Anonymous ID: 6145a9 May 6, 2024, 8:06 p.m. No.20830626   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>you know how cars change how they look every ten years, wonder what it was like in the middle ages when things didn't change and they just stayed the same


Yeah. You know unix time started 1/1/1970.


The closer back you get to that date, the more naive shit is. As you go back before that date, shit is so naive it's negative plausible




They started calling him "Tony" to deflect from the 'A' after I joked about it too much

Anonymous ID: 6145a9 May 6, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.20830661   🗄️.is 🔗kun



why is is 'SUBERSIVE'?

all memes are SUBERSIVE

your mission if you choose to accept it is to stopp being subverted by any little thing