Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:49 a.m. No.20841311   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>1312 >>1334 >>1346 >>1477

Judicial Watch



BREAKING: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of @realDonaldTrumpā€™s Home!




May 08, 2024, 7:21 PM


Judicial Watch: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of Trumpā€™s Home


(Washington, DC) ā€“ Judicial Watch announced today that it received a recording of a phone message left by an FBI special agent for someone at the Secret Service in the context of the raid on President Trumpā€™s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.


The August 11, 2022, recording says:


Yes, hi, this is Special Agent [redacted] from FBI [unintelligible]. We met on Monday [the day of the raid]. We have a couple of specific follow-up asks of you, um, so give me a call so we can discuss that. My number is [redacted]. Again, my name is [redacted]. Thanks, bye.


The recording was uncovered in an October 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for all communications of the U.S. Secret Service internally and with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding the raid on President Trumpā€™s home and for any video or audio recordings made during the raid on August 8, 2022 (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-03147)).


ā€œThis recording is real-time evidence of the Biden administrationā€™s whole government operation to abuse Trump by raiding his home. Judicial Watch will continue to piece together the details of the conspiracy to launch an unprecedented and malicious raid on the home of Bidenā€™s chief political opponent,ā€ Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.


Judicial Watch is in the forefront of the court battles for transparency regarding Biden administrationā€™s targeting of Trump.

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:49 a.m. No.20841312   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


In March 2024, Judicial Watch sued the U.S. Department of Energy for records about the retroactive termination of former President Donald Trumpā€™s security clearance and/or access to classified information.


In August 2023, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for records of the Archivesā€™ role in President Trumpā€™s White House records controversy; whether it offered Trump a secure storage location other than the National Archives; and if the Archives consulted with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding the classification or declassification procedures of any of the alleged classified documents found at Trumpā€™s Florida residence.


In June 2023, Judicial Watch obtained DOJ records that showed top officials of the National Security Division discussing the political implications of Trump allowing CNN to use closed-circuit TV (CCTV) footage of the raid on his Mar-a-Lago home. The documents confirmed that the Justice Department had asked that Mar-a-Lago CCTV be turned off before the raid.


A separate Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration resulted in the release of records about the unprecedented document dispute between Archives and President Trump. Click here or here to review the records.


In August 2022, Judicial Watch successfully sued to unseal the search warrant affidavit used to justify the unprecedented raid on the home of former President Trump.


In September 2022, Judicial Watch filed lawsuits against the DOJ for its records and the FBIā€™s records about the Mar-a-Lago raid search warrant application and approval, as well as communications about the warrant between the FBI, Executive Office of the President and the Secret Service.



Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:52 a.m. No.20841322   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>1323



ā€œI donā€™t want to be President. Iā€™m one hundred percent sure. Iā€™d change my mind only if I saw this country continue to go down the tubes.ā€


He never changes. No matter what happens in culture, no matter how significantly geopolitics and trends fluctuate, he remains unchanging ā€“ Donald Trump, a man of business, and a man of pragmatic common sense.


In 1990, the ā€œDonaldā€ sat down with Playboy for an extensive interview that focused on his background, his business, and his thoughts on how he, as a hypothetical American president, would tackle the job as a Commander-in-Chief.


How would President Trump approach the Executive Office in 1990? In his own words:


ā€œHe would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldnā€™t trust anyone. He wouldnā€™t trust the Russians; he wouldnā€™t trust our allies; heā€™d have a huge military arsenal, perfect it, understand it. Part of the problem is that weā€™re defending some of the wealthiest countries in the world for nothingā€¦. Weā€™re being laughed at around the worldā€¦ā€


If this jargon sounds familiar, thatā€™s because it is. Trumpā€™s message has remained largely unchanged for decades ā€“ he is a man who has long seen the disservice that foreign countries have done to America, and as a businessman, it seems apparent that he canā€™t help but consistently point this out.


President Trump signs a copy of the Playboy magazine from March, 1990 that featured him on the cover.


"Nothing good about the clock" quipped Trump.

