Anonymous ID: 1dff87 July 8, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.2085710   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Appologies, catologue knackered - someone pisses an indigo off mind overtakes.

Glad found current thread, hard process.

Anonymous ID: 1dff87 July 8, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.2085783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Route 1 (Pre-GESARA):


  • Zimbabwe announces their gold-standard which triggers the U.S. to announce their gold-standard (USN).


  • The GCR/RV begins overlaying the current failing old financial system.


  • The 800#'s are released.


  • All currency holders receive private appointments to exchange/redeem their currency and historic bonds (ZIM).


  • The currency exchanges/redemptions are processed through the QFS.


  • Currency holders become humanitarians and begin healing the world prior to GESARA.


Route 2 (GESARA):


  • The RV begins simultaneously with GESARA.


  • The QFS creates an account for every living human being on this planet.


  • Currency holders are given their RV funds via direct deposit into their QFS accounts.


  • The deposited funds will be based on the amount and exchange rate of the currencies you're holding.


  • Prosperity package distribution begins.


  • Cancellation of debt occurs.


  • Paper money is eventually phased out.


(There will be enough time for humanitarian projects during the phasing out of paper money.)


  • Suppressed technologies are released.


The Quantum Financial System was created by the Chinese with technology handed down by the Galactics.


All currencies are revalued and digitally asset/gold-backed on the QFS.


The announcement of GESARA approaches quickly.


The Alliance must release the RV prior to GESARA. If not, route 2 will be taken.


Which pill is harder to swallow?


Maybe the RV will be a combination of both Route 1 and 2.


Remember, nothing is written in stone.


It is your choice to believe which is reality.