Anonymous ID: 458e6b May 9, 2024, 4:20 p.m. No.20843903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Common Enemy - Memetic 5th Generation Warfare

In a profound shift in public perception, a strategic White Hat Operation has incrementally exposed various groups to what some call "enemies of the people…" fostering a widespread, deep-seated feeling of dislike towards a new, common enemy… this initiative (PsyAct) has bridged racial and social divisions, turning diverse groups against a singular adversary…

For generations, Black Americans have struggled for equality, fighting to earn a place at the societal table… this new enemy, however, has jumped to the front of the line to gain a seat at the societal table to reap the benefits that provides…

The antagonist in question isn't just a problem for Black Americans but also stokes considerable resentment among White Americans and other races…

The issue at hand is the dramatic surge in border crossings, where millions are flooding into the United States… this influx has properly been framed as an invasion… leading to numerous societal problems including a significant financial burden, increased crime rates, strained resources, and housing issue… with illegal entrants squatting in homes while receiving government benefits, phones, and monthly payments…

The White Hat Operation (PsyAct) has effectively defined this group as a common foe, unifying various social segments against it…

Remarkably this enemy transcends race, color, or creed. In fact, it isn't a race at all but rather a concept encapsulated in the meme known as the "illegal alien" or "border invader…"

This meme does not associate with any single country of origin but instead portrays an array of feared figures: mental patients, prisoners, gang members, murderers, rapists, and predominantly, "military-aged males…"

This portrayal taps into deep-seated fears and prejudices, uniting people across different backgrounds against a singularly constructed threat…

Through careful manipulation and presentation, the White Hat Operation has not only highlighted this issue but has also catalyzed a collective focus against what is perceived as a pressing national crisis…

This 5th generation Warfare tactic has been very successful… everyone is or is in the process of uniting against a common enemy, thereby eliminating the stark division once created by Black Hats once used to create strife among the citizens…

When the global citizenry is united against a single memetic common enemy… that meme can be used as a vehicle to pour truth into millions…

The true enemy are those "in power" that have created/enabled the mass invasion at our borders… now that we are united around a common enemy, it becomes easier to redirect the focus of citizens to the TRUE COMMON ENEMY…