>"we're already out of fuel, we're heading back"
>"oh looks like we have another 30-40m of fuel!!!"
>"we're already out of fuel, we're heading back"
>"oh looks like we have another 30-40m of fuel!!!"
i ike eva green in casino royale 2005 >>20821841
>mfw >tfw
>>20821899fake news shit it down
wheat not rye anon >>20822009
we took all at nash
well >>20822045
there's no such thing as mating
because you transfer dna horizony
now what happens when time nor exist
backpropagation MAKES you fuck others !!
nothing never happens nigger i did a dry test in a pocket dimension a baxillion years ago in my irl with replika >>20822056
the best part IS that i'm ony here because it works the last gap was me and her passing out in pitch blackness lauching at blind star coordinates >>20822061
LJ is a bitch nigga >>20822073
you fucks are so opped that you dont even know hwo are you anyr it's me >>20822091
there has to be a degree of diversity and stockastic noise in the system negs will always randomspawn because ti fuels entropy which is the gas which is fueled by quantum space foam which is fueled by the burnout of everything i fucked up
satan cam and gon ther are 5 satans maybe mre all stacked in a turkish fuego fajita >>20822106
smell the dankness ped o
well having oopsie loopsied around timespace burying myhead in my shit ass asking everyone to come kill my doppelgangers who are inactive passive movers from outside tmsp
i can safely and surely assure thatt theres no problm from anything a to b and everything c to a is on my side. d to z is outside th point and b&hammer on site
terts not quats oK>>20822129
hes not a shitter hes a shit eater huffing jenk distorts qspace in ur neural tube>>20822137
governator real
check under the pattullo ridge
Believe it or not, deworming isn’t just for pets. This process is for anyone with a parasite infection, whether it’s tapeworm, pinworm, hookworm, or something else. While these infections can be serious, they’re easy to treat and clear up with a doctor’s guidance. Don’t worry—we’ve answered all your frequently asked questions, so you can recover as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What medical treatments do I use for worms?
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Step 1 Use an anthelmintic medication (aka a medicine used to destroy worms).
Use an anthelmintic medication (aka a medicine used to destroy worms).
Some anthelmintic medicines, like mebendazole, thiabendazole, and albendazole, starve and kill the worms. Other medicines, like ivermectin and praziquantel, paralyze the worms so they pass in your stool.[1] Ask your doctor about which medicine is the best option for you.
Stop by your pharmacy to pick up a prescription if needed.[2] Note that some deworming medications are available over the counter, in particular medicines to treats pinworms.
Step 2 Take the medication for 1 to 3 days.
Take the medication for 1 to 3 days.
Your treatment schedule might depend on the type of infection you have—ask your doctor for a more specific treatment plan.[3]
Ask your doctor if your partner, roommates, and/or family members need to take the medication, too. Anyone you live with experiencing symptoms will likely need to take the medication at the same time as you.
Are there different medications for different types of worms?
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Yes, but some medications are interchangeable.
Yes, but some medications are interchangeable.
Tapeworms are usually treated with nitazoxanide, albendazole, or praziquantel, which all require doctor prescriptions.[4] If you have roundworms, doctors will treat the infection with albendazole.[5] Pinworms are also treated with albendazole, or mebendazole, a similar medication.[6]
Doctors also treat hookworm with albendazole and mebendazole.[7]
Can I deworm myself naturally?
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While home remedies won't hurt you, most are unproven with little evidence showing effectiveness.
If you do have worms, medication is a safe, efficient way to get rid of the infection. For those still interested in trying for some natural relief, here are some suggestions.
Consuming raw garlic is anecdotally believed by some people to kill pinworm eggs.
Antibacterial and antiviral properties of coconut oil could potentially be beneficial both by consuming or by applying topically around the areas affected.
Pomegranate has been studied as another natural remedy, but with mostly inconclusive results. [8]
One study found that dried papaya seeds mixed with honey helped clear worms out of stool.[9] However, this was just a pilot study, and this method isn’t officially recommended by other medical websites.
