Anonymous ID: 04e9be May 7, 2024, 11:39 a.m. No.20833525   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3529


Antisemitic as fuck anon.


The Uniparty:


This is how the jew owned Israel first anti-White uniparty operates:

Leftoids get to do whatever they want as long as it punishes whites and doesn't attack jews.

Rightoids get to do whatever they want as long as it isn't pro-White or anti Jewish.

And the so called "doing whatever they want" always ends up advancing the Israel first anti-White agenda forward.


It will take what both illegitimate and foreign controlled sides call "radicalism" to fix this issue of zionist occupation government (that rules regardless of what clown is allowed into the White House).


The vote is the hopium of the goy.


The Founding Fathers told everyone what they would have to do sooner or later in the face of tyranny and a foreign occupation government (Israeli/Zionist in our modern era, in theirs it was British).


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."


"The reasonable man conforms himself to the world. The unreasonable man conforms the world to himself. Therefore all progress is from the unreasonable man"


"As of today, politics are mere theater to sell false hope of meaningful long term change to the slave class. Only the people can force that reality to change."


"If for some reason this sounds extreme, you should ask why, when a democratic state rejects the vote of its own people, and no longer pretends to serve them—and acts in favor of outsiders instead—it still deserves to exist.

Our ancestors rebelled for much less." - 17cShytePoster (Twitter) defines illegitimacy


"Americans have guns AND lots to lose. They are about to find out that they have nothing left to lose. They are being replaced for decades and only now we are waking up to this realization. 2020 elections and Covid sped up the process thank God but it's been 3 years since the regular American feels disoriented and angry. Some people don't know who they are angry at but there are people like anons itt who show them. And the change is palatable irl.

The support for the Regime is at all times low. All of the institutions and all of the talking heads on the TV.

An action takes planning. Localism is winning right now but it will lead to organization. No Revolution happened in a span of 3 years. And I count 3 years because this is when the disillusionment of the native American population started." - 447414557


"The Stamp Act that started the move towards independence in the colonies was in 1765. Nine years before open rebellion. Movements take time." - 19869405