Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 10:27 p.m. No.20821702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅





May 04, 2024, 11:54 PM

Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 10:34 p.m. No.20821735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1736 >>1740 >>1759


Disgraced Former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo, Who Advocated for the COVID Vaccine, Publicly Admits for the First Time to Suffering from a COVID Vaccine Injury


Disgraced former CNN anchor and vaccine pusher Chris Cuomo disclosed for the first time that he has been suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine.


While Cuomo did not specify the exact nature of his symptoms, he expressed concern about ongoing abnormalities in his and others’ health.


This admission came during an in-depth interview with nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage, who was also featured in a New York Times article discussing similar vaccine-related injuries.


Barcavage shared his alarming experience with vaccine side effects that began just minutes after receiving his first dose in 2020. Symptoms included heart palpitations upon standing, numbness, and persistent tingling that quickly spread from his arm to his face and eyes, which got worse after his second dose.


“We know that vaccines can have unintended consequences, a.k.a. side effects… But nobody’s really talking about it because they’re too afraid of blame, and they just want it to go away,” Cuomo said.


“But the problem is people like Sean and me and millions of others who still have weird stuff with their bloodwork and their lives and their feelings physically are not going away,” Cuomo added.


“As soon as I was injured—15, 20 minutes into my first dose—I experienced numbness and tingling up and down my injected arm, which spread over the day to my face and my eyes. I consulted a neurologist who ran some tests and remarked, ‘Well, this is all new. We don’t know much about it, but the hospital is going to mandate it. You should get a second dose.’ Everything in my medical mind and in my bones was telling me, ‘No, if you have a reaction to something, don’t do it again,'” Barcavage said.


“However, the pressure was immense. Then, three weeks later, I received a second dose, and after that, everything blew up. I went from being a healthy, 100% healthy, fully functioning nurse to a complete downward spiral of health. I developed a myriad of symptoms,” he added.


Barcavage expressed his disappointment with the lack of support from various health agencies and from vaccine manufacturers.


“I thought there would be people ready to help me after my injury,” he explained. “I reached out to political representatives, the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, but I received no answers. No one wanted to touch it.”


With medical professionals in the U.S. offering no assistance, Barcavage took his quest international, sending blood samples to Germany, where he found scientists willing to aid his investigation.


“I sent blood samples to Germany and connected with German scientists who were more willing to help than those in my own country. The tests showed I had developed several autoantibodies, some of which scientists believe are related to this positional tachycardia you mentioned, where my heart rate spikes every time I stand up.”


“My autoantibodies resemble those seen in people with long COVID, although I never contracted the virus. This was confirmed through immunological studies of my blood. They found no viral antibodies,” Barcavage said.


Barcavage expressed his expectation of support from his pro-vaccine colleagues, who he believed would assist him in his time of need. Instead, he encountered a starkly different reality.


“I thought my pro-vaccine colleagues who championed me would lift me up and help me. Instead, they turned around, dismissed, denied, and tried to censor and bury me,” Barcavage said.

Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 10:34 p.m. No.20821736   🗄️.is 🔗kun


His situation, he argues, is exacerbated by the political implications of vaccine side effects. “They’re afraid that by showing my face, I’ll drive vaccine hesitancy. But what they don’t realize, and what I have come to realize, is that the censorship and concealment are actually fueling vaccine hesitancy,” he added.


Barcavage critiqued the Biden regime’s handling of vaccine reactions, suggesting that a more transparent approach acknowledging the novel nature of vaccines and setting up dedicated support programs could have fostered public trust.


“If the government had just said, ‘Hey, these are novel vaccines. There will be reactions. Let’s set up a program to handle them, establish a fund, and oblige the manufacturers to provide help or research,’ I think the citizens would have appreciated that.”


Barcavage, along with many Americans, experienced censorship on major social platforms, where his posts were often tagged as misinformation. “When I tried to reach out online, platforms like Facebook and Instagram would tag my messages as misinformation. Yes, that’s right. I’m just a desperate person to whom something bad happened, and I’m reaching out and pleading for help,” he said.


