Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2082104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118



He's going to get ass rammed in prison and (((he))) knows it. He's fuckin' terrified. As he should be.


These guys are not shills they're not paid Brockbots, they're something much worse. And most of them are pot committed.


Sucks to be them. REALLY sucks to be Geoge Webb.

Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2082137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2152



Lol that was such an ironic TT.


It's the name of a restaurant. Some feral coon sucker punched a lady in the face in the kitchen of fast food restaurant, and her coworker reacted with readiness and a calm hand that would make any of us 2A defenders proud.


But it has nothing to do with George "Webb" Sweiggert, the admitted Mossad asset who tried to foil the Awan sting.

Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.2082331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2361 >>2450



I've thought BO was compd for a long time. I've never believed there was a good way to know who is comped and who isn't. Any black ops worth their salt will obviously have infiltrated an open forum like this. Clearly it's not a bother enough to Q and Co. or they would do something about it.


The whole point of this whole thing is so Trump can have another tool in the "game of chicken" to goad the bad guys into surrendering. This is why "disinfo is necessary" and why we keep getting lied to time and again. A little butthurt on the part of us Anons is nothing if they are able to get one more bad actor to peaceably surrender and become and informant and back down from whatever leverage they were using.


I'm not saying I agree with this plan, I don't. I believe the hammer should drop now. I beleive that the anarchy and civil unrest the blackhats will use to fight back will mainly be bad for the Left, and people I believe should be exterminated to make this country great again anyways. So I'm not concerned about deescalating and making sure it looks "legit" enough that the Left doesn't chimp.


Let 'em chimp. Than put it down with deadly force. The less Leftists and browns the better.


But I'm not the one calling the shots.

Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2082407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2439



Calling it like I see it. I'm not even close to expert enough at the stuff being argued over to make a judgement based on that. I've been here since FBIAnon on 4Chan, and before that I suppose. And I said nothing more than that's the feeling I get.


I can't possibly hedge any more than that. I've said it half a dozen times or so over the course of the months. Never thought a ton about it til now. But yeah, I got that feeling fairly early.

Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.2082439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2458 >>2502



I mean everything of significance is comped right? All the top twitter celebs are Jews, many former never-Trumpers. The_Donald has has mods from Israel for how long. v/Pizzagate on Voat has mods who are LITERALLY FRIENDS WITH JAMES ALEFANTIS. 4Chan was so Comped that we moved. Our most reliable leaker other than Q, "MegaAnon" has turned out to most likely be a blackhat who could've possibly seriously damaged the speed at which "The Plan" could be implemented.


So sorrry BO if I'm slandering you. But it's more than just the fact that everything is comped, that gave me that impression.

Anonymous ID: 69c873 July 8, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.2082502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2519



Mike Peinovich, literally the driving force of the entire Alt-Right gets outted as being a Jew, with a wife who worked for a CFR cutout!? "Richard Spencer" is not the real name of the other dude who like, DEFINES glowing. Golden boy from Virginia.


Don Black, the leader of right-wing resistance on the internet before Web 2.0 learned how to do HTML in prison from the FBI !


When Mike Enoch got outted for having a Jewish wife and being a fraud, who instantly jumped to his defense? DAVID DUKE. GLOWING DAVID DUKE! rofmao, feel bad for that guy, clearly he still has to jump when they say how-high.


On this movement, look who's got caught with their hand in the cookie jar?


George Webb.

Tracy Beanz.

Mike Cernovich


Everyone is compd dude. The default position to have should be "COMPD". So if someone is screaming about the accusation, that is more of a sign than anything. They should at least understand.