Anonymous ID: b4709b May 11, 2024, 5:29 p.m. No.20854538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4595 >>4709 >>4873 >>4914 >>5021 >>5037

Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks


Starting Friday night into Saturday a series of surreal images and videos have circulated widely showing that whole swathes of northern Israel are literally on fire.


The fires were largely in open field areas, but were very extensive given they were the result of about 35 rockets being fired from Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, targeting the northern city of Kiryat Shmona, which suffered damage.


Brushfires erupted, but there were some direct hits on homes and buildings as well. "The city reported significant damage to property and infrastructure, with dozens of homes and vehicles affected," Ynet news reports.


At least ten fire crews from the area of Galilee and Golan responded, and worked to extinguish at least two expansive fires which were in open fields.


Since conflict erupted along the Israel-Lebanese border in the wake of the Hamas Oct.7 terror attack, rocket salvos from Hezbollah have been almost daily, but these appear to be the most extensive wildfires which have resulted to date.


Israeli authorities have confirmed and filmed the fires which were at their height in the Friday overnight and Saturday early morning hours.

Anonymous ID: b4709b May 11, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.20854550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When it comes to Israel, this 'dissent channel' is broken


Washington's civil servants have been doing everything from raising formal grievances to resigning. Nothing is working and here's why.


On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced that he would stop sending offensive weapons to Israel “‘if they go into Rafah.” It is the most notable sign of his administration’s shift in its support for Israel’s war to date, but questions remain over how and when the president will follow through on his words.


Meanwhile, the administration paused a recent shipment of bombs to Israel, but it is not a permanent decision, and the president's claim that “they haven’t gone in Rafah yet” — despite the fact that Israel is continually striking the southern Gazan city, have tanks positioned on the periphery, and took control of the the Rafah crossing — suggests that U.S. support may otherwise continue so long as the campaign remains relatively limited.


Behind the scenes in the U.S. government, there has been a bit of turmoil.


At least four federal employees, including three from the State Department, have publicly resigned, explicitly in protest of the administration’s response to the war. This comes amid a number of stories about internal tension in the Biden administration concerning its largely unwavering rhetorical and material support for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government as it prosecutes a war that has now killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians.


In addition, hundreds of civil servants from various government agencies have signed a series of open letters calling on Biden to push for a ceasefire in Gaza and de-escalation in the wider region.


Unfortunately, one federal employee with more than 15 years of service in two government agencies told RS, “the internal messaging to staff mirrors the external messages. And that has been a source of both disappointment and deep frustration.” (Sources asked for anonymity in order to discuss internal dynamics.)


In other words, the informal 'dissent channel' doesn’t seem to be moving the needle, seven months into the war.


Critics within the administration are not motivated by their moral qualms alone. There is a growing sense among staff, according to another source, that the long-term alliance with Israel does not serve U.S. interests. Specifically, they are worried that Washington is itself being drawn into a regional war, that its actions are increasing instability in the region, and that “ironclad” support for Israel’s conduct in Gaza is undermining any claim that the U.S. is a champion for global human rights and democracy.


The dissent also extends beyond the departments that are typically considered responsible for implementing Gaza policy, such as the State Department or USAID. It includes officials in other agencies whose work is tangentially related to the war and still others who are simply outraged by American complicity in the rising death toll and humanitarian crisis.


“Having worked in the administration during the Afghan withdrawal and also the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so many efforts were spearheaded and led, and normal procedures were bypassed given the urgent humanitarian situation. Here, however, it has been a totally different ballgame. There are systemic issues with how we issue Palestinian cases,” says a homeland security official. “Any kind of initiative to expedite help for Palestinians has been blocked or quelled or slowed down dramatically in a way that I’ve never seen before.”


The signs were there in the early days of the war, sources say. “The decision was made from the top very early on,” says an official with 25 years of national security experience. “Experts have been shut out from the decision-making process, making it very hard to change that policy.”


Annelle Sheline, a former staffer in the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, who resigned in protest of the administration’s Gaza policy in March, says her experience was similar.


“There are so many people who know the region really well working at State, who were raising concerns from all kinds of angles: the U.S. national interest angle, the legalistic angle or the human rights angle,” Sheline tells RS. “People who spent their whole careers working on these things, and nobody was being listened to. Even relatively senior officials inside State who are very concerned and very opposed were not being listened to.” (Sheline was previously a research fellow at the Quincy Institute, which publishes RS.)


Federal employees who are disillusioned with the approach to Gaza say they have explored multiple avenues to make their position clear.


One federal employee told RS that when staffers raised concerns about unconditionally supporting Israel in the early stages of the war, they realized that doing so through formal channels was ineffective.

Anonymous ID: b4709b May 11, 2024, 7:25 p.m. No.20854859   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries


In a groundbreaking ruling, an Australian court has declared that employers who mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees will be legally liable for any injuries caused by the jab. This decision has far-reaching implications for businesses around the world, as it sets a precedent for the responsibility that employers hold when requiring their staff to get vaccinated.


The Employment Tribunal in South Australia issued this ruling, which has sparked a debate among legal experts, healthcare professionals, and business owners. The court’s decision highlights the importance of considering the potential risks associated with mandatory vaccination policies and the need for employers to protect their employees’ well-being.


This ruling comes at a time when vaccination mandates are becoming increasingly common in workplaces, as companies strive to create a safe and healthy environment for their employees. However, the court’s decision serves as a stark reminder that employers must carefully consider the consequences of such mandates and take appropriate measures to mitigate any potential risks.


The ruling also raises questions about the legal implications of vaccine mandates and the extent of employers’ liability in cases of vaccine-related injuries. It underscores the need for businesses to seek legal advice and implement comprehensive policies to address these issues effectively.


Employers must now navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding vaccine mandates and ensure that they are fully aware of their legal obligations. This ruling serves as a wake-up call for businesses to review their vaccination policies and take steps to protect themselves from potential liability.


The court’s decision has also sparked discussions about the broader implications of vaccine mandates on individual rights and freedoms. While vaccination is crucial in the fight against COVID-19, some argue that mandating vaccines infringes on personal autonomy and raises ethical concerns.

Anonymous ID: b4709b May 11, 2024, 8:17 p.m. No.20855018   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've seen it. I'll dig for on my other rig this laptop is too restricted. It's in documents like these, not sure if WHO docs or cfr or trilateral


Bragging about selling out the country




KISSINGER: Well, we are living—the pandemic is imposing on us a universal world order. It has never happened before that every part of the world was affected in a parallel way by events outside their direct control. And also, that the leaders of countries and the peoples of countries have to deal with issues of preserving themselves, but at the same time they can’t preserve themselves in this area without a solution that affects everybody. That is an absolutely unique problem. But it’s now being dealt with on a purely national basis. But we’ll be forced to look at the broader view by its internal dynamic.

Anonymous ID: b4709b May 11, 2024, 8:34 p.m. No.20855062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whitham Reeve, a part-time space weather advisor for the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and a member of the HAARP Advisory Committee, disclosed that HAARP had been conducting a research campaign from May 8-10 that coincides with a solar storm.


According to University of Alaska Fairbanks website, “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at understanding the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, which forms the boundary between Earth’s lower atmosphere and the vacuum of space.”


Opportunities for High-Power, High-Frequency Transmitters to Advance Ionospheric/Thermospheric Research: Report of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.