Cuomo, who was part of the censorship regime, admitted to Barcavage that he also suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine.


“Sean, I can’t help you because I’m no clinician. I’m sick myself. But I’m working with people who are working on this, so I’ll make sure that we’re in touch right after the show, and I’ll help any way I can. You may be ahead of me. I’ll connect you with my clinicians, and maybe you can share different protocols and things that may help. But I will never stop reporting on this. All I’m doing is just beating the drum for a 9/11-style commission to figure out what worked and what didn’t and what questions need to be answered because it’s not over,” Cuomo said.



Must Watch: Chris Cuomo interviews Nurse Practitioner, Sean Barcavage, who was featured in the NYT article today about vaccine injuries.


During the interview Cuomo offers to share his doctors’ info with him since he is also suffering from a vaccine injury as well.


— TeasLindsay™ (@TexasLindsay_) May 4, 2024


The irony and karma here are incredible. The New York Times and Chris Cuomo, who finds himself among those affected, are now acknowledging and reporting issues many have voiced concerns about for the past three years.


It can be recalled Chris Cuomo mocked and insulted anyone who refused to take the experimental vaccine.


In 2021, Chris Cuomo and Republican Texas state Rep. Michael Burgess engaged in a heated debate over the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy that is prevalent among some members of the GOP and conservative media.


“You’re OK with this kind of jackassery that has absolutely led to a deficiency among Republican people in this country taking the vaccine, and now they’re getting sick? And now we’re seeing what we see at the hospitals. And now the age is reducing and the variant is spreading. You’re OK with this?” Cuomo asked.


“The people showing up at the hospital who are very sick are, almost without exception, unvaccinated. The people who are dying, 99 percent, are unvaccinated. You have people who are connected to your political party that you are not speaking out against who are telling people not to take it. You’re OK with that?” he added.


Burgess responded, “Don’t listen to people on political talking shows. That’s not where you should get your medical information.” When Cuomo queried about the stance of GOP members of Congress who discourage vaccination, Burgess firmly stated, “I’m telling you to take it, so buy that. What about people who say otherwise? Well, they’re wrong. Take the vaccine if you’re in the age group where you could be devastated by the illness.”

Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 10:50 p.m. No.20821804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1810 >>1831 >>2201

Expectant Father Breaks Down After Losing Battle to Keep His Baby Alive


In a deeply moving moment during Kristan Hawkins’ “No Abortion, No Exceptions” Tour at Florida International University, Tommy Kearns, a grieving father, shared his heart-wrenching story over the loss of his unborn daughter, Clementine.


Kristan Hawkins, the CEO of the Pro-Life Generation, is advocating for the abolishment of abortion. Her tour is a direct challenge to the exploitation of tragic personal stories by “abortion-loving politicians” to push their “anti-woman, anti-baby, and anti-life agenda.”


Kearns, who drove three hours to speak, recounted the painful experience of his daughter Clementine’s abortion.


Kearns recounted his desperate pleas to the mother of his child not to proceed with the abortion. Despite their five-month debate and his unconditional love for both his child and her mother, his pleas were in vain.


“Before I get into my question, I just wanted to say my daughter’s name is Clementine,” Kearns began. “She was five months along when she was aborted. My daughter was healthy. I begged her mother not to go through with the abortion. For five months, we went back and forth. I don’t hate her. I love her, and I’m working on forgiving her.”


“She was confused, she was uncertain, and she had doubts. Mike Tyson has doubts before he gets into a ring. This was an option, and she took that option, and she regrets it now. ”


“This is just a thought that just came into my head; why do you think that people dehumanize my Clementine? Why wasn’t she human enough for people to help me mourn? Why wasn’t she human enough for people to talk about?” Kearns asked, struggling to understand how society could disregard his grief and the humanity of his unborn daughter.


He drew a personal comparison, noting that his mother was born prematurely at the same stage of pregnancy at which Clementine was aborted, emphasizing the potential for life that was extinguished.


