Anonymous ID: 905237 May 3, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.20815308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5397


>just gets off work capable of sustaining 4 people, nice car, and house

>hangs coat up on rack

>doesn't bother changing and showering since not a preppy man bun wearing faggot

>wife has prepared sandwiches, a few apples, and a container of iced tea

>wearing a summer dress

>for summertime picnics

>all perfectly capable of fitting in basket and being good enough for an afternoon picnic since not gluttonous fat pigs

>still know dinner is going to be made later

>helping carry the basket with the wife shows a sense of companionship and care for each other as he has an entire child on his other shoulder

>all look happy, healthy, and not burdened with multiculturalism

if that's evil, then i'd prefer it over whatever this new normal in 2024 is

Anonymous ID: 905237 May 3, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.20815402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5424


except the fact he's not

he's going to use the national guard to deport the millions of illegals which are largely military aged fighting males and only said he'd use the military if the national guard weren't capable of completing it since there are so many of them

staff his admin with those who follow the rule of law as opposed to those who subvert it to target their political opponents when they're leading in every major poll

fire corrupt u.s. attorneys who are paid and backed by corrupt people who refuse to prosecute people who clearly broke the law like biden illegally keeping classified docs in his garage when he wasn't cleared to do being only the vp who isn't cleared under the presidential records act

stop america from being used as the world's police at our own expense because other countries refuse to pay their dues

anyone who doesn't support that should be deported with the rest of them

here's a non-faggot article