setup.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:09 p.m. No.20815017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5052

Ukraine can use British weapons to strike Russia – Cameron


The UK Foreign Secretary also promised Kiev over $3 billion in military aid annually for “as long as it takes”


Ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by London to strike targets on Russian territory, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has declared, in an interview with Reuters on Thursday during a visit to Kiev.


Cameron, who oversaw the Libya invasion while UK Prime Minister from 2010 to 2016, met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal and Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, promised London’s “unequivocal support” and annual military aid payments.


“We will give three billion pounds ($3.74 billion) every year for as long as is necessary. We’ve just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment,” Cameron told the outlet, noting that some of the British weapons earmarked for Ukraine would arrive in the country during his visit.


The foreign secretary claimed that precision-guided bombs, air defense missiles and equipment for 100 mobile air defense teams are among the weapons donated to Kiev.


Cameron stated that Ukraine has the “right” to use arms provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, if that’s how it wants to use them.


“Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it’s defending itself,” the diplomat said.


Shortly after publishing its original article, Reuters deleted the interview with Cameron’s statements, indicating that a “revision of certain details” in the text was underway.


Some, like Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, suggested that the revision may have had to do with the backlash caused by the diplomat’s statement regarding the use of British weapons. However, the article was later re-uploaded on Friday without any apparent visible changes.


The Foreign Secretary’s statement has been met with condemnation in Moscow. Zakharova suggested that London should prepare itself for the possibility that Kiev could eventually use the weapons it has received to attack the UK, “as was done by Western-raised Al Qaeda terrorists.”


Meanwhile, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has described Cameron’s words as “yet another very dangerous statement,” noting that there has been a noticeable verbal escalation on the part of Western officials.


“This is a direct escalation of tensions around the Ukrainian conflict, which could potentially pose a danger to European security, the entire European security architecture,” Peskov warned.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20815069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5088 >>5107 >>5120 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

ANOTHER Democrat Indicted On Foreign Corruption Charges.


The Department of Justice announced a criminal indictment against Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and his wife, Imelda, on Friday. The charges are related to foreign corruption. In January 2022, federal agents raided Cuellar’s home and campaign office in Texas as part of an investigation into a group of U.S. businessmen with ties to Azerbaijan. At the time, the Texas Democrat pledged to cooperate with the federal investigation.


Cueller and his wife are accused of accepting $600,000 in bribes as part of an Azerbaijani foreign influence operation. The indictment alleges the Texas Democrat agreed to “influence legislative activity” and lobby the Biden government on behalf of Azerbaijan in exchange for the bribes. This marks the second Congressional Democrat to be indicted on accusations of foreign corruption in the last year.


In September 2023, a federal grand jury indicted Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on charges of corruption and acting as an unregistered foreign agent for Egypt and Qatar. According to the indictment, Menendez and his wife Nadine received payments in cash, gold bars, and a luxury vehicle for their efforts on behalf of the two foreign governments. Despite the indictment, Menendez continues to serve in the U.S. Senate and maintains access to classified intelligence briefings.


Rep. Cuellar has occasionally broken ranks with his fellow Democrats in Congress and has, at times, criticized Biden‘s open border policies. First elected to the House in 2004, Cuellar is a long-standing member of the centrist Blue Dog Democrats. In March, he launched a new caucus for Congressional Democrats focusing on border security.


The Texas Democrat is also the only remaining pro-life Democrat in Congress.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:25 p.m. No.20815095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5107 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Newly proposed law would strip non-profit status from all organizations across America that criticize Israel


It is receiving almost no media attention, but a new bill in Congress threatens to remove non-profit status from all organizations in America that in any way criticize Israel.


House Resolution 6408 "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the tax-exempt status of terrorist supporting organizations" and S. 1436 stipulate that non-profits will be expected to support Israel no matter what, or else face punishment by the IRS. Both companion bills were passed with bipartisan support from both Democrats and Republicans.


"This will give a single U.S. official authority to strip U.S. non-profits [sic] orgs of their non-profit status in a peremptory manner, w/ virtually no limitations, accountability, or meaningful recourse, based merely on his declaration they are "terrorist supporting organizations," tweeted Lara Friedman (@LaraFriedmanDC), president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.


"The explicit target of this legislation is orgs involved in / supporting protest against Israel's war on Gaza, most notably SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine). But of course, if passed into law, it could be used against any tax-exempt org working for an objective disfavored by the Admin in power."


H.R.6408 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to terminate the tax-exempt status of terrorist supporting organizations.