ā€” Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 2, 2023


His practical reaction to the failing state of the U.S. government and its approach to foreign affairs can be traced and tracked, unswerving. He told Playboy, ā€œI think of the future, but I refuse to paint it. Anything can happen. But I often think of nuclear war.ā€


He continued, ā€œIā€™ve always thought about the issue of nuclear war; itā€™s a very important element in my thought process. Itā€™s the ultimate, the ultimate catastrophe, the biggest problem this world has, and nobodyā€™s focusing on the nuts and bolts of it.ā€


Today, that same Donald Trump has ominously and repeatedly warned Americans about the threat of nuclear war as violence has escalated in Europe and the Middle East amidst Bidenā€™s beleaguered presidency.


In 2023, Trump called Biden a ā€œstupid foolā€ who was facilitating Iranā€™s goal of obtaining a nuclear arsenal. Trump warned, ā€œOnce they have them, which will be soon, all negotiations STOP. Thatā€™s when our incompetent fool of a President will drop to his knees and beg IRAN for mercy.ā€


China, Mexico, and toughness


On foreign policy and trade, Trump is currently pitching a hardline agenda of tariffing Chinese and Mexican imports and implementing the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, which he has often summarized as a ā€œyou screw us and weā€™re gonna screw you backā€ approach.


He recently told TIME magazine that he was considering tariffing Chinese imports more than 60 percent, noting, ā€œIt may be more than that. It may be a derivative of that. A derivative of that. But it will be somebodyā€”look when they come in and they steal our jobs, and they steal our wealth, they steal our country.ā€


The presidentā€™s comments today echo his comments of yesteryear, when he touted the same message of toughness, urging leaders to focus on holding a firm line with foreign countries and demand respect. In 1990, a hypothetical Trump administration would, he said, hold toughness in high regard. He explained, ā€œA toughness of attitude would prevail. Iā€™d throw a tax on every Mercedes-Benz rolling into this country and on all Japanese products, and weā€™d have wonderful allies again.ā€


Just last week, Trump zeroed in on the failing auto industry, which Joe Biden gleefully continues to cede to foreign countries. Trump explained, ā€œChina now is building plants in Mexico to make cars to sell into the United States. And these are the biggest plants anywhere in the world. And thatā€™s not going to happen when Iā€™m President, because I will tariff them at 100%.ā€


Donald Trump during his "presidential exploratory trip"



ā€” Wojciech Pawelczyk (@WojPawelczyk) April 27, 2024

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:53 a.m. No.20841323   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


Decades of consistency


Trumpā€™s present comments are nearly indistinguishable from the remarks he made years ago, before he officially jumped into the waters of national politics. In 1999, he explored the idea of running for president after exiting the Republican Party and jumping to the Reform Party.


That preliminary presidential bid was a foreshadowing of things to come. In 1999, his political approach was identical to what he brought to the table in 2016 ā€“ minus the glitzy buzz surrounding his multi-season hit show, ā€œCelebrity Apprentice.ā€


On the subject of politicians, he said during a CBS interview profiling his bid for the Reform Party nomination, ā€œI know these folks well, and some are dumber than a rock. And, I know who they are, I know the smart ones, I know the not-so-smart ones ā€“ and I know that I can do a very good job.ā€


On Inauguration Day in 2017, NPR even ran a story titled, ā€œDonald Trumpā€™s Been Saying The Same Thing For 30 Years.ā€ The article, written by Don Gonyea and Domenico Montanaro, included a collection of Trump moments stretching back several decades.


