Anonymous ID: 9460a0 May 3, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20816258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6262 >>6304 >>6407 >>6591 >>6791 >>6892 >>6917



Q+: "Now, Deranged Jack has admitted in a filing in front of Judge Cannon to what I have been saying happened since the Illegal RAID on my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida -That he and his team committed blatant Evidence Tampering by mishandling the very Boxes they used as a pretext to bring this Fake Case."


God bless Q team.


If it weren't for the traps they set, anon would likely not have awakened from the fever dream of trusting the projection scam modus operandi of the globalist cult.

That the loudest accusers in the world, are themselves implementing (formerly hidden, now open source) the very actions they are claiming are being done by others.


Q was abolsutely right, once the people awaken to this very real, very evil pattern, they NEVER fall back asleep to it, and this is why an awakened public is "their" greatest fear.


It is astonishing, Earth shattering, that we all can write and say, CORRECTLY AND IN FIDELITY WITH THE TRUTH AS IT REALLY IS, that rogue actors asserting themselves as having authority to enforce laws using the powers of the Department of Justice, are implementing by praxis the very crimes they claim they are trying to stop in the body of Q+.


Writing that 8 years ago would have been met with a public mind overwhelmingly rejecting it as insanity, tin foil, baseless anti-government extremism, AND A LIE. For the public mind had been conditioned to trust the evil projections because the public was denied informational access to the truth of the actions of the actors weaponizing government, and the media. All the public mind knew was what it observed, and all it observed was indictments from the DOJ, the public mind never saw the truth that the accusers were themselves committing the very crimes they were issuing false indictments against any and all 'political opponents'.

Any political opponent who somehow acquired access to the information, were immediately targeted with accusations of crimes that the accusers were themselves doing all along. And because the public mind didn't see these events, all they saw were politicians like Blagojevitch getting indicted, and enemy of the people fake news msdnc blasted narrative justifying and echoing the fraud to legitimize it in the trusting viewer's minds.

Anonymous ID: 9460a0 May 3, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20816262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6304 >>6364 >>6407 >>6591 >>6791 >>6892 >>6917





This pattern of projection is coincidentally THE characteristic feature of the entirety of "Marxism". Karl Marx's entire "worldview" was in fact a description of his own self-alienated psychology. When he "described" humanity as a whole as consisting of just two huge classes, greedy capitalist and exploited proletariat, he was in fact describing his own self-aleinated mind where he could not reconcile his own mind with his own body, on the one hand a mind having delusions of grandeur, of an infinitely self-aggrandizing spirit wanting the infinity (projected out as an observation of every wage payer), and on the other hand a frail barnacle infested finite mortal body (projected out as an observation of every wage earner). The inner conflict he mistook as an observation of the world.


All the voices claiming to be observing an absolutist condemnation and division of all of humanity, are in reality expressions of the voice's inconsistent self-image projected out into the world as if those inconsistent thoughts were observations of the secret inner workings of objective reality.


Q team tought this anon a lesson for the ages. For not only does anon see much better how this phenomena animates the minds of those going after Q+, but it also helps anon and keeps anon in check to self-reference to make sure anon's imagined observations really are observations and not themselves projections.


Anon has learned and transcended a former pattern of seeing flaws in others when in fact anon was deeply almost unconsciously expressing a shame of self of containing those very same flaws. Guessing other anons have experienced this at least once. Seeing a flaw in another that are really an expression of wanting to believe the flaw is not also in the self.


Anon is now more sharp, more honed, more selective in levying accusations. They need to have clear evidence. Q+ is accusing Jack Smith of projection, and anon dares say Q+ is 100% correct, because Smith just admitted in a court filing that he committed the very act he is accusing Q+ of having committed.

It is now deterministically proved that the accusers of the boxes hoax, are themselves guilty of the very crimes they accused Q+ of committing in that indictment. By their own logic then, by the punishments they claim are justified in response, have they not ASKED to be punished given they are the ones who committed the crime not Q+?


With this level of evil controlling the highest institutions of law enforcement in the country, it is no wonder why any plan to fix it would take YEARS AND YEARS. For the very means to stop crime, were themselves criminal.


Q team, military intelligence, are indeed the saviors of mankind. Without the Q project, humanity, the world, would have fallen into darkness of pure evil. Pure evil may sound like an exaggeration. But what is worse than a death cult manipulating information to trick the world into a fake movie fantasyland while the cult commits not only all the crimes they are accusing the world of committing, but also underneath a temple on an island, drugging, raping and sacrificing children in a ritual to satan, funding and orchestrating world wars that kill hundreds of millions of people, manufacturing killer viruses and killer "cures", and all for what, power and money?

That is pure evil staring the world in the face. An unrelenting force that postures itself as having final determinsitic authority in who lives and who dies, accusing the world of the worst sin while practising that very worst sin with seeming impunity…what else is that than pure evil?

Anonymous ID: 9460a0 May 3, 2024, 6:21 p.m. No.20816383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God bless.


Is the digital world growing to such complexity that it is becoming possible for a Godel like pattern to develop of a system talking about itself in such clear ways that individual component consciousnesses interfaced with it are capable of detecting a previously hidden but nevertheless massive inconsistency eminating from a subset of consciousnesses practising an ancient form of social control by mass projections of the worst evil that were trusted by the receivers as descriptions of their consciousnesses?


Perhaps this is why "they" need periodic mass depopulation events, to prevent the global system of interconnected consciousnesses from becoming numerous enough and therefore complex enough to begin the process of noticing its own ruleset talking about itself, the very process now taking place with Q+ exposing the "talking about themselves" accusers/cult?


Elon is right, the biggest scarcity by far is human consciousnesses. The more consciousnesses there are, the more complex the system becomes, and the more likely the system will detect itself when a subset of the system introduce inconsistsncies in a false idol quest to become gods (complete).


Maybe we're seeing right now a system that can be described and understood with Godel's incompleteness theorems and theories on complex formal systems.

Anonymous ID: 9460a0 May 3, 2024, 6:42 p.m. No.20816487   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When you enter a war, and you see guns and missiles, are you going to think the place is not welcoming enough, and do you think you's survive if you pleaded with the people shooting at you to use proper pronouns?


>people of color

You racist, we're all human.