Anonymous ID: a23545 May 4, 2024, 3:56 a.m. No.20817765   🗄️.is 🔗kun





If you’ve ever wondered how much money one woman could spend on body wash and moisturizer in a year if left unchecked, Joe Biden’s niece reportedly has an answer for you: $110,810.04.


In a story that sounds like a Mad Libs written in a rosé stupor, Caroline Biden — daughter of financier James Biden Sr. — entered a plea deal in Manhattan court for a charge each of grand and petit larceny. The crime? She allegedly used someone else’s credit card to open a customer account at C.O. Bigelow Apothecaries in the West Village and spent the aforementioned amount. Or, in summary, Joe Biden’s out-of-control niece stole over $100,000 to buy toiletries.


Along with pleading guilty to those charges, Caroline agreed to repay the full amount. If all goes as promised, the New York Post reports, she will then “enter a substitute plea to a lower, misdemeanor charge of petit larceny and be sentenced to two years probation.” If not, she’ll receive a felony larceny charge and five years probation — but no jail time


This isn’t Caroline’s first brush with the law. Back in 2013, while her uncle was in the White House, she was arrested for fighting with her roommate (it turned out to be about unpaid rent) and hitting a cop. In lieu of jail time, she underwent anger-management treatment, and sources told the Post that “the pressure of being Joe Biden’s niece made her totally unravel.”