Another Massive Psyop is on the Horizon
Voting is Key to breaking the system
Vote like you've never voted before
Overwhelm the system
Then you have failed to grasp the plan
Prepare to Receive
Pfizer has been sued and lost in court 89 time
Several of those suits is paying off doctors to push their Pharmakeia
you will gain a charge without touching ground
But if you want to complete the Circuit, touch ground
Keep your Feet apart
The Truth will be Revealed as It was Foreseen
But it will be used as a Distraction, for Fearmongering & creation of an Atmosphere of Anxiety
Ie. A Mass Delusional Psychosis
Another Massive Positive Energy Burst
Means outages, which means the Cyber attack Psyop card will most likely be played
The Truth about Vaxxes will be used to Blind the Vaxxed from looking farther then what's in front of their face
If they give into Fear
They will have lost
When Ukrainians Figure out they are being Ethnically Cleansed for new owners
They will realize that Russia is the only one that can save them from being wiped from the realm
They will say
"yes Millions are vaxxcine Injured"
"But no one forced you to take it"
Russia Has Khizhal Missiles
Once Launched there is nothing that can stop it from utterly destroying it's intended target
Even 400feet underground
Why would they send an assassin?