Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 8:34 a.m. No.20823400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3410 >>3417 >>3504



well thats fucking retarded admin

you locked a baker bread to let a ebake go.

ok, doge please drop notables for #25538 in this bread and will have to bring forward the #25539 notables to this bread before corp can bring the dough up to date.

sometimes anon wonders if admin has any common sense.



Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20823435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3504


no worries.

corp is not on duty but will aggregate all notes and tidy up the dough .

will post when all notables have been dropped.

its ok admin, can adapt and adjust.

as long as there is a bread to post in.


Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 9:13 a.m. No.20823555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3567 >>3570 >>3643 >>3926

>>20823258 twice baked dough

>>20823341 #25539 notables collected

>>20823464 #25538 notables collected

the bread is yours doge.

corp only here to help.

will lurk a bit, want to bring up and recap this weeks actual events plus what to expect in the next week.

it is all about this stormy daniels case this week.

will also bring the london election summary and anaylsis upto date.

all these fuckers that are saying london has fallen are to blame for leaving london for a few quid and beer and football.

useless cunts, they bitch and moan but when it comes to stand your ground the leave cos the misses is bitching or they just want their convenience.


new dough below #25540

Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 9:20 a.m. No.20823585   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anon had to give up his passion which was sports and especially cos they took the knee and have completely captured by corporate and global governments.

The premier team is owned by media and clubs are controlled by dubya, emirates, american interests and hedgefunders.

fucking ruined the beautiful game.

anon could rant about this and its twin evil gambling which anon knows moar than almost anyone out in the normmie world.

bread and ciricus, addiction and vices.

been there done that..

Am out of anons own mind prison.

Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.20823661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3668 >>3677 >>3738 >>3934 >>4082 >>4102 >>4148


Notes: This week we have seen the media try to hold the narrative on Trumps alledged corruption in a corrupt court with a corrupt judge and biased jury, with disgusting media and stupid and criminal lawyers trying to pin any thing on trump or captured a narrative which the nommies can get behind.

They have failed. those visiting 8kun and spreading the news here with source provided by anons are the tip of this information war

Anons cannot do it by themselves. the lurkers, memers and those who share the info here not only spread the truth but can also get followers and bucks if you want them, if you are not anonymous.

Anons here remain anonymous because it is not about money, it is about the truth.

see links and videos embedded below.

The ones doing the best reporting on this subject are Victor Orban, (soros) R.Gouveia with court transcripts and court reporter threads and lastly greg kelly from newsmax

there are others of course, this is just corps opine of good content producers,


1) Victor orban (Soros and Project syndicate) plus soros foundations and trust funds.

2) Rachel Maddow (last video embedded)

3) project syndicate article 22nd april (top down view of trump court cases

4) The players and the media are all lying scum and it is not only lawfare on Trump but anyone associated with including maga supporters. they are picking off and targeting 6 ways to sunday as chucky stated of getting back at you. They will always attack the heart and than blame trump for the trouble they inflicted. projection.

next week on monday will be day 12 of the trial.

load the meme cannons.




Note: This is a disgusting as it gets. they are literally enjoying putting everyone through this shit on trump and the people of the usa. take your time to read this carefully as this is the view from the top below the central banksters, the hedgefund criminals and syndicates or as they like to call it Stakeholders and shareholders of your money used to enslave the masses.

>>20761524, >>20761583, >>20761591, >>20762573, PROJECT SYNDICATE - GLOBALIST HEDGEFUND SITE plus article on trump trial and jailing of djt - project syndicate


What to Look for in Trump’s First Trial


written on Apr 22, 2024 by ERIC POSNER

Eric Posner ERIC POSNER Writing for PS since 2019

30 Commentaries

Eric Posner, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, is the author of How Antitrust Failed Workers (Oxford University Press, 2021).



Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 9:41 a.m. No.20823668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3677 >>3738 >>3934 >>4082 >>4102 >>4148


The intricate legal issues and colorful characters in Donald Trump's criminal trials will undoubtedly keep the media and the viewing public enraptured for months to come. But when it comes to the 2024 election, all that really matters is how the defendant appears to a narrow sliver of undecided voters.

CHICAGO – As the first criminal case against Donald Trump gets underway in New York City, the media have forgone their customary practice of declaring the “trial of the century.” Trial of the month is more like it, since three more are set to follow. The sheer number of criminal trials involving different allegations – hush money payments, retention of confidential documents, and election interference – would seem to guarantee a conviction and Trump’s final ejection from public life.

