is his dating site still a thing?
starting up early?
yes and more
yeah I never bought that.
FBI supposedly has 35k employees
so 350 bad apples? Causing all these problems
there are people who know who keep their heads down so they can keep their pension. I think these numbers that Q has quoted were under reported, similar to the 4-6% or the 40% disclosure bs.
I am operating under the assumption that it has always been corrupt just like most of these groups. Did all of this corruption just start? Nah, so how do you keep the institutional corruption going with out involving other people in the corruption and expanding it. Even if you limit it by lets say Masons for example doing all this shit, and all the normies working there are just doing muh job. Seems like they are still participating in the constitutional violations just by going out and following the orders of the so called higher ups. How do you even trust that the people who are there are going to look out for you and not one of the corrupt ones. The justice system is Swedish chef'd.
sounds like delusional thinking. That is like the good cop myth. The problem is these so called agents still enforce unconstitutional laws, harrass americans even if it is based on the orders of corrupt people all for the sake of their easy life and pension. They could speak out but they would lose their job or be targeted themselves. So its that entire silent brotherhood shit that happens in law enforcement. How can any american trust the legal system at this point.
more satisfying but first it has to be burned down the institutions themselves because of the bureaucracy hide the rot inside, and with out oversight somehow or at least giving powers back to who should have over sight it will continue. The system needs an enema.