Anonymous ID: 20964b May 9, 2024, 4:04 a.m. No.20841349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1358



Personally, I think the only ones that have been executed are the ones who were already on deaths door due to age, illness etc. The military did not allow them to leave this world unpunished. They received expedited trials and punishments that I'm sure were all video taped. They had public funerals with wrinkled flags etc.

The rest of these rats, like Felonia, Biden and so many more are awaiting trial. I'm sure of it.

It would do no good what so ever to arrest, try, convict and imprison/execute in secret. Justice would not be served.

Justice is about more that punishing the guilty. It's also about showing the public their crimes, their fair trials and just punishment. Justice serves as a deterrent and reinforces rule of law. The whole world will see it and it will happen in nearly every country.

The military will handle it in part because the Judicial Branch is corrupt and because the Constitution has been suspended and we are living under military occupancy and military law plus COG ops.

Q told us that many will not be prosecuted but they will instead step down, never return to govt and promise to cooperate in any way asked under threat of prosecution if they don't.

However, Trump don't play that shit. My strong suspicion is that almost everyone offered a deal WILL be called to testify against others. To testify, you have to be credible. So, these rats will be called to testify and the first thing the defense will ask is "How do you know this information Mr/Mrs bad guy?" and then those who received deals will be forced to destroy their own legacies by personally revealing how they were involved in all of it but received a deal.

That might not be traditional justice but in many ways it will be better because those in prison cannot be attacked by the public but those still free will never be able to walk down the street again and will be vilified for the rest of their lives. THAT is how Trump will fuck even those that get a deal.

It's gonna be glorious! NCSWIC!