Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:15 a.m. No.20827360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364 >>7367 >>7552 >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

Citizen Free Press



Can't wait to see Jonathan Karl's smug face on election night.


Very bad polling numbers for Biden.



Benny Johnson


1:40 AM · May 6, 2024




Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:20 a.m. No.20827367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370


You know why the media is so surprised about the loss of voters for Bidan? Because they have gone on a 4 year super propaganda campaign for Bidan support and attack Trump, like they’ve never done in history!And their shit ain’t working anymore.

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.20827396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7402 >>7552 >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

‘Not a credible witness’: Son of prominent conservative among first to invade Senate floor on Jan. 6 deserves 12 years, feds say


BRANDI BUCHMANMay 5th, 2024,1/2

Prosecutors told a federal judge that the son of a prominent conservative activist convicted of bashing open a Senate window, joining rioters who chased a police officer before making his way to Speaker of the House’s office and finally perching himself in a gallery where he turned the view of CSPAN camera away from fellow rioters on Jan. 6 deserves 12 years in prison.


Leo Brent Bozell IV of Pennsylvania is the son of Brent Bozell, the conservative founder of the Media Research Center, CNSNews, and the Parents Television Counsel, as Law&Crime previously reported,


Bozell IV, 44, was convicted at a bench trial last September in Washington, D.C. on10 countsincluding five felonies like obstructing an official proceeding and aiding and abetting, destruction of government property and aiding and abetting, civil disorder, and assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers. He was also convicted on several misdemeanors including entering and remaining in a restricted building and grounds.


The stark 12-year proposed sentence is the result of a terrorism enhancement prosecutorsseek for Bozell, a government sentencing memorandum from Friday explained.


Bozell’s attorney, William Shipley, wrote in a proposed sentencing memorandum that his client “made a bad error in judgment” on Jan. 6 but “did not arrive with ill intent.”


Senior U.S. District Judge John Bates, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, disagreed when he convicted Bozell last fall, telling him directly that he found many of his explanations for his conduct utterly unbelievable.


“I find that Mr. Bozell was not a credible witness on several fronts. Many of his explanations of his conduct before and on Jan. 6 defy both the video evidence and common sense,” Bates said when rendering his verdict, court records show.


Bates did not buy the Pennsylvania man’s claims that text messages discussing “taking the Capitol” were just “silly conversations” with friends or family nor did he believe Bozell was trying to help police. Bozell’s smashing of windows “because he was angry the situation outside was deteriorating so quickly,” was equally uncredible and none more so than his assertion that he tore through the complex in search of his mother.


“The sentiments expressed in these messages track Mr. Bozell’s actual conduct on January 6: He did in fact smash windows, storm the Capitol and then help to delay the certification of the 2020 election,” Bates said on Sept. 8.


The evidence showed Bozell was involved in “many pivotal breaches” and “actively and aggressively propelled the momentum of the mob from the Senate Wing Doors — where he personally created entry points for hundreds of rioters — all the way to the Senate Chamber, which he occupied rendering it impossible for Congress to meet,” U.S. attorney Ashley Akers wrote.


Bozell participated or led breaches under Capitol scaffolding, on the northwest stairs at two locations; he smashed a window to enter the Senate wing, plowed past police lines near a carriage door entry, stormed the East Rotunda doors, the Senate Gallery and finally the Senate floor — and all of this by 2:49 p.m., prosecutors said.


He bypassed police and overran barriers and “joined others in a menacing pursuit of U.S Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman up a staircase,” stopping just a few steps from where lawmakers were sheltering.


Once Goodman led the crowd away, Bozell meanwhile broke apart and entered a private meeting room before joining a different group of rioters elsewhere.


Prosecutors said when police tried to force Bozell and others to back away, it wasBozell who took off next toward then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office “and left carrying an unidentified object in his hand.” (Hmm laptop?)


Everywhere he went, he opened a route for fellow rioters, the Justice Department emphasized, and when he finally got to the Senate chamber, he grabbed a CSPAN camera focused on the mayhem engulfing the floor and pointed it away. He directed others to do the same.

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:36 a.m. No.20827402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7552 >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076




Inside for roughly an hour, he got into more than a dozen locations and when it was over, messages showed himwhining that then-Vice President Mike Pence was a “traitor” for certifying the 2020 election and said his actions were “morally justified.”


