Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.20832233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2242 >>2292

The End of Old Left-wing Mythologies

May 6, 2024 Victor Davis Hanson1/3

(His articles are worth reading all of them)

The current radical and often violent protests on mostly blue-state, supposedly elite campuses have exposed in toxic fashion what the left has become. And yet, in a paradoxical fashion, the campusinsanity has offered the nation some moral clarity.


What’s surprising is not that the demonstrators are violent and nihilist, but that they are, on the one hand, so openly and crudely anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-American, and yet on the other hand, so passive-aggressive, narcissistic, and weepy.


Nevertheless, the antics of thecampus cry-bullies have exploded mythsthat were for so long foisted on the American people by politicos and the media.


#1. Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic: We have been lectured ad nauseam thathating Israel has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.The last month hasblown up that old shibboleth for good. The left makes no distinction in their eliminationist chants between Israel and Jews. “Go back to Poland” is a homonym for “From the River to the Sea.” Both are shorthand for eliminating Jews—aside from the explicit threats to kill Jews and occasional praise for Hitler and the Final Solution.


When pro-Hamas thugs chase Jews into libraries, block their entrances on campus, and scream “beat the Jew” as they hit piñatas, they do not first ask Jews whether they support Israel—because they could care less. For theIslamist Middle Easterner on a studentvisa or green card and his useful American student, it is enough thattheir targets are Jewish—period.


Remember, theprotests started on October 7, not on October 27,when the IDF went into Gaza. At that point, campus and streetprotests merely changed from euphoric triumphalismon the news that Hamas had slaughtered, decapitated, mutilated, raped, or kidnapped hundreds of Jews (“exhilarated,” a Cornell professor gushed of the carnage),to furor and violence. So after three weeks of celebrating dead Jews, the street protests grew furious only when the IDF finally began fighting back and destroying Hamas, even as its terrorists cowardly hid beneath mosques, hospitals, and schools to ensure enough collateral damage to incite pro-Hamas Western throngs.


#2. Pro-Palestinian/Pro-Hamas: Theleft also blew up the ancient pretense that being “pro-Palestine” was not “pro-Hamas.” But the campus and street demonstrations now make no distinction between the two. Thecalls for the destruction of Israel and “death to America” come right out of theHamas credo. Hamas (and Hezbollah as well) logos and flags are easy to find among the protestors. Interviews with the protesters repeatedly reveal massive support for Hamas, to the extent of staging lessons in hand-to-hand combat.


Polls in the Middle East still show strong Gazan support for their one-election/one-time Hamas autocracy. Apparently,any angerthat Gazans bear toward Hamas for destroying the peace on October 7, wrecking their state, andgetting civilians killedby using them as human shields isoutweighed by the plus sideon their ledger of themurder of 1200 Jewish civilians. In other words, the campus protests promote the fascistic, terrorist Hamas clique because of,not despite, its murder of Jewish civilians.


#3. “Elite universities.”The Ivy League, the premier UC campuses, Stanford, MIT, and others that considered themselvescoveted brandsthat guaranteed elites their envisioned lucrative career trajectories are sadly becoming the stuff of jest.Ivy-League identification is in a CNN/Bud Lite/Disney freefall.America is getting a bellyful of mollycoddled students’ hatred of Jews, contempt for cops, janitors, and maintenance workers of the middle class, and the racist drivel they shout at African-American law enforcement. At George Washington University, a faculty member,Zein El-Amine, in racist fashion,smearedvisiting African-American congressmanByron Donalds(R-Fl) as an “Uncle Tom,” a “bastard,” and a “race traitor.”


Theprotesting students, in their interviews with the toadish media,sound ignorant and arrogant. As wannabe Bolsheviks, they destroy property and vandalize classrooms and university facilities. The UCLA campus, like the buildings at Columbia and Portland State, was left a fetid mess after the students were cleared out. But then, as helicoptered children,they expect food delivery and catering to fuel their gluten-free nihilismand hoi polloi to clean up after them. Is the message something like, “As we trash your campus buildings, can you please send in some vegan dishes to fuel our destructiveness?”

Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.20832242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2249



Themoment students speak to cameras, they becomereflections of the ongoing wastageof the universities by political indoctrination of the faculty and DEI admissions that dropped the SAT and ignored the comparative high school GPA ranking. Half the shouting student body could not find the Jordan River on a map, define Transjordan, or know thatJews have been in “Palestine” for two millennia prior to the arrival of nomadic Arab invaders.


