Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.20839647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9652 >>9675 >>9690 >>9765 >>9812 >>0088 >>0261

(US should have listened to Yuri)

Columbia University’s prestigious journalism school memorializes dead Hamas propagandists and alleged terrorists



America’s paragon of journalism education – the 120-year-oldColumbia Journalism Schoolin New York proposed by Joseph Pulitzer, namesake of the Pulitzer Prizes issued annually – has quietly erected in its main lobby an expansive photo memorial to some 100 “journalists” killed in Israel’s retaliatory war against the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza.


A mere stone’s throw from protests roiling New York City’s Columbia University and has spread to college campuses nationwide, the eminent school’s lionizing tribute shrine is mounted prominently on the walls of “Pulitzer Hall that serves as an entry way to the school building. It is based on aKilled in Action tributelist produced by another institutional scion of US journalism – TheCommittee to Protect Journalists(CPJ) – indicates official school endorsement and presuming thorough journalistic vetting.


But a review of the names on the tribute shows at least 15 of them worked for Hamas’ “Al Aqsa TV,” which the U.S. Treasury Department under President Barack Obamain 2010 designated as a distinct terrorist organizationfor glorifying violence on children’s programsand routinely pressing for horrendous crimes against civilians. The U.S. State Department designated Hamas a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997,as have dozensof Western nations.


“Al-Aqsa is a primary Hamas media outlet and airs programs and music videos designed to recruit children to become Hamas armed fighters and suicide bombers upon reaching adulthood,” the2010 Treasury Department announcementnoted. “Treasury will not distinguish between a business financed and controlled by a terrorist group, such as Al-Aqsa Television, and the terrorist group itself.” The outlet remains on the terrorism list 14 years later.


Hamas leadership raised the initial capital for the TV station shortly after the January 2006 elections and runs all aspects of its operations, the U.S. government says. Al Aqsa TV gained international notoriety a couple of years before its terrorist designation when its children’s show star,the Mickey Mouse-like character, Farfour, was outed for promoting radical Islam, hatred of Jews, and would urge children to take up AK-47 assault rifles. The station’s response to ensuring international outrage was to depict an “Israeli” bureaucrat unjustly beating Farfour to death, then replaced the character with a bee named Nahool who continued to preach violence.


The station’s announcers nakedly celebrate horrific terror attacks in Israel, such as after a grisly 2012 bus bombing in Tel Aviv that wounded 22 andan Al-Aqsa announcer exclaimedthat “God willing, we will soon see body bags. I pray to God the exalted we will see body bags in a short while.”


Six more on the journalism school’s walls worked for the Hamas-controlled Al Aqsa radio, a sister entity of the TV station in Gaza thathas called for human shields to protect Israeli-targeted buildingsand routinely encourages armed action against Hamas enemies. Its own Hamas-installed director once described his station as an instrument of “incitement” and anything but a neutral media outlet.


Still other reports that any Columbia School of Journalism research effort could not have missed suggest many more who appear on the list-based photo tribute worked for the propaganda wings of three other U.S.-designated terrorist groups active in the Gaza Strip, including the ultra-violent Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The school has not publicized its lobby memorial, which has been expanded and improved as semi-permanent over time. Nor has its student newspaper apparently covered it. The memorial came to be known to the New York Post by some who lauded it on social media, where hundreds of thousands have viewed and shared it.A plaque amid the array of photos for the shrine theArab and Middle Eastern Journalists Associationcreated it “to recognize the journalists who have died in Israel and Gaza in the months since October 7th” At least one journalism professor, Nina Berman, is directly involved in its creation, according to aFeb. 23 Instagram postby her that warned “anyone commenting with doubts about the legitimacy of these journalists or suggestions that they are terrorists will be promptly blocked.”


FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984)

“Deception Was My Job”, he laid out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within.

