Anonymous ID: 2bf1fd July 8, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.2085835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There really are no proofs. There is some evidence, some strong, some weak. But there are also contradictions and problematic Q posts (for whatever reason, but they are there) that would discourage many people with an hour's worth of interest (most people have about 30 seconds worth). Throw in the "disinfo" posts and you can discourage an interested party easily within those 30 seconds. For example, point anyone to post #1, then explain "no, but Q was really talking about Saudi Arabia". The Q post POTUS Twitter correlations are interesting sometimes, but can be explained away by skeptics. Realistically, there is not much here to "red pill the normies". If we're honest, this place stays afloat through classic confirmation bias. Anons want Q to drop the truth MOAB, the undeniable proof of proofs. Everyone wants it. I don't think it will happen, though, as it seems at odds with plausible deniability. Anpns will continue to be disappointed if they think "a reporter" will blow the lid of Q.