Kearns expressed his devastation over not having the chance to say goodbye to his daughter or mourn her as one would with a born child.


“My daughter was five months. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my daughter. I didn’t know about the abortion until after it happened… She was ripped apart. My daughter doesn’t get a funeral. My daughter doesn’t get respect… How much money did they make off of my daughter’s body?”


“My daughter was a person. My daughter is an angel, and I pray for her every single day. I talk to her. I still feel like she’s there. I feel like on July 20th, my daughter is going to be there.”


Kearn expressed his deep connection to Clementine, emphasizing that she was more than just a biological term; she was a growing life that held significant emotional value to him.


“I have her sonogram picture the first time I heard her heartbeat, and I bring this up to people, and I say, ‘Well, she had a heartbeat. Wasn’t she a person?’… For five months, I’m told by my friends, I’m crying over somebody I never met before,” he said, confronting the dismissive attitudes towards his mourning. He reveals the isolation he feels, surrounded by people who diminish his daughter’s existence to merely being “a fetus” and not a “person.”


“My daughter not only matters, but I do not want my daughter to be forgotten. I want my daughter’s story to be talked about. I want her to be remembered. She wasn’t just a fetus.”


The agony is palpable as Kearns recounts the haunting images and nightmares that linger after researching the medical procedures associated with abortion.


His speech also touched on the wider political and societal implications of abortion laws, calling them “evil laws” that need to be challenged and changed.


“My question is really for society. Why doesn’t my daughter matter? Why wasn’t she enough? Why didn’t she get a chance to live? And ultimately, no, I’m not blaming my ex. She had doubts, and she regrets it. Ultimately, this is our government’s fault. We’ve stopped evil laws in the past, in America and in Germany… We came together and we stopped evil laws. This is an evil law that killed my daughter,” Kearn said.


The speech ended with a plea for remembrance and a call to action, urging society to think of Clementine and to keep her memory alive.

Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 10:51 p.m. No.20821810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1831 >>2201


When Kristan was at Florida International University, Thomas drove 3 hours to share his story. It is one that has left a mark on all of us and we will never forget it. Abortion hurts fathers too.


In loving memory of Clementine.


Abortion Hurts Fathers | A Brutal Confession | Kristan Hawkins


Anonymous ID: db732c May 4, 2024, 11:15 p.m. No.20821895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2112


what were ya drinkin?

passing out isnt 'about to go to sleep' you drunken sot!


rested in comparison to the the last few weeks

going to bed in an hour too


can you tell me something that happened this week, i may have missed, other than you?

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 12:26 a.m. No.20822142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2143 >>2153

Government Imposes Blackout on All Information About Israeli Military Planes In Britain – ‘It May Implicate UK MPs In Crimes Against Humanity.’


After revealing nine Israeli Air Force planes landed in Britain in the four months after October 7, the Ministry of Defence changes policy and refuses to give any new information, possibly to protect UK ministers from prosecution. At least six Israeli Air Force aircraft have visited Britain since the Gaza bombing began, but the UK government refuses say what was on them. The information about Israeli military assets using Britain during its campaign may implicate UK ministers in crimes against humanity. Source


It was reported by Declassified UK back on February the 1st that Israel and US may be using American air bases in England to move weapons to the country being investigated for genocide by the World Court. The Israeli military aircraft have landed in Glasgow, Birmingham as well as RAF bases in Suffolk and Oxfordshire since 7 October. The Ministry of Defence told Declassified: “We cannot comment on or provide information relating to foreign nations’ military aircraft movements or operations.” Source


Declassified have however discovered through flight records that Israeli Air Force (IAF) jets have taken off and arrived at four different airports in Britain.Source


Yesterday Declassified reported that all information has been blocked regarding Military planes in Britain :

After revealing nine Israeli Air Force planes landed in Britain in the four months after October 7, the Ministry of Defence changes policy and refuses to give any new information, possibly to protect UK ministers from prosecution.