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.20839652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9660 >>9690 >>9765 >>9812 >>0088 >>0261




But while the student association somehow convinced the fabled journalism school to regard these individuals as “journalists” worthy of prominent physical tribute, the U.S. government clearly regards Al Aqsa TV as a producer of violence-inciting propaganda that threatens U.S. national interests…


So objectionable was the Hamas station’s output that Obama’s State Department six years later, in 2016,designated its directorand Hamas interior minister, Fathi Ahmad Mohammad Hammad, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. Hammad served as a senior Hamas military commander who, in addition to running the station, supervised military tunnel construction under Gaza, where Hamas is hiding some of the more than 133 Israeli hostages its terrorists seized during the October 7 attack; encouraged the manufacturing of homemade weapons for use against Israel; and “coordinated terrorist cells,” U.S. government documents state.


Other respected non-Israeli entities, such as Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, regard everything that Hamas produces through its television and radio outlets as anything but legitimate journalism. The center last yearreleased a reportthat called everything produced by Hamas’ media outlets “propaganda campaigns” that mainly peddle “propaganda narratives.”


Retired FBI counterterrorism Special Agent James G. Conway of 30 years, much of it in international terrorism, said in an interview that terrorist groups like the Islamic State (ISIS) have impactfully used propaganda media channels to radicalize, recruit and raise money to perpetuate violence, not journalism.


“Media today plays a key role in international terrorism,” said Conway, who owns and operates an international police training company Global Intel Strategies. “ISIS, though social media alone, was able to recruit over 100,000 foreign terrorist fighters to come to the Iraq/Syria theater and fight on behalf of ISIS between 2014 and 2017. Al-Aqsa [TV], as the prominent Hamas media entity, plays a key role in promoting and promulgating the Hamas message” of suicide bombing and genocide.


The United States has not designated its sister radio station, “Voice of Al-Aqsa” as a terrorist organization, but no one denies that its U.S.-designated overseer Hamas established the radio station after taking control of Gaza in 2006 and still operates it. Hamas made its first director Ibrahim Daher, who still reportedly runs it.


In 2006,the Associated Press quoted Daherdisavowing any pretense of neutral journalism especially during armed conflict where the station called on civilians to act as human shields for a house that Israel announced it would bomb.


In a 2014 interview with The Washington Post during an outbreak of war with Israel, Daher admitted, “The main thing we stress is the activity of the resistance, and how much people support it. Our policy has always been to keep silent about certain news.


“We aren’t interested in showing other things, like any success by the Israelis or how businesses were hurt by the war, or Gazans who have fled the city because of it,” he said. “We choose what we cover.”


Before the journalism school allowed the memorial, the pro-Israel outlet Algemeinerraised questionsabout many more of those on the Committee to Protect Journalist memorial list, based on information from the Israeli-government sponsoredMeir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.


Had Columbia Journalism School faculty or student researchers conducted their own basic Internet search, they would have found that11 more so-called journalists now enshrined on the wall worked for outletscontrolled by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which the U.S. State Departmentdesignatedas a Foreign Terrorist Organization in October 1997.


Another significant problem is that the Committee to Protect Journalists states on its own website that, “We do not include journalists if there is evidence that they were acting on behalf of militant groups or serving in a military capacity at the time of their deaths.” Some of those on the list and wall, however, did serve in Hamas combat units, such as Hamza Al Dahdou, who served as a deputy commander in the Zeitoun Brigade’s rocket force. Another had been imprisoned by Israel for terrorist activity, The Algemeiner reported in February.



Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.20839660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9690 >>9707 >>9765 >>9812 >>0088 >>0261


This should be titled“The Enemy Within”



Did Columbia Journalism Schooland the committee lend their names and prestige toso prominent a tribute without basic journalistic due diligencethat could have first established the American intelligence community findings about Al-Aqsa TV? Did they know about the terrorist entity support of those on the list and allow them anyway? And,why did the school decide to dedicate its building’s lobby to the deaths of journalistsin this conflict rather than those covering the Russia-Ukraine war, or the ongoing wars in Yemen, Afghanistan or Ethiopia?..


Neither the school nor the Committee would consent to an interview about the list or memorial wall. Neither journalism schoolDean Jelani Cobbnor his chief of staff replied to requests for comment via email and telephone Friday (April 26).


Journalistic malfeasance is more likely than not the answer. The committee itself notes that its reporting was incomplete and insufficiently corroborated but published it anyway – without basic journalistic vetting.