Universities quietly acceptthat most of their currentstudents are not qualifiedto take the very courses these campuses used to brag as proof of their preeminence.


Such ignorance on elite campusesexplains the grade inflation of 60-80 percent A’s, new gut classes, and watered-down existing courses. We are learning that at our “elite” campus,roughly a thirdof undergraduate and graduate students arefull-paying foreign students on student visas. Most immigrants arrive from illiberal regimes with generous state funding and are the tip of the spear, fomenting violence and screaming venom at their hosts. They expect exemption from the consequences of their lawlessness and yet seem toharbor nothing but contemptfor the accommodating, naïve leniency of universities.


Still, these foreign students’ trademark is, for all their campus braggadocio, abject fright that they might be expelled, deported, and thus have to return to the very Middle East medievalism they now praise from a safe distance.


Add up these days of embarrassing campus rage and Hamas pawns and fronts, andparents and employers are quietly concludingthat elite campuses are becoming sources of mediocrity, not prestige, well apart from the violence and the likelihood that classes and graduations can be cancelled at any moment to appease violent protestors. Good students may increasingly avoid these often disturbing places and forego investing$90,000 a yearto ensure their own sons and daughters will return home unrecognizable.


#4. “The Left-wing Democrat Base”: Theold ideathat Antifa, BLM, the Squad, the Obamas, the green extremists, the radical transgendered, and the Hamas/Hezbollah, anti-Semitic basethreatened the Democrat Partyhas been exposed as a sort of fraud. No major Democrat politicians, Joe Biden, especially, can simply condemn the anti-Semitic violence and hate speech— constituting 99 percent of the protestors’ creed—without citing the mythic danger of Islamophobia, of which there is little sign on these campuses. In other words,Democratswould rather airbrush anti-Semitism with moral equivalence blatherthan dare suggest the pro-Palestinian movement is anti-Semitic.


So theviolence at universitiescontinues because left-wing faculty, left-wing administrators, left-wing mayors and city governments, and left-wing governors in these blue states and citiessympathize with the students. They are beginning to clamp down not because of the venomous and overt Jew hatred but because themedia optics are terrible.


Their campuses have been turned into trash dumps, analogous to homeless camps—or much worse, given pampered rich kids battle blue-collar police on the premise that injuring cops won’t earn them any jail time, but more likely a campus cachet.


Democrats are terrified the entire revelatory circus will get Trump reelected. The Democrat Party is the Squad. Biden is the most radical president of the last half-century. He and his associates in the Senate want to replace the elected government of Israel; they favor Iran over the moderate Arab regimes.DEI, ESG, abortion on demand…, radical transgenderism, open borders, and reparations have now become mainstreamDemocratic agendas.


#5. “Immigration is Our Strength”:It always has been, and can be again. But the left has misused immigration, legal and illegal, to create new constituencies that too often identify as victims, arrive with claims against their host, andsee little need to quickly assimilate.


So in 2024, America has reached an impasse.Nearly 15 percent of the population was not born in the U.S., perhaps over 50 million residents, illegal aliens, and citizens—a record in both percentages and numbers. But the melting-pot’s task ofintegrating and assimilating newcomershas been all butdisappeared, replaced by tribalism, salad-bowl separatism, and convenient and careerist venom expressed at their hosts…

Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.20832249   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Most immigrants, legal and illegal,now arrive from anti-American and illiberal regimesin Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Upon arrival, too many sense American self-loathing and the left’s Marxist binaries of oppressor/oppressed, and thus find victimhood a convenient entry to the American rat race.


Sometimes thefailureof both massive illegal and legal immigration isexpressed by illegal aliens critiquing their free hotels and foodin New York; sometimes with immigrants in Dearborn, led no less by the “Al-Quds Committee, Detroit” chanting “Death to America”; sometimes by Middle Eastern student and opportunistic activists barricading Jewish students in the library at the Cooper Union and banging on the doors screaming anti-Israel expletives—or yet another international soccer match between the U.S. and Mexico, held in Las Vegas or Los Angeles, disrupted and eventually cancelled due to unruly pro-Mexico fans (either illegal aliens, green-card holders, or U.S. citizens), screaming homophobic taunts at American players, supposedly their fellow citizens or fellow residents.


