Mike Peinovich, literally the driving force of the entire Alt-Right gets outted as being a Jew, with a wife who worked for a CFR cutout!? "Richard Spencer" is not the real name of the other dude who like, DEFINES glowing. Golden boy from Virginia.
Don Black, the leader of right-wing resistance on the internet before Web 2.0 learned how to do HTML in prison from the FBI !
When Mike Enoch got outted for having a Jewish wife and being a fraud, who instantly jumped to his defense? DAVID DUKE. GLOWING DAVID DUKE! rofmao, feel bad for that guy, clearly he still has to jump when they say how-high.
On this movement, look who's got caught with their hand in the cookie jar?
George Webb.
Tracy Beanz.
Mike Cernovich
Everyone is compd dude. The default position to have should be "COMPD". So if someone is screaming about the accusation, that is more of a sign than anything. They should at least understand.