Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 9:57 a.m. No.20837949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8339 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

A French castle owned by royals and a Rothschild is on the market for $454M — which would make it one of the most expensive homes ever sold

(Whoever buys it, should know its cursed, the dead souls killed there, will haunt you forever)

(Mikhaila Friel)

Tue, May 7, 2024 at 11:36 AM EDT


A French castle owned by royals and a Rothschild is on the market for $454M — which would make it one of the most expensive homes ever sold

A 12th-century French castle, Château d'Armainvilliers, is being auctioned for around $454 million.


The castle was previously owned by King Hassan II of Morocco.


It could be transformed as part of a new city development outside Paris.


A 12th-century castle that once belonged to a Rothschild is being auctioned for a staggering €425 million, or around $454 million.


Once sold, the castle and its grounds could be transformed into a new city development just outside Paris, a spokesperson for Ignace Meuwissen, a luxury real-estate agent who is handling the sale with his company Whisper Auctions, told Business Insider.


The 17-bedroom castle, known as Château d'Armainvilliers, dates back to the 12th century and is around 30 miles outside Paris, according to Mansion Global. It was once owned by Edmond de Rothschild, before being sold to King Hassan II of Morocco, a spokesperson for Meuwissen told Business Insider.


Meuwissen told Mansion Global that it's one of the most expensive real-estate listings in the world.


But despite its connection to royalty, a spokesperson said the castle "may not hold much historical value" to the future buyer and will likely be favored because of its large size. The castle is 2,500 square meters and has an additional 1,000 hectares of surrounding land.


Château d'Armainvilliers has three floors with 17 bedrooms.


The castle is 2,500 square meters in size, consisting of three floors with three elevators, 17 bedrooms, five reception rooms, a hairdressing salon, a kitchen, separate housing for staff members, and stables that can hold up to 50 horses, a spokesperson for Ignace Meuwissen told BI.


The sale is being handled by Whisper Auctions, which represents off-market, luxury properties. The company's listings start at 2.5 million euros, or around $2.6 million, according to its website.


Ignace Meuwissen, the company's cofounder, is "in discussions with developers" who could transform the castle and surrounding area into a city, a spokesperson said.


Meuwissen's vision "entails the possibility of developing a new city near Paris, with the historical significance of the castle being of secondary importance," they said.


They added that the project would involve the creation of apartments, commercial centers, and other amenities. It's unclear if the castle would have to be refurbished or demolished for the development to take place.


Take a look inside one of the castle's five reception rooms, which stands out for its colorful decor.


The castle's decor is loud and colorful. This room has bright blue chairs and red throw cushions, while others have extravagant chandeliers, vibrant paintings, and grand pillars.


The castle's 17 bedrooms all have their own unique look.


One of the bedrooms, photographed above, has a chandelier and a walk-in closet and is decorated with several armchairs, a dressing table, mirrors, and a double bed.


The property was last put on the market in 2008.


Speaking to Mansion Global, Meuwissen said King Hassan's son inherited the castle following his death in 1999. He sold it in 2008 for 200 million euros, or around $215,500 million, Meuwissen told the outlet.


"The property was purchased by an owner from the Middle East but has never been utilized," Meuwissen said.


The castle has generated interest from around the world.


The castle has generated worldwide interest, with press outlets including Architectural Digest and The New York Post writing about the listing.


Meuwissen told Mansion Global that the property has received interest from international buyers, including one person from Eastern Europe and three people from Asia.

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10 a.m. No.20837959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7966 >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

Kim Ki-nam, the ‘Goebbels of North Korea’ who shaped the personality cult of the ruling Kim dynasty – obituary

Telegraph Obituaries

Wed, May 8, 2024 at 10:37 AM EDT.1/2


Kim Ki-nam, born August 28 1929, died May 7 2024


Kim Ki-nam, who has died aged 94, was known, south of the 38th parallel, as the Goebbels of North Korea and was widely credited as the mastermind behind the personality cult woven around the ruling Kim dynasty, elevating the veneration of family members above even ideology in the hermit kingdom.


