>how does one force the question
>how many people are on the Q-team
>can this number grow
Potentially many, depending on definition
every anon here?
can grow? yes if above is true
>why are we waiting
>what would happen
chain reaction
time needs to be right
>why hasnt the show started
>wheres the audience
>has yet to assemble
they'll assemble when qanon hits the mainstream
aka when the question gets asked
so the penultimate question is
>how does one force the question
>with no outside comms
>is it possible
i cant answer this, because I can think of a million ways to get people to start talking about Q
depending on how much power you use
unless its simple a challenge to us to go make noise
i think some of us are trying that
It's coming home lads.
Alright, so everyone is out of the picture now.
It's down to anons vs the media.
>how does a reporter ask a question to the american people
unknown.. maybe there are investigative journalists who have tip lines or similar.. or maybe simply can be reached on social media.
We can ask them to look into Q
>have any asked 'who is q'
not that i know of, but they should
>how does one 'force' the question
anons bug them until they are forced to answer or look into it
>waiting for you
seems to be a call to action to anons
to make noise and force reporters to ask the question
or to get #WhoIsQ trending
I think it's on us ..
no more looking to trump, sarah, etc for help.
we have to get the question into the main.
"Who is Q"
they'll refuse though.. unless they're /ourguys/
i'll go see if theres one of /ourguy/ reporters around who already posed the question
in case its a riddle
>Have any reporters asked 'Who Is Q?"
>Has the question been asked?
(from them? to them?)
searching now..
thinking now..
Any anons want to brainstorm with me…
I don't see how doing this would assemble an audience
I'm not doing anything until I can make sure that I'm not dealing with fake drops
Going to sleep on it etc
Too many clowns these days
Like you for instance.
Yeah no shit.
I'm gonna write those off as fake drops.
Interesting questions though.
Want action? Use 3 codes.
I was there during the first drops on 4
you might be right anon.