Look in the mirror and you can admire another Jewslut!
Retarded jewish fuckwit! lmao
Look in the mirror and you can admire another Jewslut!
Retarded jewish fuckwit! lmao
STFU yiddish dickmuncher!
Jesus said kill these filthy Jews don't put them in labor camps or they will destroy your country and culture! But nein, Hitler didn't listen and put these filthy yiddish fuckwits and traitor in labor camps.
Kill these fuckwits to the last shat out brat!
Said the Jew! Don't project so much retard, it hurts me!
>Which bibel are you quoting from?
I didn't quote the Bibel retard, I use my own sources! lmao
>Have you read a bibel?
I did!
>"jew" is a made up word,
Everything you filthy fuckwit Jews claim to be is made up!
You're simply Satans spawn!
>child murdering pedophile Leo Frank
>Classic projection by the one posting 666 shit.
It's OK filthy retarded asian jewdaized invader, KYS!
>I corrected that for you.
> I am NOT a jew, put one in front of me & once has struck me I'll cut his balls off, stick 'em in his mouth & slit his throat. I hate kikes
Glad to hear.
>I'm implying that kikes actually exist, which they do not.
Oh they do, there are Millions around me! I see these filthy fucks every day! 4-6% of worldpopulation are Yids/Kikes on every continent!
>Conundrum :-)
Then keep puzzling, maybe you'll see the light at some point.
> Let's hope it's a German hook.
There are no german hooknosed mongrels retard, these are Kikes which have nested centuries ago!These is a Kike hooknose like Trumps father and Donald himself!
There were more than hundred thousand Jews in the Wehrmacht who had chose the German way of life.
But there were also some traitors among them, which in turn led to several assassination attempts.
>Don't forget that he also pretended to be Q lmao
Thats a lie and typically for filthy Jews like you!
>It's a non-stop liar, satanist obviously.
Nice projection Jew, as always!
>"Jewish" nose is the "Roman" nose, fool.
Roman nose is a Kike nose retard!
They settled in, almost wiped out the native population and drove the empire to the wall, just as these parasitic Kike fucks did in many other ancient civilizations!
Fuck off Yid!@687!
>God bless Trump
Nope, he is a friend of the filthy Yids which killed his son. So forget it filthy Jewbois!