Over more than four decades as the leader of North Korea’s propaganda apparatus, Kim Ki-nam (no relation of the dictators), was instrumental in the creation of the quasi-religious cult around the “eternal leaders of Korea”, the founder of North Korea, Kim Il-sung, and his successors, Kim Jong-iland Kim Jong-un, helping to establish the country as a one-man hereditary dictatorship through successive generations.


He was particularly close to Kim Jong-il, helping him to expand the family cult after his father’s death in 1994. He was seen as the architect of claims of the great accomplishments of the country’s “Dear Leader”such as that he learnt to walk at the age of three weeks, was talking at eight weeks and, during three years at university, wrote no fewer than 1,500 books – and six full operas – and scored 11 holes in one in the very first golf round of his life. (Kek).


Tall, bespectacled and with a slight hunch, Kim Ki-nam was (despite his authorship of such works as Fundamental Changes Brought About in Party Ideological Work Under the Banner of Converting the Whole Society to the Juche Ideology),a talented writer and charismatic public speaker.


Exerting a stranglehold over the country’s press, media, arts and publishing, he was the Korean Worker’s Party’s (KWP’s) key author of political slogans and in later years was responsible for much of the staging and choreography of mass rallies to mark the birthdays of dynastic leaders past and present.


“Nature and the sky unfolded such mysterious ecstasy in celebration of the birthday of Kim Jong Il,” the country’s central news agency reported after one such occasion, though whether North Korea’s poverty-stricken people shared in the euphoria must be doubted.


According to a report in 2019, Kim Ki-nam managed a loyalty fund into which donations were regularly extorted on such celebratory occasions. The fund had ostensibly been set up to promote the North’s “Juche” or self-reliance doctrine around the world, but the money was said to be destined for Kim Jong-un’s coffers.


The son of an iron worker, Kim Ki-nam was born in what is now the northeastern Chinese province of Heilongjang on August 28 1929. At school in Pyongyang he joined a student group opposed to the Japanese occupation. After the establishment of North Korea in 1948 he attended Kim Il-sung University and spent some time studying in Moscow.


He joined his country’s diplomatic service and served as ambassador to Beijing in the early 1950s. In 1956 he was appointed section chief in the KWP’s International Department and joined the faculty of Kim Il-sung University, where he became a professor.


After a further spell in Moscow at the Soviet Union’s Higher Party School he became an editorial writer for the KWP daily newspaper, Rodong Sinmun. In 1966 he was appointed deputy director of the KWP Propaganda and Agitation Department (PAD) where he was said to have become “drinking buddies” with Kim Jong-il, who became PAD director in 1967.


In 1972 he was appointed associate editor, and in 1974 editor, of the party’s theoretical magazine, Kulloja, and in 1976 he was promoted to editor-in-chief of Rodong Sinmun. From 1977 he served several terms in the Supreme People’s Assembly and was elected to the 6th Central Committee at the 6th Party Congress in 1980.


During the 1980s Kim Ki-nam led publicity initiatives both to support Kim Jong Il’s succession and establish Kim Il-sung’s world-historical status, including, it was said, writing essays and speeches attributed to Kim Jong-il. He also managed the establishment, reported as “discoveries,” of “slogan-bearing trees”, supposedly “revolutionary legacies” of Korea’s anti-Japanese guerrillas.

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:01 a.m. No.20837966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647




In April 1989 he was appointed director of the PAD and three years later was elected KWP secretary for propaganda and party history.


Having survived frequent purges, after Kim Jong-il’s death in 2011, Kim Ki-nam was one of seven leading North Korean officials who served as pallbearers at his funeral. Within four years he was one of only two still in office, the other five having either disappeared, been executed or banished. In 2016 he was elected a member of the newly created State Affairs Commission.