As a result of the violence on Jan. 6, several people died and over 140 police officers were seriously injured.(the only people that died were Trump supporters)


Bozell’s attorneyemphatically denies that Bozell “chased” Officer Goodman up a staircase.


“He merely followed, if not walked along with numerous others behind Goodman,” Shipley wrote before adding objections to language prosecutors used.


To wit, the attorney objects to the use of the word “swarm” in the government’s sentencing memorandum to describe the crowd.


The attorney disclosed that Bozell and his wife have “chosen not to reveal” details of his prosecution to their two daughters since it would be too stressful.Seeking leniency, the attorney added that Bozell and his wife seek to keep “a safe and welcoming environment in their homeand to help those in need in their community.”


This is especially the case when “Mr. Bozell’s daughters’ friends have been in tough situations,” so he and his wife have opened their home to them and have become a place where a “loving family environment” is nurtured, Shipley wrote.


Prosecutors must balance the severity of Bozell’s actions on Jan.6 against other rioter sentences. Notably, prosecutors compared his conduct to that of imprisoned Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola. Pezzola, like Bozell, smashed open a window to gain entry to the Capitol and let rioters pour inside.


Pezzola went on trial for four months alongside leaders of the Proud Boys and though only he was acquitted on the sedition charge, Pezzola was found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent members of Congress and federal law enforcement officers from discharging their duties, civil disorder, and destruction of government property. He was also found guilty of assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and robbery since he forcibly removed one officer’s riot shield. He received 10 years for the 23 minutes he spent inside the Capitol.


Bozell’s actions were “more extensive” then Pezzola’s, since he was inside for nearly an hour, Akers wrote.


This and his “fantastical testimony and lack of remorse” at the bench trial punctuated the need for a stiff sentence.


“In short, the defendant’s offenses displayed a clear intent to stop Congress from certifying the results of the election through the use of both physical force and property destruction. That conduct is a quintessential example of intent to influence and retaliate against government conduct through intimidation or coercion and warrants the application of the terrorism enhancement,” Akers wrote.


Bozell will be sentenced on May 17.

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:41 a.m. No.20827417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7499

Citizen Free Press



Stunning video from church service today.


This happened in Braddock, Pennsylvania.


Pastor survives after handgun jams and doesn't fire.



1:35 AM · May 6, 2024



This is stunning, this Pastor was protected by God for sure!

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:46 a.m. No.20827434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7445




Just Now: Biden’s former Covid Czar, Dr. Jha—who’s now Dean of Public Health at Brown, responds to the NYT article & the failures of government to help the vaccine injured.


Jha saysthose injured shouldn’t have to wait months or years for compensation and it needs to be fixed.


May 4, 2024





(I wonder if here guilt got to her knowing she pushed this shit)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 6:55 a.m. No.20827462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7466 >>7471 >>7473

Citizen Free Press



Hugh Hewitt is extremely confident of Trump victory.



TV News Now

1:17 AM · May 6, 2024





Brett Baeir should be banned from ever being on the news again. We saw what you did that night Nov 9, 2020. We will never forget your betrayal

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:01 a.m. No.20827488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7508


You are full of shit, you know it, we know it, the whole world knows it. Find a board you can peddle your defective conspiracy theories somewhere else agent!


This is a research board, not a gossip or propaganda board, you don’t belong here!

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20827545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7562 >>7570 >>7589 >>7598

6 May, 2024 12:45

Russian intelligence claims US wants to replace Zelensky

The Ukrainian president is losing the battle for the “hearts and minds” of the populace, the SVR has said


The US has stepped up efforts to find a replacement for Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky andhas already talked with a number of politicians, including former President Pyotr Poroshenko and Kiev mayor Vitaly Klitschko, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed on Monday.


Zelensky is “clearly losing the battle for the hearts and minds” of Ukrainians, especiallysince his legitimacy as president will be “completely lost” after his term in office expires on May 20, the SVR wrote in a statement.


Ukraine was supposed to hold a presidential election on March 31, but last December Zelensky canceled it along with all other elections, citing martial law and the conflict with Russia.


The US State Department and EU’s Diplomatic Service are “extremely” concerned by the =•growing discontent among Ukrainians over the “endless” protraction of the hostilities== with Russia, according to the intelligence service.


“Distrust in government institutions is growing and apathy is spreading rapidly,” the SVR said, adding that thenumber of desertions and voluntary surrenders in the Ukrainian armed forces is soaring.