A conviction is indeed possible, even likely. But neither a conviction nor even jail time would disqualify Trump from running for the presidency. The important question is what impact a conviction might have on voters’ choices on election day. Given that most people have already made up their minds about Trump, we are talking about a small, obscure group of undecided voters in a handful of swing states. And given that most of these people seem to have little interest in, or knowledge of, politics, they likely know very little about the accusations against Trump. The media deluge from the trials may finally end their ignorance.

The trial in New York is about business records, not insurrections or national security. The indictment accuses Trump of violating a New York statute under which a person who, with fraudulent intent, “makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise” is guilty of a felony if he intended to conceal or commit another crime.

The “other crime” is not clearly identified in the indictment, but the focus of the trial is likely to be a federal campaign-finance violation (or possibly a violation of New York election law). Trump’s then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid hush money to the adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, who had threatened to disclose to a tabloid a sexual encounter with Trump. Paying money to someone to help a campaign is a campaign expenditure, and Cohen admitted to violating the law both by making a payment in excess of legal limits and failing to report it. Trump is accused of orchestrating this scheme, though he has not been indicted for the alleged campaign-finance violations.

The legal issues and the facts of the case are weirdly intricate. The US government did investigate Trump for violating federal campaign-finance law, but government lawyers probably feared that a jury would find that he concealed the hush-money payoff because it was personally embarrassing, not because it helped his campaign. That is what happened when the government prosecuted but failed to convict John Edwards in connection with the coverup of an extramarital affair during his 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign.

Alvin Bragg, the New York district attorney, is not required to prove that Trump violated the campaign-finance law, only that he intended to do so. The federal government’s failure to indict Trump for campaign-finance violations suggests that Bragg may need to prove to a jury that Trump intended to commit a crime that the jury won’t think he actually committed. In making the journey into Trump’s brain to discover what exactly the man was thinking eight years ago, Bragg’s Virgil will be Cohen, an ex-con and admitted perjurer. Daniels will also testify.


Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 9:43 a.m. No.20823677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3692 >>3738 >>3934 >>4082 >>4102 >>4148



You might think that this circus of seedy characters and events would end Trump’s electoral chances for good, just as Edwards’s dalliance destroyed his political career. But that would be a mistake, one that has been made a thousand times before. For Trump’s supporters, every new disclosure about his shocking behavior and repulsive character merely confirms the malevolence of the disclosers. In their view, Bragg’s prosecution of Trump for a business-records violation is actually an attempt to derail Trump’s campaign for the presidency by distracting him and exposing him to public embarrassment.

Exhibit A for this theory may be that Bragg has styled his business-records case as an election interference case rather than as a minor financial peccadillo. Bragg argues that Trump is a threat to New York’s reputation for business probity and to US democracy, bridging this yawning gulf by pointing out that the false business records concealed a campaign-finance violation that would have persuaded people to vote against Trump back in 2016 if they had learned of it. Hence, minor financial fraud is transmuted into major election interference. But the logic assumes that a substantial number of voters would not have supported Trump if they had known about the Daniels affair – an unknowable and perhaps implausible proposition. It also stumbles on the inconvenient fact that the business-records falsification occurred after the election, not before it. Trump may have attempted to interfere with the election by depriving voters of information about (parts of) his scandalous past, but it is not clear that it affected the outcome.

So, how much will this trial matter? It won’t change Trump voters’ support and may be too confusing to influence those independent voters who have not been paying attention to electoral politics. Maybe all that matters is the symbolism of the thing. If Trump is thrown in jail, he will surely present himself as a political prisoner in the mold of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn or Alexei Navalny. But the image of Trump being led off in handcuffs, or the (mental) image of him being strip-searched upon his reception into jail, will probably have more impact on people than anything that is revealed at the trial. Are Americans ready to elect a jailbird?

Well, that possibility cannot be ruled out.




Note: anon was looking for a video source below and came across this video from 2 hours ago.

The panic is off the charts. she lists a lot of people in this video who are all people who have been targeted by the deep state and have gone on to become state legislators,

And they have all the proof of their corruption so they attacked them by media and lawfare.


Maddow: GOP bears Big Lie's deep scars as Trump dances to avoid accountability




57,158 views 30 Apr 2024 #MSNBC #Trump #Republicans

Donald Trump may hog the spotlight with his politics and legal maneuvering to avoid accountability for his role in the January 6 insurrection, but Rachel Maddow points out the plot to keep Trump in office despite losing the election has spun into a "sprawling, nationwide scandal" with effects that can be seen damaging state Republican parties as well as individual, prominent Republicans.

Anonymous ID: cf500f May 5, 2024, 10:44 a.m. No.20823943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3986


you believe wrong.

use the one corp posted

use the post number to count the order the posts were posted baker.

or you could use doge dough which has probably not been aggregated and shortened with just the last 3 bread notables.

up to you.