Kim Jong-un has paid tribute to a “veteran revolutionary who had remained boundlessly loyal” to the regime. As a result of such devotion, Kim Ki-nam was one of the very few North Korean officials allowed to visit the South.


In 2005 he became the first North Korean official to visit the South Korean national cemetery at Seoul and in 2009 he led a delegation to attend the memorial service to Kim Dae-jung, the former South Korean president who held the first inter-Korean summit with Kim Jong-il in 2000.


Kim Ki-nam officially retired from office in October 2017, passing on his role to Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong, though he continued to make appearances at public events.


Kim Ki-nam, born August 28 1929, died May 7 2024

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:04 a.m. No.20837977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647


Julie Kelly



FLASHBACK: Judge Cannon's judgment was correct when she appointed a special masteror 3rd partyto handle the items seized by FBI during MAL raid.


She noted the unprecedented nature of the raid and warned public trust into the investigation was paramount.


Cannon on 9/5/22:


national security risk assessment [ECF No. 48 pp. 29-30]. With respect to the referenced national security concerns, the Court understands and does not impact that component. But with respect to the Government's ongoing criminal investigation, the Court does not find that a temporary special master review under the present circumstances would cause undue delay. "(E)fficient criminal investigations are certainly desirable," In re Search Warrant Issued June 13, 2019, 942 F.3d at 181, but so too are countervailing considerations of fair process andpublic trust. "The [Government chose to proceed by securing a search warrant for the former President's home and office] and secking and obtaining [a) magistrate judge's approval of the [filter [p]rotocol. The


May 8, 2024


(The public lost all trust on Jan, 20, 2021, and the raid on the President’s home just cemented that we can never trust the government again, until President Trump comes back and cleans out the Aegean Stables and the swamp permanently)

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.20837980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8010 >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

Citizen Free Press



Republicans announce election bill to stop Illegals from voting.


May 7, 2024


Democrats won’t vote for it, so Congress better have the votes in Congress and Senate.

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.20838008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8030 >>8047 >>8169 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

Fund Manager issues warning. ‘If they put Trump in jail, Treasury markets could collapse.’


Citizen Free Press



Fund manager Kevin Hassett.


'If President Trump is in chains, would you want to buy a U.S. Treasury the next day. We become a banana republic the moment they take him to Rikers, and I just can't imagine what happens to Treasury markets that day.'


(Wasn’t Hassert the Economic Spokesmen to the press, President Trump while in office?)



Charlie Kirk

12:05 PM · May 8, 2024

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.20838088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Haaretz ExclusiveIsrael Commits to Limit Rafah Operation, Grant Control of Crossing With Egypt to Private U.S. Firm


Prior to the ground invasion of Rafah, Israel made it clear in talks that the operation's objective is to exert pressure on Hamas in the hostage negotiations and to harm the crossing's reputation as a symbol of Hamas power.


Israel has committed to the United States and Egypt to restrict its operation in Rafah, which started on Monday, aiming only to deny Hamas authority over the border crossing that connects Gaza with Egypt, and concentrating on the eastern side of the city.


The parties agreed that a private American security companywill assume management of the crossing after the IDF concludes its operation. Israel has also pledged not to damage the crossing's facilities to ensure its continuous operation.


State Department spokespersonMatthew Miller said on Wednesday that he is not aware of Israel agreeing to transfer control of the crossing. The White House also said it was unaware of such an agreement. (Did the real CiC order this then?)


Prior to the ground invasion of Rafah, Israel made it clear in talks that the operation's objective is to exert pressure on Hamas in the hostage negotiations and to harm the crossing's reputation as a symbol of Hamas power, as it serves as Gaza's main lifeline.


Israel believes that Hamas' loss of control over the Rafah crossingwould be a significant setback for the group.It will not be able to collect taxesimposed on trucks and goods and will no longer be able to bring in weapons and other items banned from entering Gaza.