In 1999, Trump told Larry King, ā€œI think that nobodyā€™s really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far leftā€¦ The Republicans are too far right. I donā€™t think anybodyā€™s hitting the chord. Not the chord that I want to hear and not the chord that other people want to hear.ā€


In 2024, Trump holds that same position, steering closer to populism than anything else. He told CNBCā€™s ā€œSquawk Boxā€ in March, ā€œYou know, people say, ā€˜Youā€™re conservative.ā€™ Iā€™m not conservative. You know what I am? Iā€™m a man of common sense. And a lot of conservative policies are common sense. Weā€™re not going to have open borders. Youā€™re going to have to come in legally.ā€


The working man


In his 1999 interview with Larry King, Trump correctly predicted that the working man would be most drawn to a hypothetical Trump candidacy, explaining, ā€œThe workers are the ones that really like me. Iā€™ve often said, the rich people hate me, and the workers love me. Now, the rich people that know me, like me, but the rich people that donā€™t know me, they truly dislike me.ā€


Nine years earlier, in Playboy, he made the same observation. ā€œRich men are less likely to like me, but the working man likes me because he knows I worked hard and didnā€™t inherit what Iā€™ve built,ā€ he said. ā€œHey, I made it myself; I have a right to do what I want with it.ā€


Fast forward 34 years, and it is indeed the blue-collar working man who supports Trumpā€™s current reelection bid. Just two weeks ago, he was flooded with support at an early-morning visit with union workers on the corner of East 48th Street and Park Avenue in New York, where throngs of hard-hat-wearing men sporting reflective vests chanted, ā€œWE LOVE TRUMP!ā€


Once again, Trump was correct ā€“ his political instincts were right on the money thirty years ago, and nothing has changed. What has changed is the political apparatus in America. From the halls of justice to the White House to the mainstream media, a seismic shift has taken place over the past few years, and rather than idolizing ā€œthe Donā€ who glitzily built some of the most impressive buildings in New York, the denizens of power have turned against him.


Union Workers for Trump. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

ā€” Karoline Leavitt (@kleavittnh) April 25, 2024


The rich, the elite, and the political aristocracy have rapidly devolved, favoring communism and anarchy over capitalism and national strength. Trumpā€™s full-throttle bid for the presidency in 2016 took the establishment by surprise, but for anyone who has spent time listening to the 45th president over the past few decades, his success is hardly a shock.


He is no different in 2024 than he was in 1990. Is he more battle-hardened? Absolutely. And, unlike in the late 1980s or early 1990s, he now has a political track record that Americans can compare against his long history of statements and actions. If anything, the Donald Trump of 2024 is in the strongest position heā€™s ever been in, politically, and widespread support and popularity certainly reflects that.


From the gilded golden doorway of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York to the elegant Oval Office in Washington, D.C., President Trump has proven that he is unchanging in the best way. Love him or hate him, you canā€™t help but respect him, and if thereā€™s anything this nation needs in 2024, itā€™s a little bit more of Trumpā€™s steady consistency.

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:55 a.m. No.20841329   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>1330

Are Trumpā€™s Polls Understating His Lead?


Just as they did in 2016 and 2020, it is likely that they understate Trump's actual support.


During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that ā€œTrump and Biden are ā€˜darn near evenā€™ in the 2024 election.ā€ If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign. Moreover, if history is any guide, itā€™s probable that the polls understate the strength of Trumpā€™s support.


The voters remember the peace and prosperity of Trumpā€™s tenure in office and they have had enough of Bidenā€™s penury and warfare.


At present, the RealClearPolitics average indicates that Trump holds a narrow national lead. But the averages that really matter are those which show him ahead in all seven of the battleground states where the election will be decided. Itā€™s a good bet that they are, once again, underestimating the number of votes that will be cast for Trump. Lest you have forgotten amidst the economic and cultural chaos that has attended the return of ā€œthe adultsā€ to power, the 2020 polls undercounted Trump voters by wider margins than in 2016. At length, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) commissioned a task force to assess how badly the polls performed. The conclusion was brutal:


Public opinion polls ahead of the 2020 election were the most inaccurate in a generation ā€¦ The task force found that polling during the two weeks before the election overstated support for then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 3.9 percentage points, which was the largest polling error since 1980 when support for Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter was overestimated by 6 percentage points. The presidential election between Biden, the eventual winner, and incumbent president Donald Trump was much closer than polling had indicated.


