Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:10 a.m. No.20846181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6195 >>6202

>>20845962 (PB)


school lunches contain ATRAZINE dangerous hormone disrupter and puberty blocker


Repost from another anon:


here's some spirit for ya


humanity is fucked and the future will be ran by ai-powered robots controlled by the 1% of the surviving elites

Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:15 a.m. No.20846222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

G. Edward Griffin Comments on General Milley’s Comparison of Gaza War to US Bombing of Japan


Retired US General Mark Milley says the US has slaughtered massive numbers of innocent people in war and that Americans have no right to criticize Israel’s devastation of Gaza.

Commentary by G. Edward Griffin:


Beware of the propaganda in this report. We are dealing here with a half-truth to deflect the moral impact of a hideous act. Technically, what General Milley is saying is true IF the facts of the narrative are true. If the facts are not true, then the meaning of what he says is false.


There are two assumptions hidden in his statement. The first is that the United States did exactly the same thing when it dropped the A-Bomb on Japan in 1945 to end the slaughter of World War Two. Therefore, it was justified and not to be criticized. There also is the mantra of collectivism – “Any act can be justified if it serves the greater good of the greater number”. By bringing the war to a close quickly rather than letting it drag on, the General said, the total number of deaths would be smaller. Therefore, the act was moral.


The truth of the matter, however, is that dropping the A-Bomb on Japan was not necessary to bring Japan to surrender. Japan was attempting to negotiate a surrender months before the bomb was dropped. It was trying to deliver this message to the US through ambassadors of other countries, and the effort was known within US diplomatic channels. These peace gestures, however, were shunned by President Roosevelt and the policy makers in the State Department because they wanted, not a negotiated surrender, but an unconditional surrender. They also wanted to demonstrate to the world the awesome power of the atomic bomb to establish the United States as the supreme world power after the war. All the talk about killing innocent people to avoid even more deaths in combat was pure propaganda for the naïve masses. The real motive for dropping the A-bomb was to establish the U.S, as the supreme world power after the war.


Is a continuing genocidal assault against the civilian population of Gaza really motivated by a desire to save lives? Only a fool could believe that – especially in view of the long history of Israeli intent, publicly stated, to take total possession of the region — and we must not forget the recurring statements of Israeli leaders to the effect that the inhabitants of Gaza are mere animals and must be eliminated like rodents.


The bottom line is that half of the the stated facts by General Milley are not true. The massive killing of Palestinian civilians IS similar to the needless killing of Japanese civilians in World War II, but the motivation in BOTH cases was NOT to save lives but to further political objectives of the states conducting the attacks. Therefore, his statement is propaganda to deflect attention from the truth.



Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:17 a.m. No.20846236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6245 >>6368

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech. Self Replicating Nanobots Found in Both the Vaxxed and Unvaxxed


Now that an estimated six hundred million doses of COVID shots have been administered to the US public, Bill Gates admits that they contain nanotech, saying “There’s a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling.” He also said that these mRNA shots can easily be programmed to administer any type of spike protein pathogen. The Moderna patent for mRNA technology stated that they contain self assembling lipid nanoparticle technology.

Technology was patented and deployed to billions of people without their knowledge in 2020 via COVID shots without any laws to protect the public from nanotechnology. Self-Assembly and Self-Replication seem to be the same technology when it comes to nano-robots and it is said to cause disease. There is no agency setup to put this fire out. Our governments are not even discussing the problem.



Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:18 a.m. No.20846249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6251 >>6308

Black Man Arrested for Allegedly Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Race Hoax Against School Prinicpal


Baltimore: Racism in the United States is in short supply, so it has been manufactured. Dazhon Darien, a former high school athletic director, was arrested after allegedly using artificial intelligence (AI) to impersonate the school principal in a recording that included racist and antisemitic comments about individuals at the school. Baltimore County detectives say Darien created the recording as retaliation against school principal Eric Eiswert, who had launched an investigation into the potential mishandling of school funds. Principal Eiswert had to wait three months to determine that the recording was a hoax.

Darien faces charges that include theft, stalking, disruption of school operations and retaliation against a witness.



Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:19 a.m. No.20846256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6259

Israel: Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Under Attack Again. US Considers Welcoming Palestinians


A US Navy ship and Army vessels are building a pier so that aid can be delivered to Palestinians in Gaza because the Israeli military has blocked humanitarian aid.

Former Congressman Steve Stockman says that a massive resettlement of Palestinians to the West is being planned. “They are going to use humanitarian aid money to resettle Palestinians in America, using this pier, the same way the militant left used Muslim refugees from Syria to colonize Europe.”


Less than two weeks ago, documents were revealed that show the White House has been considering offering some Palestinians who have relatives in the US a permanent haven as refugees. This can lead to chain migration and even more refugees. The proposals to resettle Palestinians as refugees would mark a shift in longstanding US government policy and practice.



Anonymous ID: f54129 May 10, 2024, 5:21 a.m. No.20846263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6269

New Bill Aims to Categorize Student Protesters as Terrorists and Put Them on the ‘No Fly List’


Republican US Senators Roger Marshall and Marsha Blackburn introduced the ‘No Flights For Terrorists Act’, and an amendment to US Code to require the FBI to add any individual to the ‘No Fly List’ who calls for violence against Jewish people, pledges allegiance to US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (including Hamas), or has been disciplined by higher education institutions for committing such acts. This bill specifically empowers the FBI to put anyone, students, professors or paid agitators, who says they “support” Hamas or any of the other “designated terrorist groups” on the No Fly List that could infringe on free speech. Both Republican US Senators Roger Marshall and Marsha Blackburn are funded by the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a Jewish lobby group.


The amendment and legislation were filed after ongoing antisemitic, pro-Hamas riots and encampments continue to shut down college campuses nationwide. The article failed to mention that pro-Israeli counter protesters incited the violence against the pro-Palestinian Solidarity Camp at UCLA last week. Those pro-Israeli agitators would not be subject to the potential flight ban as the new bill only protects Jewish people.