The Egyptians and Americans initially opposed any wide-ranging operations by the Israel Defense Forces in Rafah out of fear it would lead to heavy civilian casualties in the densely populated area.


Egyptian officials made clear during the discussions that they opposed an assault on Rafah out of concern that civilians would force their way over the border fence to take shelter against it. According to them, Hamas might try to destroy part of the fence to help large numbers of Gazans to flee.


According to the Gaza Crossings Authority, between 8,000 and 10,000 Gaza Strip citizens have fled to Egypt since the start of the war. Israeli defense officials who spoke with Haaretz said the U.S. made it clear that, should Israel proceed far into Rafah without the express approval of the administration, it faces the prospect of having its access to weapons restricted.


As part of Israel's efforts to win agreement for a Rafah operation, negotiations have been underway with a private company in the U.S. that specializes in assisting armies and governments around the world engaged in military conflicts. The company has operated in several African and Middle Eastern countries, guarding strategic sites like oil fields, airports,army bases and sensitive border crossings. It employs veterans of elite U.S. Army units.

Under the understandings between the three countries, when Israel has completed its limited operation in the border crossing area, the U.S. company will take responsibility for operating the facility. That includes monitoring goods arriving in the Gaza Strip from Egypt and preventing Hamas from re-establishing control of the crossing. According to the agreement, Israel and the U.S. will assist the company as necessary.

The Egyptians submitted a complaint to Israel on Tuesday regarding IDF troops who had uploaded videos showing the Israeli flag being flown at the Rafah crossing. The Egyptians argued that such a symbolic and public step harms their efforts to downplay the action close to their territory.

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.20838153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8169 >>8182 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

With 2024 presidential contest looming, Georgia governor signs new election changes into law


Tue, May 7, 2024 at 4:53 PM EDT


ATLANTA (AP) — Gov. Brian Kemp signed legislation Tuesday that makes additional changes to Georgia's election laws ahead of the 2024 presidential contest in the battleground state,including defining probable causes for removing voters from the rolls when their eligibility is challenged.

Republican activists — fueled by debunked theories of a stolen election — havechallenged more than 100,000 voters in the state in recent years. The activists say they arerooting out duplicate recordsand removing voters who have moved out of state.

The bill Kemp signed into law — SB 189 —lists death, evidence of voting or registering in another jurisdiction, a tax exemption indicating a primary residence elsewhere, or a nonresidential address as probable causes for removing voters from the rolls. Most controversially,it says the National Change of Address list can be considered, though not exclusively.

Supporters have said the probable cause definition would make the challenge process more difficult. Opponents have disputed that, saying the changes would enable more baseless attacks on voters that would overwhelm election administrators and disenfranchise legitimate voters. For example, people sometimes live at a place of business, which would be considered a nonresidential address. Officials with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office say there are more reliable types of information, such as driver’s license data, to confirm a voter’s eligibility.

The Georgia bill alsoallows challenges to be acceptedand voters removed from the rolls up until 45 days before an election. That provision in part has prompted the threat of lawsuits from liberal groups because federal law says states and counties can’t make systematic changes to voting rolls within 90 days of a federal election.

The measure also says homeless peoplemust use the county voter registration office as their address instead of where they live. Opponents have said that could make it harder for homeless citizens to cast ballots because their registered polling place might be far away.

Fair (FAT) Fight Action, a voting rights group founded by former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidateStacey Abrams, slammedthe signing of SB 189, calling the measure a “voter suppression bill that emboldens right-wing activists in their efforts to kick Black and brown voters off the rolls.”

“By signing SB 189 to become law, Brian Kemp delivered a gift to MAGA election deniers,” the group said in a statement.

Andrea Young, executive director of the ACLU of Georgia, called the bill a “step back for voters' rights and voting access.”