The US is now looking for alternatives to Zelensky, the SVR claimed, noting thatWashington “is not even trying to hide the factthat essentially it doesn’t care” who will lead Ukraine.


For the West, it’s crucial that the new president be capable of continuing the armed conflict, so that the “war till the last Ukrainian” does not stop, the agency said.


According to the SVR, Washington is in talks with Poroshenko and Klitschko. “Secret work”is also being carried out with the presidential head of office, Andrey Ermak, former top Ukrainian commander General Valery Zaluzhny, and the ex-speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Dmitry Razumkov.


However, the US and EU would like Zelensky to remain in his post for now as long as he is tied to war financing schemes that yield “enormous profits” to both Kiev and Western arms manufacturers, SVR added.


(I don’t doubt this, I saw the signs when Politico came out criticizing Zelensky mid-late last year, prior to that he was the 2nd coming of Churchill. It might be propaganda, but it’s true his rating with the public has dropped dramatically.I think the West’s tactic will be to eliminate Zelensky and blame it on Russia to get the people angry again.)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20827565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

May 6, 2024

Russia makes new gains in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region – MOD

Moscow has reported the capture of a village 25km east of a key linchpin in Kiev’s defenses


Russian forces have driven Ukrainian troops out of two settlements in Kharkov Region and Donbass, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has announced.


In a statement on Monday, the ministry said forces from Russia’s ‘Western’ group hadseized the village of Kotlyarovkain the north of Ukraine’s Kharkov Region. The settlement is around 25km east of Kupyansk,described as a key Ukrainian logistics hub, the capture of which would allow Russia to advance directly on the city of Kharkov or support further operations in Donbass.


The announcement came after several Russian Telegram channels posted footage last week of what appeared to be Moscow’s troops holding a national banner in Kotlyarovka.


Meanwhile, the ministry said Russia’s ‘Center’ group of forces hadalso taken control of the Donbass village of Solovyovo,around 40km northwest of Donetsk. Solovyovo is near the key supply hub of Ocheretino, a village captured by Russia on Sunday.


Russian military blogger Boris Rozhin suggested that within days Moscow could announce the capture of Kislovka, a village near Kotlyarovka, as well as several other frontline Donbass settlements. This came after the pro-Ukrainian, US-based think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW) last week reported the presence of Russian forces in Kislovka.


The new gains in Kharkov and Donetsk Regions come after Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said in April thatMoscow’s forces are fully in control of the battlefield situationand are steadily expanding their gains.


Aleksandr Syrsky,commander-in-chief of Kiev’s armed forces, admitted last month that theUkrainian military is in a “difficult operational and strategic situation.” In similar remarks, the deputy head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, Vadim Skibitsky, said last week that Moscow “always knew April and May would be a difficult time for us,” adding that Kiev’s main problem is a lack of weapons.


(Maybe the oligarchs should give the Billions of dollars they’ve stolen so Kiev can buy more weapons.I’m looking forward to the chaotic end of this operation.)



Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.20827583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They won’t allow him to flee, he knows too much. He will disappear and won’t be found till 5 months later, then the finger pointing will accelerate. Zelensky doesn’t understand the allies he thought he had, never really considered him an ally.


Maybe the home in UK is where the deed will occur

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.20827592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

6 May, 2024 12:20

Nuclear weapons drills a response to ‘escalation’ – Kremlin

Recent statements by politicians in some NATO states have sparked a new “unprecedented round of tension,” spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said


Russia has decided to hold tactical nuclear weapons drills in response to certain NATO countries’ remarks about potentially sending troops to Ukraine, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said.


Earlier on Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry announcedplans to test its ability to deploy the arms. The exercise will be conducted “in the near future” and was ordered by President Vladimir Putin, the ministry said.


According to Peskov, the decision was made following a “new” and “unprecedented”escalation of the situation surrounding the Ukraine conflict.


“They talked about the readiness and even the intention to send armed contingents to Ukraine, that is, to actually put NATO soldiers in front of the Russian military,” Peskov said at a press briefing on Monday.


Last week, French President Emanuel Macron suggested that Western nations “would legitimately have to ask” themselves whether they should deploy their militaries to Ukraine “if the Russians were to break through the front lines, [and] if there were a Ukrainian request.”


Across the Atlantic, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said on Sunday that the US may have to deploy troops to Ukraine if its efforts to support Kiev with military aid fail and the country falls.


Former UK Prime Minister and current Foreign Secretary David Cameron stated last week that Ukraine has every right to use British weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia.