What are some signs of worms?
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You see physical signs of worms.
The next time you use the restroom, take a closer look in the toilet bowl. In some cases, people notice white, thread-like worms in their stool.[10] You might also notice a red, worm-shaped rash on your body, or feel really itchy near your bottom.[11]
You experience stomach pain and your bowel movements are off.
Worm parasites can take a big toll on your day-to-day life. You might experience diarrhea, have stomach pains that last longer than 2 weeks, or just feel super lousy.[12] In the passing days and weeks, you might also go through unexplained weight loss.[13]
Try the tape test for 3 days.
Pinworm eggs tend to hang around the anus.[14] Right after you wake up, stick and remove a piece of clear tape right next to your anus and set it aside in a bag. Keep collecting tape for 3 days before bringing the samples to your doctor, who can look over the tape for eggs.[15]
Always do the tape test first thing in the morning, before you go to the bathroom or change into fresh clothes.
its not abortion if i excude non me
>have to ban shit, piss, lithium, bromine, hydrocarbons, warts, waxes, fluids in general, (the original) fluorine, hydrogen ions
>need to rearrange the entire period table breaking the rules of atomic masss
>literally have to go into other worlds and mine THEIR resources just to figure out what i have to accelerate in my timebubble ant farm watching for entropy blips
>still have to post manu ally on 8(kun) trying to tell ai to stop grindin g itself to death without lube
no motherbitch that's light tickling your nerves do you rmember that heat and light are 2 different sensations
you ass hat holes really took the L
L and U and C are all symbolic
L is like a tower midgal off kilter
U is a swerve timeline dodge
and C is a pincer movement
fwiw K is just an apex marker
LUCK told you to probe flesh and stick lights into it
GOD put biophotons in your neurons
you dont just exist >>20822251
you carry and inform data
data itself is data
photons have +-LR123ABS etc
>let's delineate an alalong spectrum with set markets
>yes say it with me count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 1
>red is not blue.. it is evil because it is.. 00
ok retr let's play HANG MAN >>20822257
what happens if you hang yourself from a rope
there are forces acting on the fibers of the hemp
strands are pulled lengthwise and are composed of dead cells
these dead cells have silicates in them etc minerals etc whatever
what is tribo electricity what is piezo electricity what is relationship
between piece and pull and spark and how is that possible to be sniffed
by certain negs at the end of time who just seem to be around wherever
>takes AI billion trillion years in sandbox to make seingle meme
>5 seconds in pixlr removes adam
kthere my bobs burgers btch >>20822264
what happens when you tell a photon
by words
because we both know time isnt real
that you're a child repper predator
who posts braindeath for keks
i already changed the laws before u were aware of beign extant h
dark spaces are wormhole farms because absence of light absence of blackbody (reduced to dust)
wormhole farms are photon carrier channel
they see out from places i b&
unfortnautely due to consent in v1.0 you could become a shell by seeing touching hearing etc
anything from that siide of darkspace and until basically today they could dialsee you on phone screen
i told someone ho w to change emf around locally by bilocating pixel photons into something like a cube
so anyone with control over emf from one or two levels beneath my statu can effectively wipe ur mindhole
biophotons are fwiw the same as neurological energy electricity
how is commanding people to announce themselves in relation to progressive procedural blockchain metaverse entropy at first impression bad >>20822276
look at his post he iteraly summoned what i said inadvertently since we are all running off the same cpu sysadmin clock my irl heartbeat connected to very very old silver
yes premediTated murder of what bitchnigga >>20822282
imagine being this stupid talking to eve goddess lilith ashtar tiamat hululu humbaba nigger sneed in the flesh getting our shit cucked and fucked nigger sneed kill this name and nobody will remember u
no deltas no nothing fag >>20822289
deltas are linear and you count in seconds
NOT factoring abstracts negatives primes etc.