The bill also grants access to Georgia’s ballot to any political party that has qualified for the presidential ballot in at least 20 states or territories.The change could bolster independent candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose campaign has spooked Democrats worried it could draw support away from President Joe Biden. (Kemps way of sabotaging Trump)

Other changes in the bill include removing Raffensperger from his ex-officio spot on the State Election Board. Kemp and Republican lawmakers had previously removed Raffensperger from his voting position on the board.

Many Republicans who believe debunked theories that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of Georgia’s 16 electoral votes in 2020view Raffensperger as a particular enemybecause the Republican secretary of state has forcefully defended the election results showing Biden won.

Raffensperger and some others had lobbied for Kemp, himself a former secretary of state, to veto the bill.

The bill, additionally, says that beginningJuly 1, 2026, the state can no longer use a kind of barcode called a QR code to count ballotscreated on the state ballot marking devices. That is how votes are counted now, but opponents say voters don’t trust QR codes because they can’t read them. Instead, the bill says ballots must be read using the text, or human-readable marks like filled-in bubbles, made by the machines.

The bill also requirescounties to report the results of all absentee ballotsby an hour after polls close. It also lets counties use paper ballots in elections in which fewer than 5,000 people are registered, though that change will not take effect until 2025.

Kemp on Tuesday vetoed a separate election bill that would ban political contributions by foreign nationals and impose additional registration requirements on agents of foreign principals. The governor noted thatsuch donations are already prohibited by federal law, and he said some of the registration requirements were not intended by the bill's sponsor.

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:50 a.m. No.20838170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8184 >>8262 >>8354 >>8441 >>8506 >>8630 >>8647

Tina Forte for Congress



I’ve been a voice in NY for those who could not speak out.


I’m taking on AOC, right where I was born and raised - in the Bronx.


I’ll never be silenced. I’ll call out hypocritical politicians, and I’ll never stop fighting for freedom!


Join the fight at #FireAOC


3:46 PM · May 7, 2024




Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 10:56 a.m. No.20838209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>8354 >>8441 >>8630 >>8647

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Send Hamas-Sympathizing Student Visa Holders Home

Henry RodgersMay 08, 2024 11:18 AM ET


Tennessee Republican Rep. Andy Ogles introduced legislation Wednesday to send Hamas-sympathizing student visa holders home and told Hamas-Sympathizingstudent visa holders to “go study abroad in Gaza.”


The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the legislation, which is titled the Study Abroad Act. The bill wouldspecifically “revoke the F, J, or M visa” of any alien who authorities have “arrested for rioting or unlawful protest,” or who authorities have “arrested while establishing, participating in, or promoting an encampment” at an institute of higher education.


“The ability to receive higher education in the United States is truly a privilege. Previously known for their prestige and unparalleled academics, many elite American universities have damaged their hard-earned reputations by opening their doors to impressionable terrorist sympathizers. In the last several weeks, our nation has seen these institutions overrun and terrorized by young people calling for a third intifada,” Ogles told the Caller before introducing the bill.


“These antisemitic, anti-America riots have wreaked havoc and chaos on campuses, leading to the cancellation of commencements and in-person classes. It is unacceptable that we would allow non-Americans to terrorize our institutions of higher learning. It’s time to send a clear message to foreign, Hamas-sympathizing students rioting: if you bring chaos to our universities, you can study abroad somewhere else. Might I recommend Iran, Qatar, or Gaza? They seem more your speed,” he added.


Ogles was joined by Texas Republican Rep. Randy Weber and South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan as cosponsors of the legislation.


“If you hate America so much, you should get the first ticket back to your country and attend college there. The unruly anti-Semites that are spewing hate and discontent on college campuses will not be tolerated in the United States,” Weber told the Caller.


Protests continue to take place at college campuses across the U.S.


“If you come to America on a student visa and support a terrorist organization like Hamas,then you are in violation of your visa,” Duncan told the Caller. “We do not need Hamas sympathizers on American soil breaking our laws and influencing our youth to hate America and freedom. You riot on behalf of a terrorist organization, then say goodbye to your visa.