=We are now well beyond the dangers of open borders, ten million illegal aliens arriving since the Biden inauguration, or 100,000 fentanyl deaths facilitated by an open border. There are nearlyone million foreign students residing in the US, most of themunvetted. At the most recent violent protests, flag burnings, anti-Semitic rantings, and hate America fests, manyMiddle East students are at the center, assured their lawbreaking is exempt, and claiming they deserve entry into DEI intersectional victimhood.


We need an immigration timeout. That would mean an end to open borders and illegal immigration, but also a reduction of legal immigration to somewhere around 250,000 diverse, self-supporting, educated, andpro-American immigrants admittedon meritocratic criteria who can be quickly integrated into the U.S. body politic.


Joe Biden recently insulted India and Japan as “xenophobic” and said that “they don’t want immigrants.” Some in those libeled nations retorted that if our chaotic open border, 100,000 fentanyl deaths, two million illegal entries a year, and fifty million recent immigrants are the American exemplars, now expressed with daily illegal immigrant violence and campuses hijacked by Hamas agendas, they want no part of it.


In sum, thedisastrous last year of the Biden presidencyhas ripped off the left’s disingenuous veneer. On matters of the Middle East, most protestors on American soil do not distinguish hating Israel from hating Jews. They are unapologetically pro-Hamas, not just pro-Palestinian but pro-terrorist. And theDemocrat Party seems fine with all that.


Americans, thanks to the anti-Semitic takeover of their “elite campuses,” realize these prestigeuniversities are by any fair measure no longer hallowed, but rather dens of mediocrity, spoiled and entitled students and faculty, hatred of Jews, disdain for the working class, and home to thousands of racist, foreign students who despise the United States,but not to the degreeof returning to their own homelands.


As for thenew Democrat Party, it cannot simply condemn anti-Semitism without its wishy-washy tic of citing both-sides “Islamophobia.” In truth, itsracial obsessionshave now reached full fruition with endemic anti-Semitism, the ultimate expression of aracist DEI industrythat sought victimhood and thus found it could spew hatred with impunity.


Finally, the Biden administration has destroyed all support for open borders by welcoming in ten million illegal aliens, shrugging off 100,000 American deaths from imported Mexican fentanyl, and hosting thousands of anti-Semitic, racist Middle East students.


Theone-eyed Jack American Lefthas been flipped over, and what turned up proved frightening.

Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 7:55 a.m. No.20832377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Davis: "Instead Of Recusing They Expanded The Gag Order Against Trump"




(I wonder if there is one or two honest Justices in Superior or Appellate court in NY. You would think that this trial is a stain on the courts. Rudy says all the courts in NY are rotten)

Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 8:13 a.m. No.20832484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2494

Harnwell: You Would Still Be Able To Smell The Globalists' Fear Even Through Several Covid MasksBen always has an accurate reading on the DS in Europe




VIDEO SYNTHESIS / Our sociopathic overlords want their neoliberal order back — where they hoover up all the gains from free trade, leaving the regular working guy with only their middle finger in his face. No way.


The Financial Times’ chief US commentator — specifically citing the potential of atransatlantic trade war — calls the idea of Trump’s re-election a “horrific possibility”.


Zero recognition that neoliberalism wasn’t working for ordinary people, but made them poorer. Or that Trump cared — and Trump acted.


So why the failure to engage with the nuanced America First position on free trade?Because the world’s globalist newspaper has no responses to our arguments.


(Sure sounds like European Leaders will be involved in election interference in the US, that happened in 2016 and 2020 is gearing up again. Guaranteed Joe and team are paying them big bucks to cheat on his behalf.)


I love how much Europe freaks out when they hear Trump’s name!

Anonymous ID: 3a2c61 May 7, 2024, 8:52 a.m. No.20832646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2652


This was fantastic,eloquently explaining what the EU is doing by intentionally destroying all the sovereignty of the countriesand the people with mass migration.


When Trump, Kash, Bannon, Jones, Bongino say “our leaders hate us”, its much worse then hate. Its annihilation of everything good and holy, for their money and power.


No matter how much you hate them, its never enough, they are destroying God’s creation WW