Anonymous ID: 3cf2b5 May 6, 2024, 9:32 p.m. No.20830830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0840 >>0866



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 076410 No.10134839 📁

Jul 31 2020 00:03:40 (EST)


Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].

CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].

Traitors everywhere.

[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?

It was never about the virus.

Sequence of events.

Flynn 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].

McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC

Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].

Pre_Install [rogue3-6] referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++

Install ‘controlled’ [rogue7_Bolton]

Bolton removal of ‘loyalists’ intel community_NAT SEC

Intel community [NAT SEC_WH] essential to control [infiltration] to prevent DECLAS_public exposure of true events [illegal surv [R] candidates 1&2, House members 1-x , Senate members 1-x , Journalists 1-x , Amb 1-x] + CLAS 1-99 events.

Mueller installed [Comey termination_loss of power][POTUS inside of a box][prevent counter-attack].

Impeachment installed [Mueller termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].

C19 insurance plan _above fail

C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].

C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]

C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]

C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].

C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.

C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]

[Ready when needed] Activate 4-year BLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].

C19 calculated [D] political gain:

  1. Eliminate record economic gains

  2. Eliminate record unemployment gains

  3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition

  4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19

  5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]

  6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf

  7. Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy

  8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide

  9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]

  10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed midterms +1].

  11. Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items

  12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]

  13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]

  14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance

  15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]

  16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship

Who benefits the most?


China [CCP]?

Russia is the enemy.

China is our friend.

[MSDNC [social media] programming]

All assets deployed.

Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over you.

Prevent accountability.





Your voice and your vote matters.

Patriots stand united.

Welcome to the Revolution.


Anonymous ID: 3cf2b5 May 6, 2024, 9:46 p.m. No.20830875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0883



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: eaffbb No.9105563 📁

May 10 2020 00:07:52 (EST)



Why did [Hussein] shadow POTUS re: [F] trips?

Why did [Kerry] shadow POTUS re: Iran?

Why did [Kerry] shadow POTUS re: [CLAS 1-99]?

Why did [McMaster] target and remove loyal intel operatives inside WH?

Why did [McMaster] prevent declas-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Coats] prevent declas-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Bolton] prevent decals-disclose to Congress?

Why did [Ryan] prevent subpoena power of (R) Congress?

Why did [Rosenstein] work to entrap and install blockade [SC]?

Why did [Rosenstein] install [Mueller] knowing zero evidence of Russia collusion?

Why did [Mueller] attempt to retake FBI DIR position?

Why did [Mueller][Rosenstein] drag out SC investigation if known no Russia collusion pre + start?

Why did select members of [NSC][Vindman] actively leak to MSM?

Why did select members of [NSC][Vindman] orchestrate fake whistleblower report w/ [Schiff][Atkinson][CLAS 1-9] to sabotage and initiate impeachment?

Why did [Pelosi] rush impeachment investigation?

Why did [Pelosi] then hold impeachment article(s) until Jan 15?

Why did [Schiff] push false 'Russia evidence' narrative post closed door interviews [no evidence of collusion]?

Why did [Schiff] coordinate w/ WH NSC [through proxy] to arrange for Ukraine whistleblower?

Why did [Schiff] actively leak knowingly false statements during-post classified sessions to MSM?

Why did [Schiff] illegally surveil [phone] members of WH legal team, media, and Congress?

What Pentagon officials [CLAS 1-99 _subject] tendered resignation within a 2 week period?

Why did [Omarosa Manigault Newman] attempt to entrap POTUS through secret and illegal recordings?

Why did [Soros] finance anti-POTUS events and organizations across US?

Why did [CLAS 1-99] organize and push propaganda [smear] campaign through use of MSM & Hollywood?

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99][F]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99]

[CLAS 1-99] x 49




What are they trying to prevent?

Who are they trying to protect?


Anonymous ID: 3cf2b5 May 6, 2024, 9:48 p.m. No.20830883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0890 >>0896



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e506e9 No.9050527 📁

May 6 2020 10:22:41 (EST)📁

Sorry, Adam, but the game is now over [it doesn't end here].

Locked on target.

[it takes time to remove/install the right people [sleepers]]

We are ready.


Anonymous ID: 3cf2b5 May 6, 2024, 10:03 p.m. No.20830912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0935


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 62bbb0 No.1392849 📁

May 12 2018 23:59:49 (EST)


Sealed indictments.

Define indictment.

“An indictment is a formal accusation against one or more defendants, charging them with one or more crimes. In the federal criminal system, the indictment is the principal method by which a prosecutor initiates criminal proceedings.”

How are they sealed?

How are they secured?

How are they safeguarded?

No leaks [unusual?]

Federal vs ….

Why are accusations sealed?

Grand jury involved?

Re_read crumbs re: DOJ / FBI re: IG / Huber

Who appointed Huber?



What happens if FED [criminal] indictments are brought forth to a corrupt FBI / DOJ / FED Judge?

FBI / DOJ - 1st.

C_A / State - next?

Now comes the pain.