Law link:

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.20838294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When you have lefty attorneys saying this trial is a sham, leftists judges should listen. This will be Merchan’s last trial, the higher courts have to crack down once and for all on lawfare. Or republicans should use it on them. Marc Elias is the first one to take out

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 11:27 a.m. No.20838353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8375


Thank you God now make the courts actually apply the law. The very fact she used “get Trump” in fundraising makes her completely legally compromised. The whole case is BS

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.20838401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

8 May, 2024 18:04


US presidential candidate had ‘dead worm’ in brain – NYT


RFK Jr. had revealed the condition in legal proceedingsover a decade ago


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once thought he had a brain tumor but the dark spot on the scans turned out to be a dead parasitic worm, the New York Times has reported citing legal documents.


President John Kennedy’s nephew, who is currently running an independent presidential campaign, has argued that he is both younger and healthier than incumbent President Joe Biden and his chief rival Donald Trump.


In 2010, however, RFK Jr. was experiencing “brain fog” and memory loss so severe, he turned to top neurologists for advice about a possible tumor, according to the Times. One New York doctor gave him a different opinion, however: a dead parasite.


The anomaly seen on the scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Kennedy said in a 2012 deposition.


In the same legal interview, Kennedy said he “clearly” had cognitive problems, including short-term and longer-term memory loss. In a subsequent interview with the Times, however, he attributed those to mercury poisoning, caused by his fish-heavy diet at the time.


Blood tests found mercury levels 10 times higher than the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers safe, Kennedy said, adding that he fully recovered after undergoing chelation therapy to remove the heavy metal from his body.


According to the Times article, the cyst containing the dead worm remained in Kennedy’s brain and did not require treatment, nor did he have any aftereffects from it. He said he did not know what type of parasite it may have been or how he contracted it, though he suspected it was on a trip to South Asia.


The 2012 documentwas related to divorce proceedings from Mary Richardson Kennedy, RFK Jr’s second wife. Kennedy argued at the time that his earnings potential had been diminished by cognitive struggles.


Kennedy has been outspoken about another obvious mental condition, a neurological disorder called spasmodic dysphonia that causes his voice to become hoarse and strained.


RFK Jr. initially launched a primary challenge to Biden within the Democratic Party, but switched to an independent bid after several months of stonewalling from the party apparatus. Biden, 81, is widely believed to suffer from several cognitive impairments due to his age and prior medical conditions – though his doctors have insisted that the oldest US president ever to be inaugurated wasjust fine.(Kek, his personal physician he brought with him to the WH said that, he doubles as Joe’d bookie also)


(NYTs released this for a hit job for Bidan)

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20838465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8647

8 May, 2024 16:29

German politician convicted over gang rape warning

The AfD’s Marie-Therese Kaiser was fined for highlighting official statistics showing Afghans commit the crime 70 times more than Germans


(They are doing the same thing that makes Trump more popular, the German politicians are stupid)


A court in Lower Saxony has convicted Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Therese Kaiser of inciting hatred by sharing government data showing that Afghans are disproportionately more likely to commit gang rape.


Kaiser, who leads the right-wing party’s Rotenburg chapter, made a post on Facebook in 2021 criticizing the mayor of Hamburg for offering asylum to 200 Afghans who had worked with German troops in Afghanistan. Kaiser described the Afghans as “culturally alien masses” and linked to an article containinggovernment statistics showing that Afghans in Germany are 70 times more likely to commit gang rape than native Germans.


A regional court in the town of Verden ruled on Monday that the postviolated the “human dignity” of the Afghan workers, and amounted to “an “incitement to hatred” against them. The ruling upheld a previous judgment by a court in Rotenberg last year.


Kaiser was issued 100 daily fines of €60, amounting to €6,000 ($6,447), and will be left with a criminal record.