If you don't support Israel 100%, Zionists consider you a "terrorist"


Even in our own comment section there are folks that routinely drop a line about how those who oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza are "terrorists," which is the same position the Zionists in government hold as they chip away at Americans' First Amendment rights.


By simply declaring all speech against Israel to be "antisemitic," Zionists are able to brand anyone opposed to Israel's genocide as basically a member of Hamas who hates Jews – including, bizarrely, Jewish people who also oppose what Israel is doing in the Middle East.


"The intent behind the bill — the targeting of groups engaged in protest for Palestinian rights / lives — has been made explicit – e.g., here's the Chair of the House Ways & Means Committee when it was marking up / passing the bill last November," Friedman further tweeted, referring to this hearing, which if you are interested can also be viewed below:

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20815123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5231 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Trillions hidden off-balance sheet by JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup; FDIC bank insurance roughly 200 times under-funded


In the labyrinth of economic indicators, one metric stands out like a beacon, warning of impending storms on the horizon. Dubbed the Buffet Indicator, it serves as a barometer of market exuberance, hinting at the fragility lurking beneath the surface of financial euphoria.


Picture this: the Buffet Indicator, named after legendary investor Warren Buffet, is now teetering perilously close to the precipice of its 1999 pre-crash levels. A chilling reminder of the dot-com bubble that burst with catastrophic consequences, reshaping the financial landscape for years to come.


But wait, hasn’t artificial intelligence (AI) intervened, briefly postponing the inevitable? Indeed, the rise of AI has injected a dose of optimism into the markets, offering a fleeting reprieve from the specter of market collapse. Yet, beneath the veneer of technological prowess lies a deeper truth—a truth that threatens to unravel the very fabric of our financial system.


The Federal Reserve, once hailed as the guardian of economic stability, now finds itself grappling with a train wreck of unprecedented proportions. With the Buffet Indicator flashing red and warnings of an impending crisis ringing in their ears, policymakers face a daunting challenge: how to avert disaster without exacerbating the underlying fragility of the system.


And yet, the Fed hesitates to wield its most potent weapon—interest rate cuts. As JP Morgan sounds the alarm bells, warning of 8% rates looming on the horizon, the gravity of the situation becomes clear. Double-digit mortgages and bond losses loom large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the housing market and commercial real estate alike.


But the specter of a banking collapse looms largest of all. With FDIC bank insurance woefully under-funded and trillions of dollars hidden off-balance sheet by banking giants like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citigroup, the stakes have never been higher.


Should the worst come to pass, banks may resort to desperate measures, raiding every bank deposit in America to bail themselves out. The Fed, once a bastion of profitability, now finds itself drowning in losses, its coffers depleted by the Herculean task of propping up a faltering system.


As the Fed struggles to navigate the treacherous waters of economic uncertainty, one thing becomes abundantly clear: this is no ordinary crisis. With each passing day, the stakes grow higher, the risks more daunting, and the consequences more dire.


In the end, the fate of our economy hangs in the balance, caught between the twin forces of exuberance and despair. The Buffet Indicator serves as a stark reminder of the perils that lie ahead, urging caution in the face of uncertainty and vigilance in the midst of chaos.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:34 p.m. No.20815134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Governor Healy (D-MA) signs a funding bill allocating up to $426 million to house undocumented immigrants in Massachusetts.


In a move that has ignited a firestorm of controversy, Governor Healy of Massachusetts has signed a funding bill earmarking up to $426 million to provide housing for undocumented immigrants in the state.


The decision, coming in the wake of Biden’s landslide victory in Massachusetts and the passage of a “right-to-shelter” law by Democrats, has left many Americans reeling. With Boston already designated a Sanctuary City and Governor Healy previously urging residents to house undocumented immigrants in their own homes, the message is clear: Massachusetts is open for undocumented migrants.


But as the state extends a helping hand to those without legal status, questions of fairness and priority arise. With Americans struggling to make ends meet and facing economic hardships, the allocation of taxpayer funds to house undocumented immigrants strikes a discordant note.


In the midst of this tumult, one fact remains starkly evident: elections have consequences. As Americans grapple with their status as second-class citizens in their own country, the disparity between the treatment of undocumented immigrants and native-born Americans becomes increasingly pronounced.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.20815150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Says Protests Haven’t Made Him Reconsider Support for Gaza Slaughter


The president made clear that he supports the crackdown on protesters


President Biden said on Thursday that the college protests on campuses across the country have not caused him to rethink his unconditional support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.


