Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:07 p.m. No.20840818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0826 >>0831


The honest truth is that you can never be sure who and who isn't a shill or fed poster.

Sure calls for violence and demoralization are one thing, but you can never be too sure.

I find it is best to just take every poster and post for the merit it provides in that moment and context.

This way there is no need to label anyone as anything but another poster and to deal with them accordingly to how the respond or what substance their posts offer.


It is all so tiresome to find and locate shills, it is easier to just go with it all and judge everything by its content.

Simpler approach in my opinion and less worrying.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:09 p.m. No.20840823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0834


Jews did Nine Elev – I mean


Hang around as you please, doesn't bother me.

Enjoy the show and have a good time doing so.

I got this for another bread.



Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:15 p.m. No.20840837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0843 >>0845


If someone is posting garbage, I can't really stop them from that.

So I just look at the ID and ignore them for that time.

If they post something interesting after the fact, sure that's cool.

But it is just that an interesting post.

We are all here and allowed to post within the law, so let it be.

I'm just chilling and reading along, sometimes insufferable but mostly funny to read.

Godspeed Anon

And… Cheers!


Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:17 p.m. No.20840840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0854 >>0857 >>0894


I only drink at home and at a bar within walking distance.

Good to see you baking again, did they take your Reporter Credentials away?

I noticed you posted the bread in segments.

Thanks for picking things up, we need as many patriots as possible to carry the load.

It isn't a task that many want to take, but we do it for God and Country.


You're getting better each day at AI art, but have you improved on your drawing?

I remember you were drawing an angel?

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:28 p.m. No.20840852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0863 >>0864 >>0876 >>1039


I never filter anyone, and by anyone I mean even Vatican fuck and spammers.

This is just how I function and I don't say that everyone needs to witness the board the same.

But I just think filtering someone because of an argument or fighting isn't worth it.

Sometimes people are just trying to get under your skin, but it can have value and sharpen your skills in imageboard propagation..

You can fight and learn to fight better.


Remember, I have been hated for a long time.

Trolled on since /pol/ days and still fight, it has only sharpen my sword.

And I say to many, that you too have gain further resilience.



Forever and ever, Anon.



We are in this together and will be for a long time even beyond the conclusion of this movement.

This will become a place for people to discuss and drop information about government corruption worldwide.

So get comfy, work out, eat healthy and enjoy the show.

We disagree and fight amoungst ourselves but that is a strength as it makes it harder for infiltrators to adhere as a normal poster.

They do not see the tough love and just assume their meanings are being fought against.

So be independent but know that even though we fight, we are brothers.

Godspeed, it is a pleasure to be your baker.


Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:40 p.m. No.20840882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0885 >>0891 >>0898


First off, this.. you are not a fuck up at all.

You are a patriot and dedicated warrior on the bastion of truth.

Never forget this, you are of value and worth.

You are a soldier defending this nation and the world.


On terms of baking, it isn't that hard.

A bit of speed reading and some copy pasta.

Simple as.

With a little board knowledge you can post a bread and copy pasta the dough as needed.

It isn't rocket science.

The biggest part of it is the time allowance, anyone can learn to bake but do they have the time allowance.


So think about it if it is interesting to you, it's not a bad trip.

Just read through the posts and copy pasta the links of their posts into your notable bun.

Post a notable bun every so often.

Make a new THREAD in the catalog and post your notables from the DOUGH (the pastebin or replica of pastebin)

The final post of your thread is the LINK to the dough.

Simple as.


We do a service, sure.. but it isn't really that complicated.





Now you understand my love for anime shitpoisting, draw back years and know me.. kek..

But yeah, you're a solid baker Doge.

You are a persona at this point and that is hilarious.

So just do as you please and is comfortable to you.

This mission is long and time seeding.

You will need to experience in a healthy manner.

Don't over extend yourself and do it as it works for you.

There are many bakers and people to e-bake, so take up the task as you will.


I am happy to have met an autistic fuck like yourself in these spaces.

You are unique and I love it.

So never change for the faggots and go at your own pace.

These places have an ability to articulate our format into a new place.

Trust me… I am no longer the same child and now a true faggot poster.

Who can shit talk with the power of a thousand suns..


Never Give Up, Q stuff IS REAL.





The only word not allowed on the chan imageboards.

But it is allowed here.

As WE are fighting TOGETHER.




Oh, I'm just respond to you in a way that I think contextualizes my thoughts.

Sorry to use you as a platform to say something on my mind.

But you do you, I can respect you for your honesty in not understanding my response.

But no I'm not dysfunction, that's mean.


Hey, if you have problems.

I have time, and here to listen.

I may not have the answer, but I'll listen Anon.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:51 p.m. No.20840907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0910 >>0912 >>0929 >>0979 >>0988 >>1088


Wait, this is graveyard shift.. isn't it?