Defence minister tells parliament “the MoD does not offer comment or information” about Israeli military operations in Britain

Declassified independently found Israeli military jets have landed in four locations in the UK since Gaza bombing began

British MP told his parliamentary question is “subject to a block by government”

The British government has imposed a block on all information about Israeli military planes landing in the UK.


Amidst speculation that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is set to issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers, the new blackout could be intended to protect British ministers from possible prosecution for complicity in war crimes, including defence secretary Grant Shapps.


Kenny MacAskill, Alba MP for East Lothian, asked last week how many Israeli Air Force (IAF) planes had landed and taken off from Britain since October 7.


Shapp’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) responded: “For operational security reasons and as a matter of policy, the MoD does not offer comment or information relating to foreign nations’ military aircraft movements or operations.”


However, this is a new policy. MacAskill had asked the same question in February and the MoD revealed that nine IAF planes had visited the UK over the previous four months.


MacAskill told Declassified that the MoD had also now imposed a block on parliamentarians even asking questions about Israeli military operations involving UK territory.


When he put down the question he asked in February again last week it was rejected. “Your question has been queried because it is subject to a block by Government,” he was told in a highly unusual move.


MacAskill was advised that the government had updated its policy on 18 April and his question was no longer permissible.


This meant the MP, a former Scottish justice secretary, could no longer ask about Israeli planes in the UK on military operations.


He was eventually able to ask the question but only about Israeli Air Force operated planes in Britain “on non-military operations”, a proviso that the MoD had not previously required.

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 12:27 a.m. No.20822143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153


Nine planes

The latest blackout follows months of the British government trying to cover up its role in the criminal Israeli assault on Gaza.


The MoD had originally refused to provide any information about Israeli military planes in Britain.


But Declassified independently discovered IAF aircraft had landed in Glasgow, Birmingham as well as RAF bases in Suffolk and Oxfordshire since 7 October.


After Declassified’s revelations, the UK government changed its policy.


The first Israeli flight we discovered departed from Glasgow Prestwick airport on 18 November last year although its arrival does not appear to have been registered.


The flight, numbered IAF680, took off from Scotland just after 1pm and landed in Beersheba, Israel, around 5 hours later.


In the aftermath of Declassified’s story, the Scottish government said it will no longer allow IAF planes to land at Prestwick airport.


“The Israeli Air Force does not and has never used the airport as a base,” it said. “It has not visited Prestwick since November 2023 and the airport has since taken the independent decision not to conduct further business with the Israeli Air Force.”






Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 12:31 a.m. No.20822152   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Horse that holds the fastest record at the Triple Crown races.


The Kentucky Derby - Secretariat.


The Preakness - Secretariat.


The Belmont Stakes - Secretariat.


All over 50 years ago.


The greatest athlete in US history was a horse.










May 04, 2024, 8:55 PM




Duphorn ⭐️⭐️⭐️






Replying to @catturd2

Best quotes


Kentucky Derby winner Rich Strike jockey Sonny Leon.

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 12:34 a.m. No.20822157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2192 >>2201 >>2210 >>2211 >>2213 >>2215 >>2216 >>2220 >>2223 >>2291 >>2297 >>2404 >>2427

Donald J. Trump



I never said that “some states may choose to monitor women’s pregnancies to possibly prosecute for violating any abortion bans.” This was made up by Democrats and the Fake News Media. After 50 years, Abortion is now up to the States, where everybody, Republican and Democrat, plus all legal scholars and experts, have wanted it to be. The people choose, and many States, like Ohio and Kansas, have chosen. Many others are in the process of choosing. Arizona’s Legislature has just voted to kill an old 1800’s law, and a new one will soon be voted on by the people. It is all working, will never go back to the Federal Government, and our Country will soon start uniting on this long contentious issue. At the same time, nobody wants to see abortion in the 7th, 8th, or 9th month or, execution after birth, as some states, like the former Democrat Governor of Virginia said, was permitted. Listen to your heart, but common sense must also be applied. Remember, politicians must also win elections!