For instance, in lieu of the requested interview, the committee forwarded an old statement asserting that its research “to date” found no evidence that any of the “journalists” on its list “were engaged in militant activity” and also that all qualified for tribute for having died in the line of journalistic duty.


The committee, on its site, contradicts its own claims, noting that it has yet to confirm the circumstances surrounding many of the deaths. One committee statement admits its list is merely “preliminary” and subject to amendment as new facts come in.


“We continue to investigate the circumstances of each case,” a committee statement forwarded to The Post said.


Indeed, the committee has amended the list it published. A footnote appended to the committee’s list, for instance, states it removed two token Israeli journalists originally on the list, Shai Regev and Ayelet Arnin, because Hamas terrorists killed them on October 7 in their homes before either could cover the ensuing war.


It is a glaring lack of consistency that the committee has yet to remove Palestinians its own research shows died with relatives at home rather than while covering the news. Among them were Al-Aqsa TV’s Iyad Matar, who the Committee said died “along with his mother in an Israeli air strike;” Abdelhalim Awam, an Al-Aqsa TV worker “killed in a strike on his home” while visiting his family; and Mohamed Khalifeh, an Al-Aqsa TV worker killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home along with his wife and three of his children.


The journalism school has proven just as sloppy and journalistically lax. All these victims, including the Israelis removed from the committee’s original list, remained on the school’s memorial wall last week, unamended, as having been nobly killed in action.


Given these known journalistic lapses, how could these bastions of American journalism have ruled out the possibility that others on their memorials died while shooting at Israeli troops or collecting intelligence on Israeli troop movements for their terrorist leaders?


In allowing the monument in its building, the journalism school and committee failed at the basics of fact-exploration – an inexcusable lapse – or didn’t care that many it memorialized at best weren’t journalists at all but terrorists complicit in the war begun by Hamas.

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.20839682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9753 >>9764



They really want women to be stupid and lose the intuition that guides them.The War on Women is Real


Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:49 p.m. No.20839697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0004





I honestly don’t know they video him when he speaks, surrounded by 5-10 people?

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:55 p.m. No.20839711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9765 >>9812 >>0088 >>0261

Julie Kelly Gives Update On What Is Happening In The Classified Documents Case. Judge Cannon is going to have 3 days of hearings at the end of June why the government set up this new hoaxgood info



Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 4:59 p.m. No.20839723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9812 >>0088 >>0261

Mike Howell: "The Intelligence Community Played An Active Role In Suppressing Covid Information"


When will class Actions lawsuits on Bidan Admin be allowed to happen?Asking for some dead citizens.



Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.20839836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If it only gets rid of one of them, the terrorists will calm down. But I thoughts Gazans were poor how do the afford universities here unless they are Hamas children

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.20839914   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok, got it, only “true reprobates” we cannot forgive or trust( what about the sincerely ignorant reprobates? Does that meme fit them?


I’m pretty sure God forgives them until he has to send them to the 2nd and final death on the Lake of Sacred Fire.


May not be understanding the convo

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 5:53 p.m. No.20839940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9947 >>9953 >>9962 >>9964 >>0261

Citizen Free Press



Peter Thiel is trapped inside the Cambridge Union.


His speech was disrupted by the Hamas crowd.


Now they won't allow him to leave.



Sabrina Miller

Last edited

8:11 PM · May 8, 2024




Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 5:57 p.m. No.20839964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968 >>0261


Citizen Free Press



This is when the trouble started for Peter Thiel.


Thiel was speaking at Cambridge Union.



Youth Demand

8:10 PM · May 8, 2024

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 6:11 p.m. No.20840026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0057 >>0261

The Dems Buying More Votes for 2024

Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna reveal bill to ‘cancel all medical debt’

Exclusive: legislation creates a program to cancel all existing patient debt and block creditors from collecting past medical bills

Joan E Greve

Two prominent progressive lawmakers, the Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and California congressman Ro Khanna, revealed on Wednesday a new bill aimed at eliminating medical debt.

