Anonymous ID: 3fc863 May 8, 2024, 8:57 p.m. No.20840631   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0720 >>0820 >>0846 >>0961 >>1065







In the long arc of history Good always prevails over Evil (that arc however has extended at times for over a thousand years (Ottoman and Roman empires are but two examples)


Today’s opposing forces:


Globalism & Radicalized Islamists (representing oppression, slavery & tyranny) v elements of Judaism (not all) & Christianity (representing freedom)


America = last redoubt of freedom.


Near term (30 days - 6 Months:


  1. The opposition doesn’t care about your feelings,

  2. They don’t care about elections

  3. They don’t care about the U.S. constitution.

  4. Protests will grow in scope (violence) and scale (magnitude and location)

  5. War in the Middle East will get vastly worse

  6. War in Eastern Europe will get vastly worse

  7. China is already moving to dominate their region and inside the U.S.

  8. This summer’s political conventions will be contested inside as well as outside.

  9. Declaration of some type of national emergency by the WH.

  10. WHO declaration of a health emergency (EOM May).

  11. An economic shift to a new form of digital currency shifting away from the U.S. Dollar

  12. ETC…real and imaginary threats and distractions presented (don’t lose sight that the real war is being fought in the cognitive battlespace).

  13. They don’t believe in God.


Long term (6 months and beyond):


  1. Globalism prevails. Your guess is as good as mine. They still won’t believe in God.

  2. The American people prevail. We must demand accountability of those who have corrupted our way of life. We can’t pretend this away as though nothing happened. Their egregious and weaponized corruption has ruined so many families and ripped apart the fabric and culture of American society…it is undeniable.


Other thoughts & considerations.

  1. The left has to change Biden out (who & when)?

  2. Will serving republicans (senators, members of the house, and especially GOP Governors) stand up for America (or continue to stand for their party instead) or will they allow America to fail? Governors, as a block, working together, could do more but I think it may be too late. Hope I’m way wrong. Too many seek the POTUS position or simply await a DJT demise.


And never forget, Local Action = National Impact.


I’ll stop here. This is enough. I’d appreciate your feedback. I’m not 100 certain of anything except the fact that in the long history of empires, all have collapsed at some point principally due to internal challenges.


Has America reached that point?


God help us 🙏🏼🇺🇸