May 05, 2024, 3:29 AM

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 1:04 a.m. No.20822210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2218


DaKine 17



Replying to @realDonaldTrump

Unwanted pregnancies are easily prevented, but that’s not what they want. They want every woman to have as many abortions as possible because it’s very lucrative for them. They victimize the vulnerable first.


It’s not about women’s rights or right to life or even common decency, it’s all about the money. Late term is simply more profitable.


Abortion (infanticide) for profit, these people ARE sick.


“…we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”

~Margaret Sanger


“Bill Gates’ Father, Once A Head of Planned Parenthood…”


“Salaries of CEOs at Planned Parenthood affiliates have skyrocketed…”




Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.


“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

~Margaret Sanger


“…We must make this country into a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds.”

~Margaret Sanger


Hillary Clinton lamented that "Margaret Sanger's work here in the United States and certainly across our globe is not done."


“We have delved before into the question of birth-control pioneer Margaret Sanger, eugenics and her attitude about African-Americans…”

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 1:05 a.m. No.20822211   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Silence IS consent.




The WI-38 and MRC-5 cell strains are currently used in the production of human viral vaccines (MMR, Chickenpox, Hepatitis-A, Shingles, some rabies, and some polio vaccines). But since these cell lines are approaching the end of their ability to self-replicate, a group of Chinese vaccine researchers, Bo Ma et al, have developed a new (human diploid) cell strain, Walvax-2. And just as in the 1960s Leonard Hayflick (WI-38) and JP Jacobs (MRC-5) derived their respective cell substrates from 2-4 month-old electively aborted lung fetal tissue, so Bo Ma et al. in 2015 derived their cell strain from the lung fibroblast tissue of a three month-old electively aborted fetus.


Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Business Partners Admit Guilt in $7.8 Million Settlement

Dec 11, 2017


Two of Planned Parenthood’s business partners, DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, have admitted guilt in a $7.8 million settlement with the Orange County District Attorney for selling aborted baby body parts from Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties for profit in violation of federal and California law. The OCDA’s press release credits citizen journalism reporting from The Center for Medical Progress for prompting the investigation of baby body parts trafficking in Orange County.


“The DaVinci companies’ admission of guilt for selling baby parts from Planned Parenthood is a ringing vindication of CMP’s citizen journalism methods and accuracy,” says CMP Project Lead David Daleiden. “In light of the news that Planned Parenthood is now under federal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for the sale of fetal body parts, the next step is for Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties to be held accountable under the law for their 7-year-long aiding, abetting, and profiting in DaVinci’s criminal scheme to sell baby parts for profit.”


Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says August 19, 2015


“In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.


Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion.


A StemExpress supervisor “gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. And I can’t even describe what that feels like,” said Ms. O’Donnell, who has been featured in earlier videos by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group that previously had released six undercover clips involving Planned Parenthood personnel and practices.”

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 1:05 a.m. No.20822213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New York State just passed a gruesome law that legalizes abortions up to and including the point of birth. A bill in Virginia, supported by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, would have apparently legalized the killing of just-born infants. The pro-life movement needs to strike back, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—part of President Donald Trump’s executive branch—is the vehicle through which to strike that blow.

Late last year, it was reported that the Trump administration’s HHS was launching a review of the federal government’s funding of fetal tissue research using the remains of aborted babies. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), part of HHS, spent $103 million on fetal tissue research in 2018.


“…The National Institutes of Health (NIH), part of HHS, spent $103 million on fetal tissue research in

Salaries of CEOs at Planned Parenthood affiliates have skyrocketed to an average of $237,999, and hit $389,514 in the group's headquarters, according to a new review from the American Life League, a critic.


In the report on CEO pay, the group found that all 56 CEOs in the system make over 100,000 a year, one-tenth of Planned Parenthood's boss Cecile Richards, who made $957,952, said the report.


The report said that the average Planned Parenthood CEO is "in the top five percent of all workers in the United States."