The leader of the task force, political scientist Josh Clinton of Vanderbilt University, insisted the problem had nothing to do with partisan bias on the part of the pollsters, but this is hard to swallow considering that the three most egregious polling failures of the past four decades (1980, 2016 and 2020) all overstated voter support for Democrats. It becomes even less credible after perusing figure 11 of the full AAPOR report which frankly admits, ā€œIt is immediately obvious that polls overstated the Biden-Trump margin in nearly every state.ā€ Nor was this phenomenon restricted to the presidential race. The 2020 generic ballot favored the Democrats most of the year, yet the Republicans flipped 15 House seats for a net gain of 12.


So, unless

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 3:55 a.m. No.20841330   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


So, unless the pollsters have solved the problems that plagued them in the last two presidential elections, itā€™s probable that Trumpā€™s actual support among voters is stronger than his polling suggests. This is particularly important in 2024 because Trump, for the first time ever, has maintained a consistent lead in most national and swing state polls since last fall. This was never true in 2016 or 2020. Itā€™s obviously difficult to say precisely how far off the polls are this time, but if they are understating Trumpā€™s support as much as they did four years ago, he will win most of the crucial battleground states and the general election. Is this a real possibility? William A. Galston at the Brookings Institution takes it very seriously indeed.


Although polls do not reliably predict the outcome of elections far in the future, they do provide insight into the dynamics of these contests. They are more like X-rays than snapshots, helping us probe beneath the surface to assess trends in different parts of the electorate. Hereā€™s what they are telling us now ā€¦ Fewer and fewer states are closely contested between the parties, while more and more are dominated by one of the parties. By 2020, only seven states were truly up for grabs, and Biden won six of them. As of now, however, he trails Trump in all seven.


Galston explains why this is such bad news for Biden. Referring to a recent Bloomberg poll he writes, ā€œFor these states in the aggregate, about half the voters selected either the economy or immigration as their top issue.ā€ Trump is more trusted to deal with these issues. Galston expands on Bidenā€™s troubles in battleground states. He won Arizona in 2020 by 0.3 percent. Trump now leads by 5.0 percent, a 5.3-point swing. Biden won Georgia by 0.2 percent. Trump now leads by 3.8 percent, a 4-point swing. He won Michigan by 2.8 percent. Trump now leads by 1.2 percent, another 4-point swing. Biden won Nevada by 2.4 percent. Trump now leads by 4.5 percent, a 6.9-point swing. If Trump flips these states, he wins.


This is true even if his current polling doesnā€™t underestimate his actual strength. Trump will win every state he won in 2020, including North Carolina. This gives him a floor of 235 electoral votes. He will also win Georgia, which gets him to 251. If he wins Pennsylvania, heā€™s there. Sadly, that probably wonā€™t happen. He may well win Michigan, however, which will get him to 266 electoral votes. Then, all he needs is Nevada(6) or Arizona (11) and heā€™s home. All of this assumes that Trumpā€™s current poll numbers are accurate. It is more likely that they understate his support. The voters remember the peace and prosperity of Trumpā€™s tenure in office. They have had enough of international conflict and penury.

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 4:12 a.m. No.20841374   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>1375

May 8, 2024

The case for Trump: A triumph of economic stewardship

By Joseph Ford Cotto

Editorā€™s Note: All the stats included herein can be found on this archived page from the Trump White House.


In the tumultuous landscape of modern American politics, one cannot underestimate the profound impact of economic policies on the lives of everyday citizens.


As we approach the crucial decision-making moment of the 2024 presidential election, it is imperative to reflect on the achievements of the Trump administration and how they have shaped the economic landscape of the nation.


Before the onset of COVID-19, the United States experienced an unprecedented economic boom under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump. His administrationā€™s commitment to fostering a robust economic environment yielded remarkable results that reverberated across the nation.


With the creation of seven million new jobs, surpassing even the most optimistic projections, the Trump administration propelled Americaā€™s workforce to unparalleled heights.


Middle-class families witnessed a substantial increase in income, soaring nearly $6,000ā€”a feat unmatched by any previous administration. The unemployment rate plummeted to a historic low of 3.5%, marking a significant milestone in economic prosperity.