This is a new round of escalation of tension, and it is unprecedented. It requires special attention and special measures,” Peskov told journalists on Monday.


The Defense Ministry in Moscow cited “provocative statements and threats against Russia by certain Western officials” as the reason for the exercise. Missile forces from the Southern Military District will be directly involved in the drills, the ministry said. The goal is to iron out “the practical aspects of the preparation and deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons,” it added.


Moscow has repeatedly alleged that NATO has long been a “de facto” party to the Ukraine conflict, as it has been providing Kiev with arms, sharing intelligence, and training Ukrainian troops. According to the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, the US-led military bloc is aiming to control Ukraine and turn it into an “anti-Russian” proxy.


According to Russia, despite threats from the West, it will continue to carry out its military operation in Ukraine until all of its goals are achieved.


(Whatever you do, don’t piss off Russia.)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:43 a.m. No.20827633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7711

6 May, 2024 12:53

West is dragging Poland into war – fugitive judge

Tomasz Szmydt, who is seeking asylum in Belarus, says Warsaw’s foreign policy is dictated by the US and its allies


Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt has asked for political asylum in Belarus in protest over his country’s “unfair and dishonest” anti-Russia stance.


Szmydt, who served at the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw and was the head of the legal department at the National Council of Judges, sayshe was forced to leave his home country after being persecuted and threatened for his “independent political position.” He gave a press conference in Minsk on Monday, where he publicly resigned from his post and asked the Belarusian authorities for protection.


“The resignation from my position as judge is my way to protest against theunfair and dishonest policy pursued by the Polish authoritiestowards the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation,” Szmydt told reporters, as cited by Belta news agency.


According to Szmydt, he has never witnessed any negative attitude towards Russia or Belarus from ordinary Poles, and the anti-Russia sentiment that’s being whipped up by the government in Warsaw has Western roots.


“The situation is such that the US wants to drag Poland into the war, to make it a direct participant in the armed conflict. To prevent this, I have to talk about it, but in Poland I cannot do this,” Szmydt stated, adding thatPoland’s foreign policy is directly influenced by the US, UK, and Germany.


He said his departure from Poland and his resignation are in protest “against actions that are aimed at involving my country in a direct armed conflict.” Szmydt urged the Polish government to “normalize and regulate good neighborly relations” between Warsaw, Moscow, and Minsk.


Szmydt added that his resignation will be handed over to the appropriate authorities in Poland through the Polish consulate in Belarus. He plans to apply for political refugee status.


“I am asking for political asylum in the Republic of Belarus. This is an informal request at this time, but…if I want to live, returning to Poland is impossible for me,” he stated.


Commenting on the judge’s resignation and statements, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said he was “shocked,” adding that Szmydt’s actions appear to be those of a “traitor.” Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said he ordered an investigation into Szmydt’s actions.


Poland has been one of Ukraine’s key backers amid the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, which broke out in February 2022. The country has sent military aid to Ukraine and has served as a hub for weapons provided by other Western nations. Warsaw has grown increasingly hostile in its attitude towards Russia as the conflict drags on. President Andrzej Duda recently signaled that his country is open to hosting US nuclear weapons in order to “strengthen the security of NATO’s eastern flank,” which he claims Russia could attack if it secures victory in Ukraine.


(It is really strange how Poland became such a war mongering country. They used to hate Ukraine more than Russia. Poland plans to seize land in Ukraine when Kiev loses, that they claim was stolen from them.)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.20827652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7663 >>7664


Agreed, but they will try. Zelensky already they lost the people, with all the money flowing into Ukraine never goes to the people or even infrastructure.


Now the Parliament needs to purged of Zelensky, the rest of reps are forced to vote for insane policies of Zelensky.


I don’t think this country will ever be free, the CIA, US and EU own them. The leaders there are the mafia arm of US and EU policy

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 7:56 a.m. No.20827676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7756 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

Kekkity, Kek, Kek, Kek!

6 May, 2024 12:32

EU state needs spare parts from Russia to keep public transport running – media

Latvia’s passenger rail operator says there are no alternatives in the bloc for servicing Soviet-era trains


Latvia’s passenger rail operator has asked the government not to ban the purchase of spare train parts from Russia and Belarus, stressing that it is impossible to find alternative sources of parts for Soviet-era trains, the news outlet TVNET reported on Sunday.