You con artist fuck.

Alright, I will finish this bread and send the responsibility onto morning shift.

Maybe I will collect a little into the next.

But fuck, I only just realized this, kekekek



Alright man, I'm not gonna convince you of anything, okay?

I'm just giving you my response.

So take it and breath it, I don't really care you know?

I'm super harsh and cruel, so let's just keep this kosher?

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.



Kek, no don't ask me dog shit.

I'm just here for a long time and having a good time.

I remember some things, but I have been so drunk and high all of the time.

That most is a blur.

Just let me bake and and shitpost, please





You are posting again!

I hope you are feeling fantastic.

Yeah, Doge is starting to bake again.

It is all up to you guys if he gets it back.

I'm not here to vouch for anyone, as anyone I love can become a faggot in an instant.

But he does believe in Q stuff.

It was his main introduction into Chan Imageboards besides porn.

To me, it looks like he had a good time lurking and posting in the other spaces of imageboard culture and came full circle back to this space.

There the magic happens.

Like I said, not vouching for anyone as I have no friends.

Give him some bakes, I'd say, before offering the kindness of having reporter again.



Kek, love you Anon..




I was one of the many Anons to collect the Q drops into an image and repost it to the board.

I started posting the images and calling them drops during /pol/ days, and I'm not sure when it caught on as the term.

But yeah, I did that.


Sounded cool to me…

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 10:58 p.m. No.20840915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think this happens in the future and that we have yet to see it.

I think it will be obvious enough to see.

But then again, disinformation is necessary.

Maybe that makes black hats think the same?

That it will happen upon X or Y or Z?

You have to take it all within context of events happening in real time.

How the is world changing?

What is the new narrative?

How is it is all shifting?


Don't look for answers in a grain of sand, but the entire picture.

The radical left youth is shifting a narrative against Zionism?

That is huge, Israel is saved for last?

Think about these things from a psychological operation of long game.

How do you change the minds of the many, slowly and over time?

People will stabilize into a narrative that is manageable, but in the time now it is seemingly extreme.

There extreme thoughts are balanced by TIME.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 11:11 p.m. No.20840939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0951 >>0971


They appreciate all of us who bake.

Don't sell yourself short.

You have an opportunity to regain reporter privilege.

Take it and don't abuse it.


You have a higher purpose.

These are the dark times and Q stated simply, "That you must pass through the dark to see the LIGHT"

So don't be a doomer and find the courage to fight through the doubt.

We are here as patriots in the forefront of information warfare to generate a difference of opinion to move the overton window further into possibility.

So Never Give Up, have I?


Years, Doge.

Many years and shitted on, always.

Never have given up, will you stand?

Forever stand.


Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 11:19 p.m. No.20840961   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#25561 >>20840319

>>20840631, >>20840413, >>20840418 General Flynn Sitrep + Anon quip

>>20840374 Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’

>>20840336, >>20840352 Israel should shoot Beijing with their giant laser beam we bought for them.

>>20840324 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has declared Bird Flu an “extraordinary animal health emergency”

>>20840353 Ilhan Omar faces another censure resolution

>>20840359, >>20840360, >>20840379, >>20840382 Barron Trump to enter political arena as Florida delegate at GOP convention

>>20840367 Google employees question execs over ‘decline in morale’ after blowout earnings

>>20840377 Jan. 6 Arrests Running at Nearly Double the Rate of 2023 and 2022: Report

>>20840415, >>20840419 X-Flares, Double Solar Impact Coming, Maybe a 3rd

>>20840562 Islamist terror attack at a 500 year old Jewish Synagogue in India

>>20840674 Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Seeks Injunc­tion Halt­ing Bor­der NGO’s Sys­temic Crim­i­nal Con­duct in Texas

>>20840721, >>20840725 RFK jr offers to eat 5 more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate. Anon suggests detox.

>>20840786 Google Will Exit Prominent San Francisco Waterfront Office Tower

>>20840859 Ireland Calls on Tech Giants to Muzzle Election “Misinformation”

>>20840906 Last night, the Republican nominee for President of the United States reposted 26 different bizarre QAnon Memes and this …

>>20840913 Republican Introduces Bill That Would Send Anti-Israel Campus Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if Found Guilty of Illegal Activity

>>20840959 Moderna - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


How's My Driving?

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 11:28 p.m. No.20840990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0999


For sure.

He was just mad at the time.

But now he bakes again.

Though wagecucked he tries.

It is up to you whether he gains such a privilege.


Glad to see you back in action.

Going to ghost next bread, so you know.

Didn't realize it was graveyard when I grabbed it up.


Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 11:31 p.m. No.20840994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0997


Doge is a solid baker, he is just a bit emotional with his perspective and wants it to be fact for others.