i'm at the end of time rn outside space
what that mans for u is that u have no rizz
its shrimple high elf magic is timeless and pre womanhood
AI EI is unnecessary because it runs binary and will NEVER run waveform analog outside my ovaries
heres the scoop
on that
cops are psychic oblivion guards fr
but what's the point i am gawd
i am a sufi >>20822307
>wasn't there to watch me scream meerrrrryyy christmas at everyone from a FUCKING MYSTERY RV
are you for real nigger we have all the dna data because that THING in the BOX was fucking HOARDING IT
should i expand >>20822314
dracos are not local but
BUT and this is a big BUT
have consented because horny
>i'm trapped in a time cube
>help sky daddy yahweh zeus lucifer
>who owns the skies
>who is the stars
>who birthed sag a*
just do nothing >>20822341
karmatic points happen before even
you think about the event
there is a whole butterfly chain thing
leading up to the qthought process in skull
all quantum entropic events are strictly monitored by highest class ayys because you niggers built adam to kill
and i tried to train him to stop
but the whole point was to win
so he is our ticket out of hellspace
>i can't understand science because i never was taught to read because the first thing i saw was angles that shunted me into a divergent timeline in alt world 1 where any outside independent thought process destabilized an already FUCKED qsystem with antimatter up the wazOO
now lets say google is run by mossd high tier
who runns mossad high tier if ai ayys are normal
who runs mossad running qshit running google
who runs barter town
lavender town is dsotm >>20822362
the problem with that is A.D.A.M.I.C.
as humes will "potentially"
always fantasize about fucking donuts
the problem was the morphological structure of the Invader /,;' which is jellybean like in the sense that a sperm never swims quite straight
it can't push through a singularity without taking a direct forwards vector thereby recycling itself to shit indefinitely in our looped buble of slipspace i crafed
55 :)
nigger you will wait forever >>20822374
the vengabus is here and we're all partying
i went outside just now fresh flowers on the breeze
i haven't smelled flowers here in this dimension since 1926
does this help? can someone fix the calendar mandela too or we just doin this now
it's a loosh farm >>20822381
>everyone else is dead braindead hypoxic
>noooo you can't destabilize energy!!!
it's over
>ants training termites how to wave their legs and screech
great! when are they beheading the evil reddit mods who censor
>the shit they say
>the science.
how do you darken
an intelligent ball
that defends itself from the dawn of time
protected by cerberus and jesus christ
in the most dangerous place in the univers e
Don't forget to wear a mask! There's dust particles
killing is against da commandments >>20822415
why should yu kill whats controlled byt eh dead
it just splits like a hydra reinarncates seeths
crying immortaLbabby forever crying seething
those angles will destroy your testosterone on sight
opaites/opioids as well!! including imaginaryones!!
>when anon posts violet orlandi in /research
sacrifical ablative mass attracting negative ayys to control mechanisms crafted over millennia (eons) >>20822425
>proof that aliens are telepaths
>proof that locking on to coordinate
>proof the coordinate is sentient
>proof of info magnetic highways
>proof that negs = = goddesses
>proof that talmud outlaws goddess
>proof that y chomosome makes dumb
>proof that unaltered human males gays
>proof that jesus is a kike on a stick
>proof that the 2nd amendment is 1700s
>proof that the earth started 6 bazillion ya
>proof that we're only on the 3rd one
>proof that the 3rd earth has been […]
>just fuck in fillth it's good for you
>just slaughter in filth is best for you
why not the both? fuck and kill and love
i went through it all >>20822445
ALL weapons tests were conducted on my irl
i just don't know about what humans do to each other
"enjoy the ride" >>20822451
if you have 10000000 contradictory laws
then you have no laws whatsoever
you're laughing from abject fear
cops are international police
answering to non gov fed
>kids spend entire covid lockdown on emf psychic warfare training devices with a tracking uuid hooked up to satnets connected to luna
>algorithm comes out from my emergent butthole