The request comes as the parliamentary budget and finance committee is considering amendments to the country’s procurement law that would make it illegal for Latvian companies to purchase goods and services from Russia and Belarus.


According to TVNET, the Latvian rail operator, Pasazieru Vilciens (PV),has submitted a letter to lawmakers asking them to exclude spare train parts from the draft law, warning that failure to do so could have a drastic effect on the country’s public transport system.


Currently, Latvia uses diesel trains, electric trains, low-floor electric trains, and shunting diesel locomotives for public transport.


PV has stated that while it is looking for alternatives, many spare parts for these trains simply cannot be procured from EU countries because they “do not meet the technical specifications and production projects of spare parts for old trains.”


“Unless there is a reasonable exception, PV will be able to operate the rolling stock it owns and operates only until it has a balance of spare parts at its disposal, which in some cases will be used up already in the spring of this year,” the company wrote in its letter, according toTVNET.


If an exception is not made, PV says it will be forced to reduce the number of trains, and the company “will not have available rolling stock to ensure safe and continuous public transport services.”


Meanwhile, Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina has arguedthat an “iron curtain” will eventually have to be lowered between the Baltic statesand Russia and Belarus, and has called for ensuring economic and energy independence from Moscow.


Russia has shrugged off the Silina’s suggestion, with Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova musing thatLatvia would not even have enough iron to create such a “curtain” without buying it from Russia.(ouch and true)


While Latvia has been one of the most outspoken advocates of imposing EU sanctions on Russian imports to show solidarity with Ukraine, Riga has nevertheless continued to boost purchases of grain from Russia. In the first quarter of 2024, the Baltic state increased its agricultural imports from Russia by almost 40% compared to last year, according to the Latvian customs agency.

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:22 a.m. No.20827751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7842 >>8006

Expect to see this bird flu photo everywhere.


Farm worker 'bleeding in eyeballs' after catching bird flu in first case of transmission

New images show a Texan dairy farmer after he was the first case to catch bird flu from a mammal - in this case a cow - as scientists warn that this is a "milestone" of "enormous concern"


The first image of a Texas dairy farmer who caughtbird flu from a cow - with his eyeballs seen bleeding.


Thankfully, the man had "very mild" symptoms after contracting HSN1 virus, but the stark image shows how the virus caused bleeding on the surface of his eyeballs. This is because the blood vessels in his eyes popped.


Experts at the CDC say that they think he caught the virus from an infected cow in March. In an official case report, published on Friday, the CDC said that they found "strong evidence" through genetic data that pointed them to this conclusion.


His eyes were bleeding on the surface due to the virus


New England Journal of Medicine)

This revelation shows the first sign of HSN1 virus spreading from mammals to humans. The World Health Organisation said that this is a "milestone" that is of "enormous concern." The images of the patient, plus further details about his case, were published in a report in the New England Journal of Medicine.


According to the medical experts, the patient had a subconjunctival haemorrhage, or bleeding just beneath the conjunctiva, or clear surface covering the white part of the eye. He also had a watery liquid discharged from his right eye. The dairy farmer is now the second person to be diagnosed with bird flu in the USA, and perhaps the first to have caught it from a mammal - in this case, a cow.


Experts at the CDC say that they think he caught the virus from an infected cow in March.

Experts at the CDC say that they think he caught the virus from an infected cow in March. (



Getty Images/iStockphoto)

So far, nearly 900 people in 23 countries have been infected with the H5N1 strain of avian flu over the last 20 years. However, they were all linked to wild or kept birds.


The dairy farmer's case comes as experts warn that they are hearing of other farmers falling ill, but not getting tested for HSN1 virus. The Texas patient came to doctors with the infection in late March, with scientists saying his vital signs — such as breathing — were normal. He also had no signs of fever, changes in breathing or vision during the infection.


After being treated with anti-virals, the patient reported no symptoms except for some "discomfort in both eyes." The report added: "Over the subsequent days, the worker reported resolution of conjunctivitis without respiratory symptoms and household contacts remained well."


CDC Director Dr Mandy Cohen said that the patient's condition was "very mild." She told NPR : "The person had very mild symptoms. They're recovering well. But we want to make sure, again, that we are testing folks who may have been in contact."..


(ok I’m going to order and eat more beef. Stock up guys)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:31 a.m. No.20827787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7793 >>7808

Ex-Fulton County prosecutor Nathan Wade speaks out: 'Workplace romances are as American as apple pie … it happened to the two of us'

Wade conceded he had certain regrets.