Biden made the comment when answering a question from a reporter after he delivered brief remarks about the protest movement.


The president portrayed the demonstrations as “violent,” but the only significant violence occurred when police moved to clear out encampments or occupied buildings and when a pro-Israel crowd attacked an encampment at UCLA.


“So, let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America — violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is. It’s against the law when violence occurs,” Biden said.


“Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations — none of this is a peaceful protest,” he added.


Biden made clear that he supported the crackdown on the protests, which has led to over 2,000 arrests across the country so far. “We are a civil society, and order must prevail,” he said.


The president also again appeared to smear the movement as antisemitic despite the fact that Jewish students were involved in the protests. “There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students,” he said.


While he condemned the protests, Biden said he did not believe that the National Guard should intervene.


Biden’s position on the protest movement puts him at odds with some Democrats, including the College Democrats of America, the official college outreach arm of the Democratic National Committee, which released a statement strongly backing the demonstrations.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:40 p.m. No.20815161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5166 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Job growth dominated by gov’t and healthcare sectors, part-time jobs dominate.


Government and healthcare sectors drive job growth, with 61% of net payrolls added in the last year. Despite a recent increase in full-time work, the economy has lost full-time jobs over the past 12 months, with all net gains in part-time employment. Employment of foreign-born workers has surpassed pre-pandemic levels, while native-born Americans lag behind. Total unemployed Americans hit a new high. Rising unemployment signals potential recession, prompting caution in financial markets.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20815170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5174 >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

CATASTROPHIC Reproductive Damage After COVID Shots: Canadian Government Database


'It is past time … to stop gaslighting suffering patients'


A new report is citing a Canadian government database showing an explosion of reproductive ailments as evidence of problems with side effects from the mRNA treatments mandated by governments and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.


"It is past time for the Canadian medical and government establishment, along with mainstream medical professionals and legacy media, to stop gaslighting suffering patients. It is time for them to explore the dramatic evidence of the relationship between COVID vaccination rollout and the reproductive damage that tens of if not thousands of patients suffered," explained a substack report at BehindTheFDACurtain.


The report documented that according to the database, "the average number of patients assigned the following reproduction-related diagnostic codes increased, on average, in every category for 2021 to 2022 over 2015 to 2019.


"This means that Canadian medical professionals found more Ontarians suffering from the following conditions after over eighty-five percent of the population had taken COVID vaccines."

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.20815189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon admitted implementing censorship policies due to Biden government pressure.


In a startling revelation, tech giants Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon have admitted succumbing to government pressure, igniting fears of a chilling effect on free speech online. The implications of this admission are profound, raising concerns about the erosion of digital liberties in the digital age.


If it’s getting worse, we could see a potential escalation into a full-blown crackdown on dissenting voices.



Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.20815209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

From crisis to prosperity: Netanyahu's vision for Gaza 2035 revealed online


The plan lays out a three-step program for returning Gaza to self-governance and eventually reintegrating Gaza into the regional economy.


There has been much debate about exactly what Israel's plans for a post-war Gaza would look like. Documents from the Prime Minister's Office were published online on Friday, showing Israel's plan to revitalize the Gazan economy.


The documents published online showed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt to bring about a lasting peace and reintegrate Gaza into the regional economy through large infrastructure and economic investment.


The plan laid out the goal of rebuilding Gaza in order to moderate its politics.


It called Gaza an "Iranian outpost" that "sabotages emerging supply chains" and "thwarts any future hope for the Palestinian people."


The plan also highlighted the historically central place that Gaza held in the East-West trade routes, being on both the Baghdad-Egypt trade routes and the Yemen-Europe trade routes.


Once he finishes genociding Gaza - how is this not ethnic cleansing?

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.20815218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

New Antisemitism Law Turns Critics against Israeli Genocide into Criminals


On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Expanding the scope of what is legally considered antisemitism, this is another bipartisan uniparty trap to ensnare the thousands of protesters exercising their free speech against the apartheid Israel’s extermination of Palestinians, in effect criminalizing those that are critical of the genocide. This is piece of legislation is a betrayal of our First Amendment rights and a betrayal of the American people, and a testimonial how AIPAC Israel through bribery and blackmail have turned our constitutional republic into a totalitarian technocratic police state.


Foreign national influence is outlawed in the United States except with one exception, the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) that allows Zionist Israel money and bribery control to essentially own the treasonous US Congress. Through intelligence agencies Mossad, CIA and MI6 in addition to AIPAC, US politicians are systemically coerced, bribed and blackmailed into unconditional support for Israel.


