Anonymous ID: e31657 May 5, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.20825175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5186 >>5258

"SEMITE": The Greatest IDENTITY THEFT In World History


Modern Jews are descended from the Kingdom of Khazaria, located in present day Ukraine. (Kiev's original name was Kievan Rus, the first Capital of Russia)

The Khazarians were notorious for terrorizing their neighbors, with highway robbery, business and identity theft of those whom they murdered, and kidnapping young white Christian girls from their surrounding countries and pimping them out as sex slaves.


c.740 ADThe Tsar of Russia gave the Khazar Khagan an ultimatum: pick a religion, any religion, or they will be kicked out. The Russian Christian Tzar thought that if the Khazarians had a religion that they would have a moral code and stop their predatory criminal activities against others.


The King of Khazar chose Judaism and converted himself and all his people. However, these Khazarian Jews did not stop their criminal predation on their neighboring countries.


In 1200 ADthe Tsar of Russia went to war against Khazar and drove them out of Khazar. The Khazarians migrated West and South. Those that went West to Europe were named Ashkenazi Jews, while those that went South were called Sephardic Jews. (Four towns in Turkey are named Ashkenaz)


Today's Jews are 80% Ashkenazi Jews and 20% Sephardic Jews.


*Israeli Genetic Scientists researched the genome of today's Jews and found that Jews have 0% to 6% Semitic genes. Jews are of Turkic DNA.


*These Jewish Geneticists also found that Palestinians have 60% to 80% Semitic genes.

Palestine was originally named Judea. Today's Palestinians are the descendents of the Judeans who have lived there for millennia. Judea was re-named Palestine to disassociate this fact.

Palestinians have 80% Semitic DNA, and they are the original Judeans.


JEWS Are NOT SEMITES They have practically 0% Semitic DNA.

Modern Jews (Khazarians) are not the "Israelites" in the Old Testament.


*Israeli Dr. Eran Elhaik found that Jews have Turkic genetic origins. Other Israeli Jewish geneticists confirmed his findings. Published in Israeli MSM.


*Note- The word "Jew" does not appear in the Bible. In the Old Testament there were only 2 references to theSynagogue of Satan.

Centuries ago the Bible was altered and everywhere the word "Israelite" appeared the word "Jew" was substituted in, to insert the modern word "Jews" into the Bible. The Biblical "Israelites, Judeans" were changed to "Jews"


*An excellent Bible to read is the Geneva Bible of 1599. It has less alterations and deletions.

For ex: modern Bibles deleted the identity of the Enemy in Ephesians 6:12 - the Princes of Darkness.


Dr. Elhaik-Johns Hopkins :

Anonymous ID: e31657 May 5, 2024, 4 p.m. No.20825257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5274 >>5284 >>5287 >>5733

The Sacred Line of the ArchAngel Micheal


7 Churches built along this straight line from Ireland passing through Great Britain, France, Italy, Greece to Haifa, Israel. Over the Centuries, each Church was built on the spot where the ArchAngel Michael appeared.


Legend has it that Michael himself drew this line with a sword stroke to repel the Devil and to protect the Christian faith.


The final Sanctuary of the Sacred Line is located in Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel, where the prophet Elijah made his abode.

Mount Carmel, literally "vineyard of God", was the site of an epic showdown between the prophet Elijah and the 400 prophets of Baal.