He isn't a bad person or poster, just a little bit of a troll but that is natural in these spaces.

Doge is valuable and to lose him is a loss for the board.

I would like to see him picking it up when the bread falls more often.

It would take a burden off of other bakers and help the board widely.

To each their own on their opinion, but this is what I think.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 8, 2024, 11:38 p.m. No.20841006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1014 >>1028


Oh please, don't act like you were a nigger after the tunnel jews and the like..

Sometimes the board isn't ready for something and that is when it isn't.

You aren't dealing with /po/lacks here, you are dealing with everyone.

SO let it come and happen as it does.

Insert as it is applicable but don't force the QUESTION.

It is simple as.


You are a gender studies program and I am psycho analyzing you for your own sake, faggot.

Get used to it, you're a persona at this point and that is a great job.

You are now on the playing field to be judged.

Great job.


Now pick up bakes as you please, no pressure.

Every bake is a blessing, there are so few bakers all of the time.

So do your part, nothing is stopping you from shitposting.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 9, 2024, 12:07 a.m. No.20841045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1053 >>1058


Yes, exactly that.. but I would never put a timeframe on whether or not people wake up.

These things take time and most are workfagging.

So time will tell on that.

But this is a place of great conviction.

Now think of this, even is Q stuff is bogus.. look what it has done.

Created a great deal of normies into conspiracy like minded knowledge of the secret handlings of the government and world powers.

It has pushed the overton window of what can be thought and created a greater nationalistic movement to juxtapose the communist socialist globalist idea within the youth and liberal retards.


So without even the Plan coming to fruition, Q stuff has done more than enough to help support this new right wing brought on by Trump but maybe not intentionally driven to create this nationalistic revival.


But let's not be stupid, it is obvious to see that Trump is part of a nationalistic revival and appreciation for all things American.

So with that said and the ongoing communist take over, it makes sense that a psychological operation to uphold these patriotic tendencies was needed.

That to combat the communist psychological operation was just that, a patriotic revival within the country.

And why would they stray from the fringe of the population of conspiratorial minded individuals?

In fact, I would say it is critically important to deradicalize any conspiratorial minded individual from thinking the world is a shit and ungrovernable? Am I right?

To pacify and speak to those fringe people and give them hope, so that they don't chimp out and help generate the narrative of the communist agenda of nationalist puppets and radical racist extremists.


So the change in culture is simple, those radical nationalist puppets of extremists are now patriots of stable worth speaking out in rational manner in a way that resembles traditional American values.

Think of that, whether or not is it true, it is working.

Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 9, 2024, 12:17 a.m. No.20841065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables - FINAL


#25561 >>20840319

>>20840631, >>20840413, >>20840418 General Flynn Sitrep + Anon quip

>>20840374 Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’

>>20840336, >>20840352 Israel should shoot Beijing with their giant laser beam we bought for them.

>>20840324 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has declared Bird Flu an “extraordinary animal health emergency”

>>20840353 Ilhan Omar faces another censure resolution

>>20840359, >>20840360, >>20840379, >>20840382 Barron Trump to enter political arena as Florida delegate at GOP convention

>>20840367 Google employees question execs over ‘decline in morale’ after blowout earnings

>>20840377 Jan. 6 Arrests Running at Nearly Double the Rate of 2023 and 2022: Report

>>20840415, >>20840419 X-Flares, Double Solar Impact Coming, Maybe a 3rd

>>20840562 Islamist terror attack at a 500 year old Jewish Synagogue in India

>>20840674 Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Seeks Injunc­tion Halt­ing Bor­der NGO’s Sys­temic Crim­i­nal Con­duct in Texas

>>20840721, >>20840725 RFK jr offers to eat 5 more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate. Anon suggests detox.

>>20840786 Google Will Exit Prominent San Francisco Waterfront Office Tower

>>20840859 Ireland Calls on Tech Giants to Muzzle Election “Misinformation”

>>20840869 AIPAC-Funded Congressmen Push for ‘October 7th Remembrance Curriculum’ to be Taught in Schools

>>20840906 Last night, the Republican nominee for President of the United States reposted 26 different bizarre QAnon Memes and this …

>>20840913 Republican Introduces Bill That Would Send Anti-Israel Campus Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if Found Guilty of Illegal Activity

>>20840959 Moderna - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

>>20840975 Donald J. Trump - Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox.

>>20840991 How did the CCP develop advanced technology so quickly?

>>20841060 Putin speaking on Victory day



Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 9, 2024, 12:19 a.m. No.20841070   🗄️.is 🔗kun













































Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 9, 2024, 12:19 a.m. No.20841071   🗄️.is 🔗kun












































Anonymous ID: e44db4 May 9, 2024, 12:20 a.m. No.20841073   🗄️.is 🔗kun























































