>is scripted.
Duh. This 'reality' is scripted.
The narrative part of this story is far too long and far too slow. This is a fact.
>likely to be lower rates
Just in time for a Trump presidency.
"Look how good the economy is since we took back presidency." (surely it doesn't have anything to do with rate cuts over the past 6 months)
>Those commandments are impossible to fulfill
This is not true. Those commandments are easy to follow, you just need to believe them and follow them. Those commandments are much easier to navigate then the legal system.
>Aliens are 'advanced' beings and The Plan is still taking this long?!?
Best one liner today.
>God is trolling
Those commandments are not trolling. YOU shouldn't kill another person. YOU should love your neighbor. YOU should love your parents. YOU should love GOD.
The problem is that people don't follow the commandments. If everyone followed the commandments we wouldn't be in this dumpster fire of a reality. Love one another.
2 moar weeks