Anonymous ID: 62b2fa May 8, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.20838010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As an alternative to a primary election, Illinois law allowed for a party to get its candidates on the ballot for General Assembly spots by party slating procedure, along with collection of a requisite number of public signatures on nominating positions. A number of Republican challengers have been proceeding accordingly.

But over the course of just 30 hours on the first days of this month, the Democratic supermajority changed the law to retroactively disallow that procedure, thereby barring challengers from the November ballot as Republican party candidates.

The new law almost certainly gives Democrats a win in races in which Republicans did not run a candidate in the primary and could result in dozens of unopposed races.

Gov. JB signed the new law the day after it was passed, hours after telling reporters he didn’t know all the details. He also claimed it was an “ethics” bill. “It really does make sure that we don’t have backroom deals to put people on the ballot and run as a result of some small group of people in a smoke-filled room making the choice,” Pritzker said at an unrelated news conference in Bloomington. “So I think to me, more transparency is better.” It’s not like Illinois Democrats ever line up their chosen candidates to run for the party, right?

“This is nothing more than a brazen attempt by Illinois Democrats to disenfranchise voters and eliminate political competition. To hide behind the guise of ‘ethics,’ is laughable,” said Sean M. Morrison, Chairman of the Cook County GOP.

The new law originated as a “shell bill” – one on an entirely different subject with a different label, before being changed in the 30-hour cram-through.

Senate Minority Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) said it right: “This abuse of power that blocks candidates from giving voters a choice in free, fair and open elections is unprecedented in Illinois’ 205-year history,” Curran said. “Their dictator-style tactic of stealing an election before a vote is cast is a new low for elective government in this state and undermines the core principals of American democracy.”

At least one Democrat couldn’t ignore the hypocrisy. “At this time in our history, when we are watching Republican legislatures across the country really attack access to the ballot and attack voting rights and fundamentally attack democracy, I just think it’s fundamentally wrong for Democrats to participate in something that makes it harder for people to run, to run for office, makes it harder for folks to engage,” Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) said.

Anonymous ID: 62b2fa May 8, 2024, 10:18 a.m. No.20838040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8353 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

(ZeroHedge)—One day after former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial was postponed indefinitely after we learned that the DOJ mishandled evidence in the case (with Judge Aileen M. Cannon citing a mountain of ‘outstanding’ pre-trial matters that would make a May 20 trial ‘imprudent’), another Trump case appears to have no chance of going to trial before the 2024 election.

On Wednesday, a Georgia appeals court agreed to review a lower court ruling which allowed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to remain on the Trump RICO prosecution despite being highly conflicted.

To review, Atlanta Judge Scott McAfee of Fulton Superior Court, who donated to Fani Willis when she was running for office, ruled in March that the Fani simply had to kick her lover, Nathan Wade, off the case after she paid him more than $600,000. The two notoriously took several lavish vacations together on Wade’s dime (which Fani swears she repaid in cash).

According to McAfee, while he found the “appearance of impropriety,” no “disqualification of a constitutional officer necessary when a less drastic and sufficiently remedial option is available,” adding “that the prosecution of this case cannot proceed until the State selects one of two options.”

And now, the Atlanta Court of Appeals has agreed to hear an appeal from the defendants over whether McAfee erred in his decision.

Anonymous ID: 62b2fa May 8, 2024, 10:23 a.m. No.20838062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8079 >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

A 15-year-old girl from Bridgeport, West Virginia, is suing the Department of Education, claiming there were a series of incidents in which a boy who competed against her and other girls in track and field events made rape threats against her.

“B.P.J. made several offensive and inappropriate sexual comments to me,” she recalled. “At first, it did not occur often, and I tried my best to ignore it. But during my final year of middle school, B.P.J. made inappropriate sexual comments a lot more often; it increased throughout that year; and the comments became much more aggressive, vile, and disturbing. Sometimes B.P.J.’s comments were just annoying, like commenting that I have a ‘nice butt.’ But other times, I felt really embarrassed, and I didn’t want to repeat the gross things B.P.J. said to me. During the end of that year, about two to three times per week, B.P.J. would look at me and say ‘suck my d***.’ There were usually other girls around who heard this. I heard B.P.J. say the same thing to my other teammates, too.”

“B.P.J. made other more explicit sexual statements that felt threatening to me,” she continued. “At times, B.P.J. told me quietly ‘I’m gonna stick my d into your p.’ And B.P.J. sometimes added ‘and in your a*’ as well. … B.P.J. made these vulgar comments towards me in the locker room, on the track, and in the throwing pit for discus and shotput.”

“Most of the time, B.P.J. made these sexual comments at girls’ track practice. Our team walked from Bridgeport Middle School to the High School for track practice, where we would train on the high school track,” she stated. “B.P.J. often popped up beside me as we walked and said these things. Other times, B.P.J. made comments as our team was sitting in the endzone waiting for coaches to get practice going. At least one time, it happened in the girls’ locker room.”

“I reported B.P.J.’s sexual comments to my coach and middle school administrators. Initially, the administrators told me that they were investigating, but we never heard back, and nothing changed. From what I saw, B.P.J. got very little or no punishment for saying things that no other student would get away with,” she concluded.

Anonymous ID: 62b2fa May 8, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.20838079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647


Pennsylvania parents are demanding answers after a “queer witch” was brought into the school to speak to 14-year-olds about dating violence and survey the children on sexual topics.

The controversy began last year when parents at the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District in Chester County found out that Deni Tobin, a “genderqueer” woman who uses male pronouns, spoke to high school students about dating.

Tobin is a “practitioner astrologer and rune reader” with an organization called Prana House, where Tobin regularly hosts meetups for “queer witches.” After she was brought to Unionville High School to give a talk on “safe dating,” the complaints from parents began to flood in.

Parents began reaching out to the school to flag Tobin’s presentation that used materials from pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood, and that her social media accounts are filled with both witch-themed and sexually explicit material — one picture features Tobin topless, showcasing that she had her breasts removed. Tobin’s Instagram bio contains the phrases “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” “heathens against hate,” and “NO TERFS OR SWERFS OR NAZIS IN VALHALLA.”

The district downplayed the presentation and said parents had fallen for “misinformation,” according to emails shared with The Daily Wire. But parents are resurfacing the issue after one parent, Chad Williams, a local lawyer, discovered that Tobin had also administered a sex-themed survey to the students in addition to giving the presentation on dating.

According to summaries of the surveys obtained by The Daily Wire, students, most of whom were 14 years old, had been asked about their gender identity and whether they had ever been “pressured” into a sexual act or whether someone had pressured them to do something sexual.

When asked for comment on the situation, the district indicated that it no longer worked with Chester County Crime Victims Center.

“From 2016-2023, the Chester County Crime Victims Center (CVC) provided lessons on safe dating to students at Unionville High School (UHS),” the school told The Daily Wire. “All presenters from CVC completed required clearances and training to present from a script in schools. The Unionville-Chadds Ford School District’s (UCFSD) policy 235.1 governs the administration of surveys to students. UCFSD is currently investigating whether the Survey policy was followed during these presentations.”