The bill, introduced with Oregon senator Jeff Merkley and Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, would create a federal grant program to cancel all existing patient debt and amend the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to block creditors from collecting past medical bills. The legislation would also update billing requirements for medical providers and alter the Consumer Credit Reporting Act to prevent credit agencies from reporting information related to unpaid medical bills, alleviating the risk of such debt damaging patients’ credit histories.

Sanders and Khanna described the legislation as vital for many families’ financial security, as millions of Americans struggle with the burden of medical debt. According to a 2022 investigation by NPR and KFF Health News, more than 100 million Americans, including 41% of adults, hold some kind of healthcare debt. A KFF analysis of the Census Bureau’s survey of income and program participation suggests that Americans owe at least $220bn in medical debt.

“This is the United States of America, the richest country in the history of the world. People in our country should not be going bankrupt because they got cancer and could not afford to pay their medical bills,” Sanders said in a statement.

When Sanders ran for president in 2020, he vowed to eliminate medical debt if elected. Now, as the chair of the Senate health, education, labor, and pensions (Help) committee, Sanders has worked with Khanna for over a year to introduce a bill that could make his campaign promise a reality.

The burden of medical debt appears to disproportionately fall on certain marginalized communities in the US. The KFF analysis found that those with a disability were more than twice as likely to have medical debt compared with those without a disability. While 7% of white adults and 8% of Hispanic adults said they carry medical debt, 13% of Black Americans reported having unpaid medical bills. According to a separate study published in the journal Health Affairs in 2016, approximately one-third of cancer survivors had gone into debt as a result of their diagnoses, and 3% had filed for bankruptcy.

“I’ve met people who say they’re just resigned to having this debt ruin their credit, and they don’t pay it, but they have this kind of harassment and anxiety while they’re dealing with a chronic condition like cancer or diabetes,” Khanna said. “The amount of stories that people share about this have really startled me.”

Sanders and Khanna’s bill may face a difficult journey to passage in the Republican-controlled House, but polls suggest that cancelation of medical debt attracts widespread support from members of both parties. According to a YouGov survey conducted in 2022, 66% of Americans – including 56% of Republicans and 85% of Democrats – support some relief to those with medical debt.

The legislation could also provide a political boon for Democrats among young voters, who have expressed decreased enthusiasm about this presidential race after helping Biden get elected in 2020. According to a March survey conducted by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics, Joe Biden continues to lead Donald Trump among likely voters under 30, but just 44% of the president’s young supporters say they enthusiastically back their candidate. In comparison, 76% of the former president’s young supporters report high levels of enthusiasm about their candidate.

Khanna believes that the medical debt cancelation bill could mark one important step in re-energizing young people ahead of November. The Harvard-IOP poll showed that 59% of young voters under 30 named healthcare as one of their top two priorities, only behind inflation.

“We’re finally going to get rid of any healthcare debt that you have. We’re going to fight for Medicare for all,” Khanna said. “And we’re going to continue to work to eliminate your student loans.That is a winning message to young people.” (That we need to capture because they are all voting for Trump. More Communism for the lazy communist)


(PS assholes, young people are the least statictally likely to run up medical debt. I’’ve been an insurance broker for 28 years, it does nothing for young people you retards)

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 6:16 p.m. No.20840057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097 >>0146


Sanders has rarely ever paid for anything in his life. He should go to Russia and run for office there


I still don’t understand why Vermont keeps on electing him. He has the worst record of any senator for presenting effective or importsnt bills. He named a Post Office and put some plaque on a tree for Vermont.

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 6:33 p.m. No.20840146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is funny Snopes fact checked a Bernie Sanders meme and couldn’t say it was false. I remember this meme, I was posting all kinds of shit on him in 2016 on FB==


Bernie Sanders: A Loser's Life?

A meme about Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders displayed questionable accuracy and relevance.



A meme accurately describes the arc of Bernie Sanders' (financial) life.


Accuracy: Mixture

Relevance: Mixture


About this rating

In February 2016, a meme about the lack of business acumen and experience exhibited by Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, began circulating online:

Anonymous ID: 0cf6f8 May 8, 2024, 6:38 p.m. No.20840167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Americans can’t even live on working a 6 day work week. This guy is the biggest grifter in Senate and they all know it