ByOlivia Rubin andJon Schlosberg

May 5, 2024, 5:29 PM ET

• 4 min read


Exclusive interview with Georgia prosecutor Nathan WadeWade breaks his silence after being forced to quit as lead prosecutor in the Georgia case against former President Trump.Elijah Nouvelage/Reuters, FILE


Nathan Wade, the former Fulton County special prosecutor involved in the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald Trump, spoke out for the first time Sunday since resigning from the case after a public disqualification battle over his relationship with District Attorney Fani Willis.


Wade, who resigned from the case last month following a judge's ruling, conceded he had certain regrets about the relationship but defended the integrity of the case against Trump and others moving forward.


"Workplace romances are as American as apple pie," Wade told ABC News' Linsey Davis in an exclusive sit-down interview. "It happens to everyone. But it happened to the two of us."


"Do you regret it?" Davis asked.


"I regret that that private matter became the focal point of this very important prosecution," Wade responded. "This is a very important case."


"I hate that my personal life has begun to overshadow the true issues in the case," he continued.


More of the interview is set to air on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Monday morning.


Wade's resignation from the case came hours after Judge Scott McAfee declined to outright disqualify Willis, but ruled that either she or Wade must step aside from the case due to a "significant appearance of impropriety" stemming from their romantic relationship that occurred while they were prosecuting the case.


McAfee determined there was "insufficient evidence" that an actual conflict of interest existed.


Trump and other defendants have sought an appeal of the judge's ruling, seeking the removal of Willis as well. The Georgia Court of Appeals has not yet determined if they will take up the appeal.


Willis and Wade testified that their relationship began in early 2022 and ended in the summer of 2023, after he was hired for the case in November 2021.


Asked by Davis if he thought to put the relationship "on pause" until after the case is over given "democracy is on the line," Wade conceded he did – but that "the feelings are so strong."


"At some point, once that bond is there, and if democracy is on the line, as has been described, do you say maybe we pause this until after the case is over?" Davis asked.


"Absolutely, absolutely. I'll concede that that could have been, an approach,” said Wade, who has since returned to private practice. “But there again, when you are in the middle of it, these feelings are developing and you get to a point where the feelings are, are so strong that, you know, you start to want to do things that really are none of the public's concern."


Four defendants in the case have since taken deals and pleaded guilty. Trump and the remaining 14 defendants have pleaded not guilty. No trial date has been set.


(Desperate to resurrect GA case, A.B.C. justifies theft, grift, cheating on wife, lying to the court, etc. Because its normal as Apple Pie for two attorneys stealing federal funds. Geez, how desperate are they?)

Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:38 a.m. No.20827806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>7812 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

=Touching moment we had forgotten. The people love President Trump.


Citizen Free Press



The American people love the real President Trump.



Margo Martin

10:59 AM · May 6, 2024




Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20827819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>8059 >>8076 >>8086 >>8091 >>8108

Citizen Free Press



Trump comments on Columbia cancelling graduation.


He also has a message for Netanyahu.



The Post Millennial

10:35 AM · May 6, 2024




Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.20827838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7855 >>7862 >>7954 >>8059 >>8076

Citizen Free Press



President Trump meets future voters.


Great scene at Formula 1 Grand Prix in Miami.




Biden would have sniffed and hugged all these kids.


From Margo Martin

10:18 AM · May 6, 2024




Anonymous ID: 284c09 May 6, 2024, 8:54 a.m. No.20827850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump campaign says it raised more than $76M in April

Trump is expected to hold fundraisers in the coming weeks in Kentucky, New York, Nevada, Houston and Dallas.


Former President Donald Trump’s political operation raised more than $76 million in April, campaign officials told donors on Saturday.


Trump advisers revealed the number, up from $65.6 million in March, during a presentation at a private Trump campaign and Republican National Committee-hosted donor retreat, according to a person familiar with the discussion and granted anonymity to speak freely. The campaign did not provide further details of the fundraising haul, which will be released in filings later this month.


Trump is facing a significant cash deficit in the presidential race. Through the end of March, President Joe Biden had more than twice as much money in the bank as Trump, according to campaign disclosures. Still, Trump’s fundraising has increased since he became the presumptive Republican nominee in early March, and advisers have argued that he will raise enough funds to compete.


The fundraising figures were announced during a roughly one-hour presentation by Trump campaign leaders Susie Wiles, Chris LaCivita and Tony Fabrizio. Biden has yet to announce his April numbers.