Furthermore, Trumpā€™s administration achieved an unparalleled 40 consecutive months with more job openings than job hirings, underscoring the strength and resilience of the American job market. Incomes surged in every corner of the nation, heralding a future filled with promise and opportunity for citizens from all walks of life.


Crucially, the Trump administrationā€™s economic policies delivered tangible benefits to a broad cross-section of society.


Unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma reached record lows, ushering in a new era of inclusivity and economic empowerment.


The Trump administrationā€™s unwavering commitment to lifting individuals out of poverty yielded remarkable results, with nearly seven million Americans liberated from reliance on food stamps.


Moreover, income inequality saw a significant reduction, marking the largest decline in over a decade. The bottom 50 percent of American households experienced a remarkable 40 percent increase in net worth, exemplifying the Trump administrationā€™s dedication to fostering economic prosperity for all.


Through strategic policies aimed at revitalizing American manufacturing and incentivizing domestic production, the Trump administration brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the U.S.

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 4:13 a.m. No.20841375   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


The creation of over 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs underscored the Trump administrationā€™s commitment to revitalizing Americaā€™s industrial base and reinvigorating the backbone of the nationā€™s economy.


Additionally, the Trump administrationā€™s efforts to modernize the regulatory framework for agricultural biotechnology products and invest in rural America through initiatives, such as the ReConnect Program, demonstrated a comprehensive approach to strengthening the nationā€™s economic foundation from coast to coast.


Even in the face of unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic, the Trump administrationā€™s steadfast leadership steered the nation towards a record-setting economic comeback. Rejecting ā€œblanket lockdownsā€ in favor of a targeted, data-driven approach, the administration ensured the safety of the American people while safeguarding economic stability.


The rapid GDP growth rate of 33.1 percent during the third quarter of 2020 stands as a testament to the resilience of the American economy under President Trumpā€™s stewardship. With the easing of coronavirus restrictions, the economy rebounded at remarkable speed, adding back over 12 million jobsā€”a feat achieved 23 times faster than the previous administrationā€™s recovery efforts.


Notably, the Trump administrationā€™s proactive measures resulted in a swift decline in unemployment rates across demographic groups, with Hispanic, Asian, and black unemployment rates witnessing significant decreases.


Small businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy, experienced a resurgence in confidence and activity, with an impressive 80 percent open for business by January 2021.


Furthermore, the stabilization of Americaā€™s financial markets through the establishment of Treasury Department-supported facilities at the Federal Reserve underscored the Trump administrationā€™s commitment to ensuring the long-term health and vitality of the nationā€™s economic infrastructure.


In contrast to the crippling lockdowns embraced by other nations, the United States emerged as a beacon of economic resilience and stability. By prioritizing the safe reopening of businesses and communities, the Trump administration demonstrated a clear-eyed understanding of the interconnectedness between economic prosperity and public health.


As we stand on the precipice of a new chapter in American history, it is incumbent upon us to recognize and appreciate the transformative impact of the Trump administration's economic policies. From record-breaking job creation to historic reductions in unemployment, President Trump's steadfast leadership has ushered in an era of unprecedented economic prosperity for the American people.


In the upcoming November election, the choice is clear. We must cast our ballots in favor of continued economic growth, opportunity, and prosperity. By reelecting President Donald J. Trump, we reaffirm our commitment to a future defined by boundless potential and shared prosperity for all Americans.

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 4:18 a.m. No.20841388   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>1404





Former Vivek staffer now working for RFK is paying MAGA influencers to boost RFK


This would be akin to taking money to boost Joe Biden


Had no idea this was happening, but we should all start paying attention to who the Trump backstabbers are!

Anonymous ID: aba119 May 9, 2024, 4:28 a.m. No.20841415   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


>MAGA influencers

fuckin dipshits, we know who is grifting and who isnt


who is anon

we are anon

nameless faceless and think for our selves


the article is retarded just like their woke notions