this scares me
sompsins is aleways right
if he runs in 2028 then he lost 2024
mad-on-her is a disgusting nigger
nice job
what shall be the form of the destructor?
shills are suddenly being ultra nasty niggers.
gee, I wonder why that could be…
>According to Der Spiegel
If there is one thing you can take to the bank, it's that the germans know nussing.
>you know how cars change how they look every ten years, wonder what it was like in the middle ages when things didn't change and they just stayed the same
Yeah. You know unix time started 1/1/1970.
The closer back you get to that date, the more naive shit is. As you go back before that date, shit is so naive it's negative plausible
They started calling him "Tony" to deflect from the 'A' after I joked about it too much
Nargh matey. No face thar be.
based schumer will pull through for us
the plan is, we go back in time and fuck your mom.
then you're born and that's why you're here
>blamed social media and TikTok
one of those is a superset of the other, so that's just fucking gay
It is time.
This is the sign.
why is is 'SUBERSIVE'?
all memes are SUBERSIVE
your mission if you choose to accept it is to stopp being subverted by any little thing