During their presentation, details of which were first reported by The New York Times, the Trump campaign officials argued that Trump is in a strong position heading into the final six months of the race.They maintained that he is solidly ahead in three states that will play a major role in determining the outcome of the election — Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. The most competitive battlegrounds, they contended, are Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. They also said they would aim to expand the map into Minnesota and Virginia, Democratic-leaning states where they said private polling showed Trump running competitively with Biden.


The retreat, which is being held at the Four Seasons hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, comes as Trump is in the middle of his hush-money trial in New York. The case has complicated Trump’s campaign plans, forcing him to be in court four days per week.The Trump aides, however, contended that Trump was still managing to maintain an aggressive schedule. The former president, they said, will in the coming weeks hold fundraisers in Kentucky, New York, Nevada, Houston and Dallas. He is also planning an upcoming rally in New Jersey and a speech in Washington, D.C.


The Trump campaign also addressed a private meeting it had with a group of outside Trump-aligned organizations on Friday. The campaign is looking to collaborate with pro-Trump outfits, such as Turning Point USA, on voter canvassing efforts. The Federal Election Commission recently relaxed rules on how campaigns and allied groups can coordinate on door-knocking and voter turnout initiatives.

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The Telegraph

Pro-Palestine university groups are ‘radicalising’ US students

Rozina Sabur Sat, May 4, 2024


Some pro-Palestine US university groups are co-opting the nationwide campus protests and “radicalising” America’s students, it has been claimed.


New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams, this week warned the country’s young people were at risk from outside agitators who are “co-opting” the demonstrations to “create chaos”.


“This is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalising our children,” he said.


US-based groups monitoring the demonstrations have also cautioned thatsome of the organisers of the campus protests have been found to be “celebrating terrorism”.


Campus protests at US universities such as Columbia and UCLA have become a flashpoint in the debate over Israel’s war against Hamas, which has seen around 35,000 people killed, according to Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry. Half of those are believed to be children.


Thousands of students spanning America’s east and west coasts have brought their institutions to a standstill with the demonstrations, which at times have escalated into violent clashes with hundreds of arrests.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which describes itself as the world’s leading anti-hate organisation,has identified Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) as a key instigator of the campus movements.


SJP has been around since the early 1990s and has more than 300 chapters across the US, many of which have helped organise the college encampments and building occupations.


According to its website, its mission is to “develop a student movement that is connected, disciplined, and equipped with the tools necessary [to] achieve Palestinian liberation” across what it describes as “occupied Turtle Island” - the US and Canada.


ADL describes SJP as a radical group with a history of engaging in anti-Semitic and pro-terror group rhetoric.


In the days following the Oct 7 attack by Hamas, which saw around 1,200 Israelis killed and 250 people taken hostage, the national leadership of SJP and many of its campus chapters “explicitly endorsed” the actions of the terror group, the ADL said.


They praised a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance” and some university chapters also “issued pro-Hamas messaging”, according to research by the ADL.


The content included using silhouettes of paragliders, interpreted as a reference to some Hamas fighters’ methods, and the promotion of Palestinian liberation by “any means necessary”.


Via their social media, the group gave advice to students on what to wear to protests - “comfortable clothes and running shoes” - what to bring - “water, an energy bar and a bandanna in case of surveillance” - and even how to respond to arrests - “don’t linger too long or pigs [the police] will kettle the march … free the comrade … and keep it moving”.


Some of the group’s campus chapters have since been suspended by universities, including at Columbia.


SJP’s national wing has “unequivocally” condemned the ADL’s “baseless allegations”, insisting neither its national wing nor its local chapters support terror groups.


In a joint statement on their websites, SJP’s national chapter, Jewish Voice for Peace and the Council on American Islamic Relations said: “The ADL’s latest intimidation campaign is based on a highly problematic definition of anti-Semitism that attempts to conflate criticism of the Israeli government or Zionism with anti-Jewish racism. This is as dangerous as it is baseless”.


Justin Finkelstein, from the ADL’s Center on Extremism, said SJP was “one of the main organisers” behind the protests that have swept the US and a factor in leading to “students becoming more radical” - but far from the only culprit.


He also pointed to“Within Our Lifetime United for Palestine”, which has been very active in the protests in New York City, as well as Palestine Action, which has both US and UK branches and focuses on “engaging in direct action”…


(Where’s the IC agencies in US, UK etc releasing info on these groups?)