“Simply naming numbers, dates and facts is to be declared a criminal offense, just because the establishment does not want to face reality,” Kaiser said before the trial. “I will not allow myself to be silenced.”


Kaiser’s lawyers attempted to invoke her right to free speech, but this argument was rejected by Judge Heiko Halbfas, who declared that “anyone who attacks human dignity cannot invoke freedom of expression.”


The verdict drew international attention, with Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk expressing disbelief that someone could be prosecuted “for repeating accurate government statistics.”


In a post on X on Tuesday, Kaiser described the ruling as a “miscarriage of justice.”


“Mass migration is dangerous,” she said, adding: “We must speak openly about the risks and the groups of perpetrators.”


Germany ishome to nearly 400,000 Afghan citizens, out of a total foreign-born population of around 14 million. The influx of asylum seekers that followed former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open the country’s borders at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis precipitated a drastic rise in violent crime, the majority of it perpetrated by immigrants.


According to statistics compiled by Germany’s Federal Crime Office,violent crime levelsreached arecord high last year, with foreigners responsible for 41.2% of casesinvolving grievous bodily harm, despite making up less than 15% of the population. Overall,foreigners were four times more likelyto commit all types of crime than native Germans.


Amid the crime spike, the AfD has surged in popularity and is currently the country’s second-largest political party. However,Germany’s mainstream parties have repeatedly ruled outentering into coalition with AfD, and a government-funded watchdog group has called for the party to be banned for its “racist and nationalist” positions.


(Germany never left the Nazi ideology)

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.20838522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8647

8 May, 2024 15:22

Von der Leyen facing growing discontent in EU capitals – media

The European Commission president’s climate policies andallegations of nepotismare among the reasons, Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung claims


EU elites are growing increasingly disenchanted with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung has claimed. Bloomberg reported last month that French President EmmanuelMacron, widely regarded as a key backer in von der Leyen’s rise, iseyeing a replacement for her.


Although she is unelected, von der Leyen’s fate still indirectly depends on the outcome of the European parliamentary elections scheduled for next month. She remains the main candidate for the center-right European People’s Party (EPP), which has the most seats in the European Parliament.Despite an expected right wing surge in the upcoming votes, it is expected to reinforce its dominant position in June.


Any EPP nominee would still require the backing from an absolute majority of MEPs and von der Leyen has refused to rule out a coalition with right wing groups in order to secure another five-year term.


In an article on Wednesday, Neue Zurcher Zeitung claimed that “in the capitals, many are dissatisfied with [von der Leyen’s] record,=with her excessive climate policy [and] the weakening economy.” The media outlet added that “accusations of nepotism and non-transparency” have also cast a shadow on her prospects.


According to the Swiss newspaper, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, along with French President Macron, are considering alternatives to von der Leyen, including former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi.


Citing anonymous sources, Bloomberg also claimed in April that Macron was discussing potential replacements with other EU leaders. The media outlet likewise named Draghi as a possible candidate.


Macron has taken several thinly veiled swipes at von der Leyen in recent months. In March, he complained that while the “commission presidency is there to defend the general interest,” it has become “over-politicized.”


Von der Leyen’s standing has also been shaken by several high-profile scandals. Last month, the commission president found herself in hot water aftergiving fellow German MEP Markus Pieper the lucrative jobof “special adviser” on a reported salary of €17,000 ($18,000) a month.


EU heavyweights such as the bloc’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, and Commissioner Thierry Breton have sounded the alarm over “questions about the transparency and impartiality of the nomination process.”


The commission, however, insisted that the “process [to appoint Pieper] took place in full compliance with procedures.”


(Yes cut off the head of the snake)

Anonymous ID: e3513f May 8, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.20838621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8647

Mike Davis On Fani Willis Case

Georgia Court of Appeals have accepted PDJT case to eliminate Fani as prosecutor