Planned Parenthood funding from taxpayers has been put on the chopping block in Congress. A new GOP plan to repeal Obamacare released this week eliminates funding for the group that provides health care and abortion services to women. The group has warned that any funding cut will undermine their services to women.



“Come with us now as we meet Bill Gates parents, Bill Sr. and Mary, whose vast wealth and influence made sure their legacy of eugenics would be carried on in their son who is doing exactly that. Now, if you don’t know what eugenics is, it is the practice of controlling the population through medicine and science to weed out the undesirables so that only the strong and healthy survive. It is exactly what the Nazis did, and it is what Margaret Sanger believed and practiced all her life.”



Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 1:06 a.m. No.20822215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Abortion doctor testimony



second trimester DNA abortions perform


between roughly 14 and 24 weeks of


gestation your patient today is 17 years


old she's 22 weeks pregnant


her baby is the length of your hand plus


a couple of inches and she's been


feeling her baby kick for the last


several weeks but she's asleep on an


operating room table you walk into that


operating room scrubbed and gound and


after removing laminaria you introduce a


suction catheter into the uterus this is


a 14 French suction catheter if she were


12 weeks pregnant or less basically the


width of your hand are smaller you could


basically do the entire procedure with


this but babies this big don't fit


through catheters this size after


suctioning the amniotic fluid out from


around the baby you introduce an


instrument called the sulfur clamp it's


about 13 inches long it's made of


stainless steel the business end of this


clamp is about two and a half inches


long and a half inch wide there are rows


of sharp teeth this is a grasping


instrument when it gets ahold of


something it does not let go a D&E


procedure is a blind abortion so picture


yourself introducing this and grabbing


anything you can blindly and pull and I


do mean hard and out pops a leg about


that big which you put down on the table


next to you reaching again pull again


pull out an arm about the same length


which you put down on the table next to


you and use this instrument again and


again to tear out the spine the


intestines the heart and lungs head and

Anonymous ID: db732c May 5, 2024, 1:06 a.m. No.20822216   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the baby that size is about the size of


a large plum you can't see it but you


pretty good idea you got it if you've


got your instrument around something and


your fingers are spread about as far as


they go you know you did it right if you


crush down on the instrument and white


material runs out of the cervix that was


the baby's brains and you could pull out


skull pieces and you have a day like I


had a lot of time sometimes a little


face comes back and stares back at you


congratulations you just successfully


performed a second trimester Dini


abortion you just affirmed your right to


choose I did over 1,200 abortions over a


4-year period in private practice now


counting the ones that I did during my


training I met my wife at during my


first year of training at Albany Medical


Center we got married about a year later




found that we had an infertility problem


after years of failed infertility


treatment and several years trying to


adopt a child we were blessed with the


adopting a little girl two months short


of my daughter a sixth birthday she was


killed in an auto accident literally


died in our arms in the back of an


ambulance anyone who has children might


think they have some idea of what that


feels like but unless you've been


through it yourself you have no idea




I know people find it hard to believe


but what do you do after disaster you


bury your child and then you go back to


your life and I don't remember exactly


how long it was after my daughter died


that I showed up at Albany Medical


Center Oh our number nine to perform my


first second trimester DNA abortion I


wasn't thinking of it as anything


special this was routine to me but I


reached in literally pulled out an arm


or leg and got sick you know earlier on


I described stacking up body parts on


the side of the table it's not too you


know gross people out use a simple term


when you're doing an abortion you need


to keep inventory you have to make sure


you get two arms and two legs and all


the pieces if you don't your patients


going to come back infected bleeding or


dead so I soldiered on and finish that


abortion and I know it sounds as I said


hard for people to believe but I'm I'm


telling you straight up my experience


you know after over 1,200 abortions


first and second trimester up to 24


weeks and all the rest of it and being


very dedicated to it well the first time


in my life I really looked I really


looked at that pile of body parts on the


side of the table and I didn't see her


wonderful right to choose and I didn't


see all the money I just made all I


could see was somebody's son or daughter


and I stopped doing late term abortions


after that and several months later


stopped doing all abortions