As Tucker Carlson admitted recently to Joe Rogan, politicians are afraid to not vote in line with these intimidation tactics imposed by foreign agent operatives, that threaten kiddie porn on their computers or truth exposing pedo-blackmail activity, to ensure that Zionist Israel always gets what it wants with total impunity. With this kind of captured control over politicians, and now with this latest antisemitism law, dare criticize Israel or Zionism or Jewish power, it can now get us locked up under antisemitic hate speech. Zionist bloodline moneychangers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers would not want it any other way A Thursday May 2nd Truthout article states:



House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to approve legislation directing the U.S. Department of Education to consider a dubious definition of antisemitism, despite warnings from Jewish-led groups that the measure speciously conflates legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with bigotry against Jewish people.


Uniparty Republicans and Democrats passing this new antisemitism bill destroying US Constitution’s First Amendment that guarantees our citizens’ free speech rights, confirms that US Congress panders and grovels in submission to their master Zionist Jewish State and its bloodline master founding owner, the Rothschild banking cartel. America’s uniparty is owned and operated by foreign agent AIPAC Israel.

Again, look at what inexhaustible lengths our Congress goes to, to protect the rights, security and safety of Jews, while Palestinian Arabs are brutally massacred daily and American citizens’ disappearing constitutional rights, our safety and national security are blatantly trampled upon. Only the apparent “chosen ones” receive preferential legal protection under bipartisan US law, while all the rest of us members of the human race, to Israel and US Congress, are all Palestinians in the genocidal crosshairs of our common Zionist Darkside enemy.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.20815222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5225 >>5251 >>5321 >>5339 >>5350 >>5357

WTF is going on here


US temporarily suspends assembly of floating dock off Gaza and hands control to Israel


The pier's construction will be finished before being placed on the Gaza shoreline where aid can be directly delivered to the population.


US CENTCOM announced on Friday that it had suspended the construction of the floating pier off of Gaza and had handed over control to Israel.


The pier has been partially built and is being moved to the Port of Ashdod due to unsafe weather conditions.

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 1 p.m. No.20815240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251 >>5350 >>5357

Israeli Private Eye Arrested in London Over Alleged Hacking for US Firm


An Israeli private investigator wanted by the United States was arrested in London over allegations that he carried out a cyberespionage campaign on behalf of an unidentified American PR firm, a London court heard on Thursday.


But an initial attempt to extradite Amit Forlit to the United Sates was thrown out by a judge at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday on a legal technicality.


Amy Labram, a lawyer representing the United States, told the court Forlit "is accused of engaging in a hack for hire scheme".


Labram said that the U.S. allegations include that an unnamed Washington-based PR and lobbying firm paid one of Forlit's companies 16 million pounds ($20 million) "to gather intelligence relating to the Argentinian debt crisis".


Forlit and his lawyer did not immediately return messages seeking comment.


Forlit was arrested under an Interpol red notice at London's Heathrow Airport as he was trying to board a flight to Israel, according to the U.S authorities. It was unclear when Forlit was arrested.


Forlit is wanted in the U.S. on three charges: one count of conspiracy to commit computer hacking, one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of wire fraud.


A judge ruled that the attempt to extradite Forlit by the United States could not continue as he was not produced in court within the timeframe required under British extradition law.


"He was not produced at court as soon as practicable and the consequences of that … he must – I have no discretion – he must be discharged," Judge Michael Snow ruled.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to comment.


Forlit has separately been accused of computer hacking in New York by aviation executive Farhad Azima. Azima, whose emails were stolen and used against him in a 2020 trial in London, is suing Forlit and others in federal court in Manhattan.


Forlit has previously acknowledged retrieving Azima's emails but has denied hacking, telling Reuters he innocently stumbled across the messages "on the web".


(Reporting by Sam Tobin in London, additional reporting by Raphael Satter in Washington and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles, Editing by Alexandra Hudson and Michael Perry)

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 1:02 p.m. No.20815247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video Shows Israeli Soldiers 'Using Palestinian as a Human Shield'

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 1:24 p.m. No.20815328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former School Bus Driver Indicted on Child Pornography Charges

Anonymous ID: 722e91 May 3, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.20815336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5350 >>5357

Purported Member Of The Cartier Family And Five Colombian Nationals Charged For Their Roles In International Money Laundering And Narcotics Conspiracies